Good Morning, Nursery.

I hope that you enjoyed playing the number game yesterday.

Today , we are going to play a different number game.

You will need your number cards from 0-10 and some counters.

Shuffle the cards and place them in a pile face down. 

 Take a card off the top so that you and your grown up can both see it and say the number.

Before you turn the next card over, you have to guess  if  you think the next number card will be higher or lower than the card you are both looking at.

(Higher means a bigger number and lower means a smaller number so 5 is higher than 4, for example.)

Once you have guessed, turn over the next card.    Was the next number higher or lower?

Was your guess right?

If you guessed right, you get a counter. If you were wrong, your grown up gets a counter.

Now, put both cards under the pile, face down, and play again from the top of the pile.

Keep playing like this until one person has collected four counters.

You could swap with your grown up afterwards  so that they have to guess each time.

Good Luck!  I am looking forward to hearing all about it.  

Love from Miss Siswick. (I will be at school so I will not be able to respond until  later today.)


It would really help me if you could upload photos  straight to the media file (instructions are here: sharing photos and files) as they get to me more quickly and easily as they don’t have to go via the office and my e-mail. Please can either your child’s name or face (but not both) be visible on any photos. Many thanks.

14 comments on “Nursery Daily Maths: Wednesday

  1. Grace really enjoyed this game. She won quite a lot of counters and seemEd to take pleasure in the fact I had two only. She then let me have a few turns. I think she has a good understanding of higher and lower numbers and how it works, we have played it 5 times so far. Off for a break now!

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    I am glad that you enjoyed it, Grace. Well done.

  3. We played and had lots of fun. I have no idea how James guessed right 4/5 times??
    We’ve sent a photo

  4. Miss Siswick says:

    Lucky guesses, James. We call that ‘beginner’s luck’!

  5. Hello Nursery,
    Great game today Caspian had a lot of fun he decided to expand the game and play it with his mum and sister .

  6. Miss Siswick says:

    I am glad that you had fun, Caspian. I hope that you won lots of counters!

  7. Hello Nursery

    Ania won few times and had a good time when I made a mistake and she got a prize. Ania understands the words meaning of the higher and lower .

  8. Miss Siswick says:

    I am glad that you enjoyed playing the game and winning the prize, Ania.

  9. Alexander says:

    Alexander played the game. He had several turns playing and guessing which numbers were higher or lower. He found it a bit tricky but eventually got into it.

  10. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Alexander. You kept on trying even when it got tricky.

  11. Gabriel enjoyed the game a lot! He did very well and won a lot of counters!
    We liked it so much that we have played 4 times i a row!

  12. Miss Siswick says:

    I am glad that you enjoyed it so much, Gabriel. I wonder who won all the counters!

  13. Dear Miss Siswick,

    Nicolas did in this game and understood the concept of higher and lower.

    Greetings from us

  14. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Nicolas. I hope that you had fun with the game.

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