Good morning Class 4!

I am very excited for our zoom chat today! It will be so lovely to see you all as I have missed you a lot!
Try and think of something that you want to tell the class or something that you want to show us. It could be what you have enjoyed doing most whilst at home or something you have made, anything you like!

As well as our zoom chat today, I am also on an online course with Mrs Avdiu. Please therefore be patient with the blogs today as I will not be able to check and respond whilst taking part in the course and whilst on our zoom call. I am also doing the Year 1 blogs so it has been taking me a little longer to reply to you all but please do not worry, I will read your comments and reply as soon as I can!

Last week in P.S.H.E. we looked at staying safe in the sun.
Is is so important to keep ourselves safe and healthy and to look after ourselves.
This is called self-care.


Self-care is important because it helps us to reflect and think more positively. Sometimes we all feel worried or stressed about different things and that is okay. What is important is recognising when we feeling this way and taking time out to care for ourselves.

There are lots of different self-care techniques and everyone relaxes and enjoys different things. Some people might enjoy time alone to read a book, others might prefer playing a board game with family and friends. It is important to find what works best for you.

Below are some tips and techniques for self-care…
1.) Meditation – some time to be still and calm and reflect on your day may help you to focus on the positive. Try sitting quietly for a few moments or listening to some calming music.
2.) Drawing or colouring – some people find this relaxing and it helps them to take time for themselves. Try taking some quiet time and colouring in one of these mindful colouring sheets: Patterns
3.) Take a break from technology. Sometimes, even though we may feel calm whilst sitting and watching tv, the light from the screen keeps our brains active. Try doing something that does not involve looking at a screen. Maybe going for a walk with someone from your family or reading a book or baking.
4.) Eating healthily helps us to look after ourselves. Drinking lots of water to stay hydrated and eating a balanced diet can make us feel more alert and give us more energy.
5.) Some people find having a tidy room helps them to relax. Why not try tidying your bedroom and see how you feel.
6.) Try doing something fun. What are your hobbies? Maybe you like origami? Or perhaps you enjoy playing a musical instrument? Try doing something that you enjoy and that makes you smile.
7.) Set yourself a goal for the day. It might be something like helping someone at home or it could be to practise times tables… anything! Write your goal down and try to accomplish it at some point in the day.

These are just a few ideas. You might want to try one of these ideas or you might have your own ideas.
Your task is to take some ‘you time’ to show yourself that you care.
Try something that helps you to be calm, relaxed or positive.
How does this activity feel? Why does it work for you?
What advice could you give to someone that is feeling worried or stressed? How could you tell them about self-care?

Write your answers or ideas for self-care on the blog or send in a photo of you doing your chosen activity. 
Together we can build a self-care toolbox!

I look forward to seeing your ideas and hopefully hearing the positive effects of different self-care techniques!
From Miss Lee 🙂



44 comments on “P.S.H.E. – Monday 15th June 2020

  1. My hobbies are when I wake up at 7 I always have breakfast then I brush my Teath and at 12:30 I have lunch?. At 2 my mum let’s me go on my ps2 until 5 and then at 6 we have dinner.

  2. Which is your favourite part of the day?

  3. Hello miss lee, I liked the drawing tip because it makes me quiet ? and focus on the pattern???:):D;)

  4. Hello Holly!
    Yes drawing is always calming and peaceful I feel!

  5. Hi Miss Lee,
    When I feel stressed or worried I like to listen to music and draw or I like to sew, what I am going to start to sew is a something that my mum can put on her keys so that she wont lose them so easily. This helps me not to feel stressed because I think it is relaxing and I also no I am doing something nice for someone.

    Thanks Tijne

  6. These are all such lovely ideas Tijne!
    I like listening to music too and making a keyring for your mum is a wonderful idea I bet she will love it!

  7. Hi miss I like to relax and having me time when I’m in the bath with lots of bubbles, I like just lying and floating in the warm water . I have also taken up a new activity recently and that’s tennis I play twice a week and really enjoy it , and I still play football to , I always feel good after I play I feel energetic and positive.

  8. Hello Albert!
    It is great to have a contrast of relaxing and energetic things which you enjoy doing! Sometimes we might feel like we have low energy but once we start some exercise we can feel really alert and positive!
    Tennis is also a fun game to play!

  9. I like riding on my scooter at the park and we feed the ducks old bread. Then we play tic tac toe on a picnic blanket. I feel happy when I do this.

