Our first topic for Autumn 1 in Reception is…

My Community

We will be learning about our family and why they are special to us and all about our local community and how it is important to us.

To begin our new topic, I would love to think your favourite places you like to visit in our local community.

Where do you like to visit in the local community?
Who do you like to go there with?
We will share all of your responses in class which will create some fantastic discussions!

2 comments on “My Community Topic

  1. I like going to the library with my mum and my brother. There are always nice books that I will enjoy. And I always meet my friends there.
    Another favourite is church where I go with my dad. (My brother is too young to be quiet 😇.)

  2. I like going to St James each Sunday where I can meet lots of my friends.

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