Good Morning, Nursery.

This week, we are learning about caterpillars and butterflies. I loved seeing your caterpillar life cycles on Tuesday.

Today, I would like you to find out some more about caterpillar and butterflies.

Can you choose one question or think of your own question about caterpillars or butterflies and then look in a book or on the computer with a grown up to find out the answer?

  • What do they eat?

  • How many wings do they have?

  • How many legs do they have?

  • Do they have antennae?

This website will help you with the answers to some questions:

You could also make, paint or draw a caterpillar or a butterfly today.

If you would like to make a delicious caterpillar tortilla for your lunch, the instructions are here:recipe_caterpillar_tortilla_rolls

If you would like to make a beautiful peg butterfly, the instructions are here: peg_butterflies

I am looking forward to hearing about and seeing your learning today.

Love from Miss Siswick. (I will be teaching at school so I will not be able to respond until  later today.)

It would really help me if you could upload photos  straight to the media file (instructions are here: sharing photos and files) as they get to me more quickly and easily as they don’t have to go via the office and my e-mail. Please can either your child’s name or face (but not both) be visible on any photos. Many thanks.

29 comments on “Nursery Topic: Minibeasts

  1. They eat plants, leaves and nectar
    Butterflies have 4 wings, 6 legs and they do have antennae.

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    Great research, James. I love your butterfly model too.

  3. Good morning Miss Siswick
    Esme chose the wing of the butterflies
    The butterfly has 4 wings. They are all different colours, some of them look like zebras (they are black and white), others are brown on the outside and blue on the inside. And one of our favourites were the ones who have transparent wings.

  4. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Esme. Great finding out about butterflies.

  5. Grace creates a butterfly peg. She wanted to know what they eat the most – now she knows that they eat leaves and nectar.
    She thinks their 4 wings are very pretty and said they have a lot of legs! Six!

  6. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Grace. I think it was you who asked what butterflies eat in the first week and now you know!

  7. I know butterflies eat flowers.,and caterpillar eat leaves.
    Butterflies have two wings.
    Butterflies has six legs.
    Adelaide answered the questions by herself

  8. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Adelaide. You know a lot about butterflies already. They look like they have 2 wings but they actually have 4 wings.

  9. Butterflies sip the nectar from flowers. Caterpillars eat leaves.

  10. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Indigo. You found out that caterpillar and butterflies don’t eat the same food.

  11. Hello,

    Victoire choose 2 questions:
    What do they eat? Plants, nectar, leaves
    How many legs do they have? 6 legs for the butterfly

  12. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Victoire. Lots of people think that butterflies have no legs but you are right-they have 6 legs.

  13. Mrs Knowler says:

    I have been trying to think of exciting lunches. A caterpillar tortilla is a brilliant idea. Thank you for the inspiration Miss Siswick. I am looking forward to seeing your mini-beasts Nursery. ?

  14. Good Morning Miss Siswick!
    Caspian enjoyed himself learning today new facts about butterflies. He remembers that butterfly has four wings, six legs, two antennas and one proboscis. Caspian drew butterfly and made caterpillar out of the fruits ?.

  15. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Caspian. You found out a lot about butterflies today.

  16. Where do butterflies live?
    They live all over the world except Antarctica.

  17. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Hermine. I think it must be too cold for them in Antarctica.

  18. Good morning Miss Siswick,
    I know now that caterpillars eat leaves and butterflies sip nectar and sap from flowers and juices from fruit!
    I will draw a butterfly today and I will send it to you!

  19. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Rose. You found out about butterflies and caterpillars today. I am looking forward to seeing your picture.

  20. Eloisa wanted to learn more about caterpillars — how they move, what they eat and how they grow.

    She learnt that they have only 6 legs and lots of hooks to help them cling to trees as they crawl. She learnt that they are called “eating machines” and first eat their own egg shell, then the leaf they were born on and then lots and lots of leaves. She also learnt that as they grow they need to molt their exoskeletons and have several stages (instars) as they get bigger. During the last stage as they become pupa they grow a chrysalis around them.

    Her brother and I helped Eloisa to make a little poster about all this.

  21. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Eloisa. You found out lots of information about how caterpillars grow. I love your poster, Mummy, Kristian and Eloisa!

  22. Hello Miss Siswick,

    I researched Cinnabar moth as I was caring for one that had a broken wing. I see lots of these moths everyday.

    The adults drink nectar, the caterpillars eat ragwort and groundsel. They have 4 wings, 6 legs and antennae. They have beautiful black and red stripes and spots. I drew a rainbow coloured moth.

  23. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Fiadh. You found out lots of information about Cinnabar moths. How is the moth that you were caring for doing?

  24. Butterflies have 6 legs, 2 antennae and a straw to suck the flower nectar.
    Caterpillar eat a lot of leaves.
    I am going to paint a red and white and yellow and purple and green butterfly.

  25. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Leopold. You found out lots about butterflies. I am looking forward to seeing your painting.

  26. Alexander says:

    Alexander learnt that Butterflies eat nectar, oranges, grapefruit and peaches. They have 4 wings, 6 legs and 2 antennae.

  27. Miss Siswick says:

    You found out lots about butterflies. Well done, Alexander.

  28. Sam went outside to fly his butterflies in the wind. He said “look mummy they can really fly!”. Maybe one will make it over to pay you a visit at school.

  29. Miss Siswick says:

    I love your butterflies, Sam. I hope one does fly over here to me!

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