Good Morning, Nursery.

I hope you are enjoying our Traditional Tales topic.

These are the stories that we have been learning about. Can you remember what they are called?


Can you say which story was your favourite and why?  

Can you say what is the same about the stories and what is different?

Which characters from the stories can you recognise on this picture?

In lots of traditional tales there are good characters and bad characters.

Can you say who are the good characters and who are the bad characters in the three stories?

Can you draw one good character and one bad character and tell a grown up all about them?

I am looking forward to hearing and seeing your ideas today.

Love from Miss Siswick.


It would really help me if you could upload photos  straight to the media file (instructions are here: sharing photos and files) as they get to me more quickly and easily as they don’t have to go via the office and my e-mail. Please can either your child’s name or face (but not both) be visible on any photos. Many thanks.

14 comments on “Nursery Topic: Traditional Tales

  1. Adelaide says:

    Good morning,

    Adelaide said her favourite story if the one about the three goats because she is not scared of the troll. She then told me the story.
    She found that the stories had the same number of main characters (3 goats, 3 bears and 3 pigs).

    The troll and the wolf are the same but there is no monster in Goldilocks, just a girl.

    She saw in the picture all the main characters: troll, three goats and the bridge; three pigs and the wolf; three bears and a girl.

    She said the troll and the wolf are bad; mummy pig and the three pigs are nice the three goats and bears too. She said goldilock is bad because she was eating baby food and sleeping in the baby bed.

  2. My favourite story is The Three Little Pigs because I like the big bad wolf.

    The billy goats gruff are good and the troll is bad; the three little pigs are good and the wolf is bad; but nobody is bad in the Goldilocks story.

  3. Alexander says:


    Alexander’s favourite story of the 3 is Goldilocks and the 3 bears
    Why – because of the baby bear (he is so cute)

    Similarities – Alexander identified that in both Billy goat gruff and the 3 little pigs the troll and the wolf wanted to eat the other characters in the story.

    Good / Bad characters – he identified the baby bear as a good character and the wolf and troll as bad characters, he also observed that in the story of Goldilocks and the 3 bears there was no bad character just a curious and hungry one!

  4. Caspian said my favourite story was the three Billy Goats Gruff because the little goat was cute and clever .

    The troll in the first story was bad because he wanted to eat The goats and the wolf in the second story because he wanted to eat the pigs .

    Goldilocks was bad because she ate the porridge and slept on the little bear bed .

  5. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, everyone. I am really enjoying hearing all of your great ideas about the stories and the characters.

    I am very sorry that I am replying so late this morning as I was phoning people at home. Hopefully, I will get to talk to each of you in the next few days. Love from Miss Siswick.

  6. My favourite story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears because I like Goldilocks and I like porridge so I could be Goldilocks!
    There are four characters in each story – G + 3 Bears, 3 L pigs + the Wolf and the 3 Billy Goats + the Troll.

    The Wolf and the Troll are very naughty and very bad because they want to eat the Pigs/Goats but Goldilocks is not bad – she just wants porridge. She is not naughty like them!

    There are good characters and bad characters. Bad = Mr Wolf and Mr Troll and Good = Goldilocks and all the other characters are who are brave!
    Grace then drew the Big Bad Wolf with evil eyes and Goldilocks (with an enormous head and tiny body – see picture) :))

  7. “The three Billy goats gruff and the ugly old troll is very bad because the ugly old troll is splashed in the water and then it went in the sand and it went on the beach so then it went in the sea. And then it will die.”

  8. Ania favourite story is “The Three Billy Goats Gruff “becouse
    Big Billy Goat pushed the ugly troll into the water. 
    The troll is bad becouse he want eat the goats billi goats gruff are good.Three litto pig are good but wolf is bad becouse he want to eat the pigs.
    Goldilocks was bad because she slept on the little bear bed .
    Recognize all the characters in the picture three goats and the bridge troll ,three pigs and the wolf,three bears and a girl.

  9. Hello nursery,

    My favourite story was the three billy goats gruff because daddy goat pushed the angry troll in to the water.

    They are the same because the stories have 3 animals that are all family.
    They are different because the goats go on the bridge and see an angry troll. The 3 little pigs build houses and there was a big bad wolf. There were 3 bears and goldilocks who slept in baby bears bed.

    I recongised the 3 billy goats gruff, bridge and troll.
    The 3 little pigs with their houses and the big bad wolf.
    The 3 bears and goldilocks.

    The troll and wolf are the bad ones.
    The goats, pigs and bears are good.
    Goldilocks was naughty for sneaking in to the house and eating baby bears porridge and sleeping in his bed. She is good and bad, but I still like her.

  10. Nicolas identified the stories as Billy Goat gruff ( Bad one: the bad smelly troll, good: these ones [he pointed to the three goats in the picture above]
    Three Little Pigs (they were good, the Big Bad Wolf was the baddy!)
    Goldilocks is a bit bad and the three bears were good.

    I loved the Billy Goat Gruffs because they were so nice. In all three stories there are three goodies and one baddy and animals (with a little help from Sophia).

    Nicolas found the following stories in the pictures:- Jack and the Beanstalk, the Three Little Bears, Gingerbreadman, Billy Goat Gruff, three Little Pigs, and Rotkäppchen (mummy was very happy that he said one German word ?)

    Greetings from Nicolas

  11. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done; Grace, Philip, Ania, Fiadh and Nicolas. You can all talk about the characters and the stories.

    So far, 6 children like ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ best, 2 children like ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ best and only 1 child likes ‘The Three Little Pigs’ best.

    I wonder what the other Nursery children think?

  12. Mrs Knowler says:

    My favourite of the three stories is Three Billy Goats Gruff. You’re all working hard describing and drawing. Well done. X

  13. Victoire says:

    The favourite tale for Victoire is Goldylocks and the three bears. The same things about the 3 tales are the 3 animals and the difference is the different animals. She recognises all the characters on the picture oh the 3 tales.

    The good characters are the tree goats, pigs and Goodylocks and the bears.
    The bad character are the troll and the wolf.

  14. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Victoire. Great talking about the stories and the characters.

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