Good Morning Year 2!

Click here for a printable version of this blog post: Thursday Music printable

Today we’re going to be thinking about all the wonderful songs we sing at school.

Have you seen the news post that shows you where you can access lots of our songs?

What is your favourite song that we sing at school, and why?

One of my favourite song is “Lord of the Dance” because I love how loudly and happily everyone sings the chorus. It always puts a smile on my face! Click on this link to see all the words: Lord of the Dance

I also loved singing “Don’t forget to smile” from our Nativity at Christmas. The song had really fun actions to do and I enjoyed the tune. It was another song that made me smile as we were singing it! If you can’t remember all the words, click on this link to sing along! Don’t Forget To Smile

Of course there is also the Hello song that we sing lots at school. You can watch all the teachers singing it from their homes a few weeks ago. 

Write in the comments below what your favourite song is and why. Get an adult to help you search for the song online, and see if you can sing along to it!

*If you are feeling creative then you could draw a picture of your favourite song. Think about what the words are and try and draw a picture of that.

*If you’re feeling REALLY creative then you could always write an extra verse for your favourite song. Try and use the same tune and you can change the words to something else. We do this lots for assemblies and it is lots of fun! You can write the verse to be linked to the song or about something else! I’d love to see your new verses – write them on the comments below!

41 comments on “Music – Thursday 21st May

  1. My favourite song is “He is Alive” which we sing at the Easter Celebration. I like all the verses and the chorus and I know most of the words. It makes me want to dance and feel happy.

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    That’s a great song Jack! I really like the tune and it’s fun to sing it really loudly! See if you can get an adult to help you find it online and then you can sing and dance along!

  3. Yes Jack. I like ‘He’s Alive’ too. I can always see how happy you are when we sing it.

  4. Sophia B says:

    I also like ‘He is Alive’ and I like the song we sang in the Christmas? assembly called ‘Walk out the Door’ when i was the inn keeper’s wife ?. I like it because i sang it with my friends. My mum showed me the video of a woman singing? it in the real version ? and it wasn’t as good as ours.
    My other favourite song is ‘On top of the world’ from our planet earth? assembly. I watched the real version and I liked it because it makes me feel like singing?along.

  5. Miss Carruthers says:

    Walk out the Door was a great song! I’m glad you think we did a better job than the original!
    On top of the world is quite an old song now, but I’m so glad you can still enjoy it today! Enjoy singing along!

  6. Yes Sophia we did a good version of ‘Walk Out The Door’. I’m glad your mum could show you the real version. I agree I think our version was better.

  7. I really like “the lord of the dance”. I like the rythm and I like dancing when I sing!

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    It’s a great song to dance to!

  9. My favourite song is don’t forget to smile because I like it when one group will says a bit and then the other group copy’s what the first group said. I also like he is alive because the tune is calm for me and that is my first favourite song at school. My last song that I like is Easter celebration because I like it when we clap and when we sing fast.

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    I find it so hard to sing that song fast, I get all the words mixed up!

  11. Dear Miss Carruthers, my favourite song is “He’s Alive”, the one starting with, “No one lived like this…”, because it is lively and when I sing it, it makes me smile ??‍♀️ and think of the great sacrifice Jesus made for me.?⛪?

  12. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m glad it makes you smile!

  13. That’s lovely Klara.

  14. I love this song too Adrien. It always makes me feel so happy.

  15. My favourite song is “We Are The World” from our assembly about not ruining animals’ homes. I like the chorus because we needed to sing the words fast.

  16. Miss Carruthers says:

    Oh I had forgotten about that song – it was such a lovely song to sing!

  17. I definitely agree with you Rebecca. It was so lovely when Year 2 sang it in our assembly.

  18. I like the song ‘That’s not the man you’re looking’. I like the music and I think it’s funny.

  19. Miss Carruthers says:

    It is a very jazzy song!

  20. I really loved singing ‘Don’t Forget to Smile’ too. It is such a happy song and reminds me of when you you all did your Christmas nativity so brilliantly. It also reminds us not to forget to smile even though things may be a bit difficult at the moment and we can’t see our friends.

  21. I like ‘Gloria in excelsis Deo’ because I love the clapping!

  22. Miss Carruthers says:

    I like clapping in songs too!

  23. Yes Romey it’s lovely when we all clap together.

  24. I like he is alive because it is loud.

  25. Miss Carruthers says:

    I like that one too! 🙂

  26. My favorite song is Lord of the Dance because it makes me want to have a big party and dance I also like it because it is jumpy music.

  27. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m glad you like it, see if you can find it and then sing and dance along at home!

  28. Mrs B.O’Neill says:

    Lots of great song choices. It is so hard to choose. I can’t wait for us to all be back in school singing together.

  29. I like Easter Jubilation because it’s really fast and fun to sing, and I know most of the words so it’s easier to sing along. It makes me feel joyful and really happy.

  30. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m impressed that you know all the words – I find it so hard to sing this song when it gets faster and faster! But it definitely makes me happy!

  31. Don’t forgot the smile is my favourite song because it makes me very happy and I love singing the song.

  32. Miss Carruthers says:

    That is a very happy song!

  33. Gabi, I remember you singing ‘I do like to be beside the seaside’ in Year1. It always makes me happy remembering that.

  34. My favourite song at school is “Don’t forget to smile !” I like this song because it makes me happy as it is very joyful and energetic. I like the tune of this song and it makes me want to dance sometimes?.

  35. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m glad you like that song so much!

  36. That’s so true Sophie. The song seems to have that effect on everyone – it makes them happy and want to dance.

  37. Catherine says:

    My favourite song is ‘what have we got in the dressing up box’. I like the song because it’s catchy, tuneful and uplifting. It makes me feel happy ?.

  38. Miss Carruthers says:

    Oh I really like that one too! It make me feel happy as well 🙂

  39. I’m glad you chose that song Catherine. It’s one of my favourite songs too.

  40. Good afternoon Year 2,
    Lovely comments from all of you. I really enjoyed ‘Mary and Jo’ and ‘Three Very Clever wise Men’ (with the bells and percussion) from the nativity… which seems like a very long time ago now!

  41. That’s true Mr Rees. It does seem like a long time ago and that’s why I’d forgotten those songs. Good choices Mr Rees. Thank you for reminding us.

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