
One thing St. Vincent’s is brilliant at is singing! Whether it is a Singing Assembly, Music Lesson, Class Assembly, Mass or Celebration in Church, St. Vincent’s pupils are wonderful singers!

Today, we’re going to think about some our favourite hymns and songs that we sing at school.

For me personally, one of my favourite songs is ‘New Beginning’ as it makes me smile so much when the chorus starts!

New Beginning

Say goodbye to colder days,

The sky begins to clear.

Give a wave to Winter for a year.

Like the clocks we all leap forward,

Hop, skip, jump and play.

Spring is here, it’s time for us to say:

Flowers are growing and the birds are singing,

Welcome in this new beginning.

Spring has sprung, and we’ve begun

To see the gifts that Nature’s bringing.

Warm days are coming, all the earth is singing,

Welcome in this new beginning.

Spring is here, so give a cheer

For all the gifts that Nature’s bringing.

Underneath the frozen ground,

Plants were just asleep.

As the sun shines shoots will start to peep.

The world that seemed so dull and cold,

Has come alive once more.

Begin again, it’s what the Springtime’s for.

Click here and here  to see the songs that we have sung recently! 

What are your favourite songs or hymns that we sing at school? Answer on the blog below!


Pick your favourite ‘St. Vincent’s song’!

Now using the same tune, can you write an extra verse? Write your new verse below!


Good luck!!

Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy xx



33 comments on “Music-Thursday 21st May

  1. Hello Miss! I don’t actually have a favourite song. What should I do?

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    Hmmm OK, let me think. Can you write another verse to the ‘hello hello’ song or ‘new beginnings’?

  3. I have had a thorough think and I have considered Easter jubilation.

    Welcome back to Easter
    When the bunny comes
    Let’s all go get some eggs
    It’s that time of year again
    Join the laughter and the fun.

    I made this up on the spot! I hope you like it!

  4. Miss Gorick says:

    Charles, I’m impressed! I sung it to the tune and it fits brilliantly…now I’ve got ‘Easter Jubilation’ in my head!

    Well done 🙂

  5. Good morning Miss Gorick and Miss Healy!
    Here is my new verse:

    Soon the sunshine comes again,
    It shines on all we see.
    As the flowers attract the eager bees.
    From snow to leaves to sunny days,
    Such a happy change.
    Spring is here, it’s time for us to say:

  6. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Jada-this is lovely! It is especially nice to read on such a beautifully sunny day 🙂 It’s really cheered me up!

  7. My favourite song is he is alive.

    I tried to write another verse.

    No one prayed like this, no one sang like this
    Was a man who healed all the hurt and sick.
    The eternal, son of God he is alive.
    No one gave like this, no one cared like this
    He helped to give some money to the poor
    The eternal, son of God, he is alive.

  8. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Eliza-this is great well done! ‘He is alive’ is a beautiful and happy song and I really like your extra verse 🙂

  9. ?‍?Timothy?‍?????? says:

    The song tune I’m using is the new he is alive:

    No one was born like this,no one left like this
    Being the one to gain all that horrid pain
    he is the chosen one Son of God he is alive!

    Hope you like it!

  10. Miss Gorick says:

    Great work Tim! I love that song and reminds me of all the happy times at school 🙂

  11. Laetitia says:

    Hello miss! I would like to do “Hello, Hello(Goodbye, Goodbye” song since this song was a big part of my childhood at St. Vincent’s.

    This is focussed for the end of year 6:
    Goodbye, Goodbye
    I loved it here
    Goodbye, Goodbye
    The end’s so near
    I must say
    you made my year
    Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye!

    P.S. It’s quite sad????

  12. Miss Gorick says:

    Ohh 🙁 That makes me quite sad too! You will always be part of the St. Vincent’s family 🙂

  13. ? Antonia ? says:

    Hi Miss Gorick!
    This is a verse I wrote from the tune of the Lord of the Dance, it’s about my hamster Cheeto.

