21 comments on “Nursery Daily Maths: Thursday

  1. Morning,

    Alexander really enjoyed this task today.
    He correctly identified and matched the 4 coins in the task, we’ve sent a picture
    He also put the coins in groups and made a pattern with some of the coins

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Alexander. I like the way you sorted the coins and then sorted them to make a pattern.

  3. Hello,

    Adelaide enjoyed it as well. She read the numbers on the coins before counting them. She grouped all the coins I could find by size and then made a pattern (small, big, small,…). Some of the coins dont have a number on it but she read those with one easily. Adding coins for shopping was more challenging when the value of the coin is more than one. But she had fun anyway.

  4. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Adelaide. You can just use the money to play with and try count out the right number of any coins without worrying about the values.

  5. Good Morning ,

    Caspian enjoyed counting coins and buying and selling chocolate with coins and making groups and pattern .

    Caspian managed to clearly identify and put in order coins from one pence to two pound coins .

  6. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Caspian. I would like to buy some chocolate from you. How much does it cost?

  7. Hello Miss Siswick

    Ania counted the coins, recognized them and was able to tell the numbers on them. She founded groups.
    Ania had a problem with patterns, but after exercise she was much better.
    She was having a great time.

  8. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Ania. If you are finding making your own pattern tricky, you can copy the one that I made.

  9. Dear Miss Siswick,

    Nicolas is currently sorting through our small money pot. Nicolas quickly understood how to sort the coins correctly and is enjoying the exercise (Sophia is playing teacher and supervising ?).

    Nicolas, Sophia and mummy

  10. Nicolas: Mummy can I do this homework again because it was fun!

  11. Miss Siswick says:

    I am so glad that you had fun with it Nicolas. Well done.

  12. I am going out for food later and may see if I can ask for change as I have minimal change here. I showed G the images of the money instead and we hope to play shops with real money later 🙂

  13. Miss Siswick says:

    Lots of shops aren’t using cash at the moment-maybe you will have to play at card only shopping!

  14. James could read the amount out of it was numerically written on the coin but struggled with the concept of same size/shape coins being worth the sand if they didn’t have the amount written on there.
    Janes was able to sort into piles with some coaxing.

  15. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, James.
    Don’t worry too much about the values of the coins at this stage. It’s more about becoming familiar with the coins by matching and sorting.

  16. Dear Miss Siswick,

    We looked at coins and Anna was able to recognise the numbers on them. She had fun making patterns with her sister.


  17. Miss Siswick says:

    Great number recognising, Anna. Well done.

  18. Hi Miss Siswick

    Joey loved counting and separating his coins.

    Thank you for another fun blog.

  19. Miss Siswick says:

    I am glad that you enjoyed it, Joey.

  20. Hello Miss Siswick!
    I have 3 chocolate left. Each chocolate ? cost 1 pence ?

  21. Miss Siswick says:

    I will buy all 3! That is 3 pence that I owe you!

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