Hello Class 1!
We are continuing our learning on Time today…

Chapter 16
Pages 110-111


Print today’s worksheets here: Maths Worksheets

Estimating Duration of Time

Do you know how many hours there are in the day?
We actually spend quite a lot of time sleeping!

There are 24 hours in the day!

Important Facts:

1 minute = 60 seconds
1 hour = 60 minutes

An estimate means making a sensible guess!

Some key words: seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks

Have a look at the questions below. Can you discuss with someone at home which words should go into the boxes to complete the sentences?

Try the worksheets and the challenge.
Don’t forget to ask if you need help!

From Miss Lee 🙂


18 comments on “Maths Year 1 – 18.06.20

  1. Hi Miss Lee,
    I did my maths worksheet as usual on my notebook.

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Basile!
    Well done! Are you enjoying learning about time?

  3. Done! ✅

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Laura! You have been busy this morning!

  5. Dear Miss Lee.

    I have completed the maths pages In MNP 1B 110-111.

  6. Well done Isabella!

  7. Dear Miss Lee.

    Maths questions.

    1. A train ride from one side of London to the other takes about 30 minutes.

    2. I sleep for about 8 hours each day.

    3. I take about 5 seconds to walk from one part of the room to the other.

  8. Super work Isabella, well done!

  9. Dear miss Lee,

    Done my MNP pages

    1.A train ride from one side of London
    to other takes about 30 minutes.

    2. I sleep for about 8 hours a day.

    3. I take about 5 seconds to walk from one part
    of the room.

  10. Hello Daniela!
    Super maths work! Well done!

  11. Hello Miss Lee,

    I have finished my work and sent it to you.

  12. Super work Jay!
    Thank you and well done!

  13. Hello Miss Lee,

    I completed my maths work.

  14. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Saoirse! You have been working hard this morning!

  15. Hi Miss Lee, I’ve done all MNP and challenge! By the way I loved the challenge! Today I have a special helper, my dad!!

  16. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Mateus!
    Super work today! I am glad you enjoyed the challenge and had a special helper!

  17. Good afternoon, Miss Lee!
    I did the activities on pages 110-111 on my Maths No Problem Orange book and the other activities of the blog on my Yellow Home Activities Book. It was nice to learn more about time and feel smarter.

  18. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Camila!
    Sorry for the late response, I was on an online course this afternoon!
    Well done for completing your maths today! I am glad you enjoyed learning about time! 😀

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