    Eat, sleep dig underground
    I like treats and millet I found
    I run on my wheel for a night and a day
    Then I’ll sleep for the whole of May.

  14. Miss Gorick says:

    That made me chuckle! Well done Antonia-I’m sure Cheeto will be pleased to have a verse dedicated to him!

  15. My favourite song is I’ll make the difference, because it is one of the last songs we sang at school before we left which is quite memorable day for me. I also love Rise up because we sang that on the last day it was also from our last assembly( Shun sang it so beautifully and my sister absolutely loves it).

  16. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Nina 🙂 ‘I’ll make a difference’ is such a beautiful song and even more poignant during these times. Ah I also love ‘Rise up’-I have very happy memories of that assembly. You were all brilliant!

  17. Mrs Healy says:

    What a lovely verse Charles

  18. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    Good Morning Miss Gorick!
    I really like the new beginning song because it is very sweet and lively at the same time, also it is not to high or to low for me, it is just right.

  19. Miss Gorick says:

    It’s such a lovely song isn’t it! Always makes me smile and think of this class

  20. Elly Marron(●'◡'●) says:

    Thank you

  21. I have decided to choose white Christmas; here’s my next verse:
    I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
    With some mistletoe above me
    So at midnight, let’s all go party!
    Let’s unwrap Secret Santa’s presents.

  22. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Anahi! Well done, I enjoyed singing this…although strange to think of Christmas on a hot day like today!

  23. Hello,
    Here is another verse to He’s Alive:

    Lift your hearts and your voices
    Fill the earth with rejoicing
    Every person, every child will praise his holy work
    Every city, every nation shall join his good kingdom

  24. Miss Gorick says:

    This is lovely Luke! I like the repetition of ‘every’ to show the size of God’s family 🙂

  25. Hi miss,my favourite one isEaster jubilation ,I like this because it describes the gloomy time we are in 🙁
    here is my extra verse:

    Make sure that you stay at home,
    Until COVID’s gone…
    Wash your hands 8 times a day…
    Then you will be safe for one more day…
    Then,just do the same next day,

    Gives a gloomy sigh keep your feelings in!
    Jesus will soon come to set us freeeeeee…

  26. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Ariella 🙂 How clever to reflect the current situation (however gloomy). Although singing really cheers me up and singing your verse has certainly done that!

  27. ??GABRIEL:p says:

    Here is my verse from ‘aren’t you that man’, but of jesus.

    Aren’t you the man that saved us all?
    We see you pray every day.

    I am that man, you can be sure,
    I can free you from your sins,
    and leave you good as new.

  28. Miss Gorick says:

    Well done Gabriel! I’m impressed 🙂

  29. Sergio ;) says:

    Here is my extra verse for the song new beginning.
    I have focused it on today’s sunny day and the situation we are in.

    Say hello to sunny days
    The clouds begins to fade.
    Have fun with your family
    During this time we all have learnt something
    To wash our hands and not touch our face
    There’s some sun, it’s time for us to say:

    Hope you liked it!!!

  30. Miss Gorick says:

    I like it Sergio!It’s clever that you decided to combine the current situation today into the song!

  31. Hello,
    I agree with Nina through my youth at St.vincents I have sang many different songs but one of my favourites is definitely I can make the difference therefore I have written a verse to that song.This verse actually is based on a message I want to share during this difficult time but it also fits with the theme of the song.

    We’re the ones who can make a difference
    Yes we can fight the villains?
    Against the sadness we will learn to fight together ?
    Yes we can make a difference .We can change the world?
    Take my hand as we grow strong t’gether?
    To fight bad.?

  32. Miss Gorick says:

    Jade, what a beautiful verse! You have included a very important message which is especially important at this time!

  33. Hi Year 6, it’s Mr Rees.
    I’ve loved reading your new song words- there are obviously some very talented people in year 6! Looking forward to hopefully seeing you all back at St. Vincent’s sometime soon.

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