  10. That sounds lovely! Do you have a picnic too?

  11. Thank you for sending in your photo Pablo! I will upload it!

  12. Lucy ??‍♀️ says:

    I like playing with Dude (our puppy ?) because that makes me feel happy ? and joyous ?. I also love lying down and reading ? a book because that makes me feel relaxed ?.

  13. We loved seeing Dude! He is very cute!

  14. Hi Miss Lee
    I go out on my bike in the morning and if it’s not that late We can go on our bikes.=·D And on the weekends I went to the beach at Brighton on train, and when we got back home it was 11:00 pm and I was sooooo tired. ?

  15. Oh my goodness that is late! I am not surprised you were tired but I hope you had a lovely day!

  16. I like to take nice baths and usually, I buy bath bombs! It definitely helps me relax and I recommend doing it! It’s nice to do it just before you go to sleep- It helps sleep! 🙂

  17. Bath bombs are a great idea! Thank you for the suggestion Aisha!

  18. Paolo ??? says:

    Definitely playing Lego- my mum is sending a picture

  19. Of course, how could I have forgotten to write that on the blog! Great thank you for the picture I will upload it!

  20. It was SO lovely to see you all!
    I will be smiling for the rest of the day now! 😀
    Don’t forget to write some ideas for next week’s zoom call!

  21. Miss Lee
    I got disconnected and couldn’t come back in the meeting.
    I was happy to see you all!
    See you next Monday.

  22. Oh no, hopefully next week it works!
    It was lovely to see you too!

  23. Also, some of you have sent pictures for the Mindful Monday blog. There is also a birthday on there is you would like to send a message…

  24. Lucy ??‍♀️ says:

    Next zoom call we could play a game of charades ?

  25. Great idea Lucy!

  26. Elisa ?✨?? says:

    Hello everyone,
    The Zoom Meeting was GREAT and I can’t wait to do it again next week! Maybe next week, to improve, we could explore each others houses one by one! Or maybe play a game like Miss Lee said.
    Anyway, I did the colouring patterns and it made me feel nice and relaxed afterwards. At the start of the Lockdown, my family did Meditation for two minutes in the evening everyday.

  27. Hello Elisa!
    I am glad you enjoyed the zoom meeting! It was very fun and great to see you all!
    I am not sure if we could explore each other’s houses as people might lose connection if they move around or they might have other family members doing work at home and we won’t want to disturb them!
    We could play some games though, or have a fancy dress theme each week!
    I am glad the colouring helped you to feel relaxed and meditation sounds like a lovely idea, especially to do it altogether as a family!

  28. I go on paint ? 3D and try to calm my mind from getting tired ? and stressed ?

  29. Miss Lee says:

    I must try paint 3D! I have heard lots about it but I haven’t given it a go yet! It sounds very fun!

  30. I will try relax and make a pic and send it

  31. Miss Lee says:

    Lovely, I can’t wait to see it!

  32. I find drawing on pigment (a drawing app with amazing colouring sheets).

  33. Miss Lee says:

    That sounds fun! I will have to give that a try!
    It was lovely to see you on the zoom call! I hope you enjoyed it!

  34. I feel relaxed when I am reading a good book or am colouring a nice pattern.

  35. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Clara!
    So lovely to see you today!
    I hope you enjoyed the zoom call!
    Colouring patterns and reading is always relaxing, I agree! Which book are you reading at the moment?

  36. Mayowa(=^-^=) says:

    Hello Miss Lee? I feel relaxed when there is calm music and scented air whilst lying in bed reading a book.?

  37. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Mayowa!
    It was great to see you on the zoom call today!
    Did you enjoy the zoom call?
    Ohh that does sound very relaxing, what a great idea!

  38. Hello
    I think listening to music makes me calm.

  39. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Martin!
    Yes listening to music is a good idea!
    It was great to see you on the zoom call! I hope you enjoyed it!

  40. Hi Miss Lee! I think drawing makes me calm because it makes you focus more on your imagination and, probably even invent something ?.

  41. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Clare!
    It was lovely to see you on the zoom call!
    I hope you enjoyed it!
    Yeas drawing is very relaxing!

  42. Miss Lee says:

    I love the photos that have been sent in! Thank you everyone!

  43. I liked reading the Bolds because it made me go in to imagination
    and try get a picture of them into my brain.

  44. Miss Lee says:

    That is great thank you for sharing Rafael!
    I am glad you enjoyed the story!

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