Good Morning, Nursery.

Over the last few weeks, we have been learning to hear and say lots of different sounds at the beginning of words.

Can you remember the action that goes with each of these sounds?

Today, I would like you to check which sounds you can hear and say at the beginning of words.

Ask a grown up to choose from these pictures, one at a time, and say the word without telling you the beginning sound.

Can you say the sound that each word begins with?

Now try the same with these pictures:

If you are finding this very easy, your grown up could just point at the picture without saying the word and see if you can say the beginning sound.  Maybe, you could also point at or write the written letter that the word begins with.

I am looking forward to hearing how you all got on.
Love from Miss Siswick.


It would really help me if you could upload photos  straight to the media file (instructions are here: sharing photos and files) as they get to me more quickly and easily as they don’t have to go via the office and my e-mail. Please can either your child’s name or face (but not both) be visible on any photos. Many thanks.


16 comments on “Nursery Daily Phonics: Thursday

  1. Good morning Miss Siswick,

    This is the exercise Nicolas founds most difficult. However, it already went much better than last time. We also listened to the songs to practise the actions and practised the sounds with the lady saying the sounds (that one Nicolas likes the best ?).

    Greetings from us!

    PS: Nicolas wanted to send you some pictures of boats: ⛴⛵️

  2. Grace knew all of the sounds and actions for the pictures. As last time she was unsure of the sound for doughnut and then for spider. She enjoyed doing all the actions again loudly bouncing around teh room!

  3. Adelaide says:


    Adelaide managed to say to tell most of the sounds, a few hesitations and mistakes but she is doing good. Not in a writing mood for now. Maybe later.

  4. Alexander says:

    Alexander identified the starting sound of all the objects in the pictures correctly, really pleased he is getting the concept of phonics… ?

  5. Hello Miss Siswick ,

    It was very easy task for Caspian today , he did very good job telling the words and the sound of each word .

  6. Sam was good at giving mummy the sounds for each picture, and decided it was fun to whisper them so it was harder for mummy to hear them.

  7. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, everyone, for your wonderful phonics this morning. You have all been working very hard, hearing and saying the beginning letters in the words.

    I am very sorry that I am replying so late this morning as I was phoning people at home. Hopefully, I will get to talk to each of you in the next few days. Love from Miss Siswick.

  8. Nancy Bear says:

    Philip was very good at this activity and he says “and write now he wants to go on a hunt now”

  9. Miss Siswick says:

    Sorry there was no hunt today, Philip! Maybe you could choose a sound of your own to hunt for?

  10. Hello nursery,

    Fiadh was able to say all the sounds and she had fun doing the actions. She used her laminated card to write the letters.

  11. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Fiadh. I am glad that you had fun with the actions too.

  12. Dear Miss Siswick,
    Anna was ok with the first part where images had the letter next to them. When she had figure out the beginning sound on the new images with no letters next to them it was a bit more difficult.

  13. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Anna. Maybe you could try again another day and Mummy could say the words like this, ‘c-ake’ to emphasize the beginning sound until you feel more confident.

  14. Mrs Knowler says:

    You’ve all been working really hard again. Well done. X

  15. victoire says:


    Victoire recognize very Victoire recognize very well the different sounds and repeats the first sound of the first letter like C-C-cat.

  16. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Victoire.

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