Hello Class 4!

I hope you enjoyed your weekend! How are you today?

In P.S.H.E. we have been looking lots at our well-being. It is always important to tell someone you trust how you are feeling as talking about our feelings can help us to understand and deal with them. It is also important to ask others how they are are, to show that you care. Ask someone at home today how they are and maybe do something nice for them to show them that they are valued.

It is just as important to talk about our physical health. Today we are going to be thinking about sun safety.

The Sun does a lot of good for our world – without it we wouldn’t be here!
It feeds our plants, it keeps us warm, it lights our way – there are a million reasons why it is good for us.
One thing it is not always good for is our skin.
Our skin is one of the most important organs (yes, it’s an organ) of our body!

Skin is the body’s first line of defence. The top layer of the skin, the one with which we are concerned here, is called the epidermis. It is no more than 1 mm thick (about 10 sheets of paper), and contains no blood vessels, muscles or nerves. It is thinnest on the eyelids, which have to be extraordinarily flexible. Cells at the base of the epidermis are broadly of two kinds. Most are the soft, regularly dividing basal cells. Scattered just above them are melanocytes spider-shaped cells that produce melanin. Skin also has to cope with sunlight. Most skin is usually covered in clothes, but parts can be exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation if it is not covered. When this happens our skin produces melanin to help protect our skin.

The Sun’s rays can produce a vitamin called vitamin D which is great to keep our bones healthy.
But too many rays absorbed by our skin can be dangerous, and may cause lasting damage.
People who have been exposed to too much sun can get painful burns, but they might also be at risk of becoming very unwell.
So that’s why people wear sunscreen!

What else can you do to stay safe in the sun?

It helps to remember the 5 S’s…

Your Task…

Design a suncream bottle that provides as must advice for staying safe in the sun as possible. Your bottle needs to be bright, colourful and interesting so that when it is on the shelves in shops it will draw the attention of shoppers and make them want to buy it rather than a different bottle. The information on your bottle needs to be displayed clearly. Perhaps you might choose to include pictures to show how to keep safe in the sun so that children can look at it and follow the safety advice.

When you have completed your design and you are happy that it can help to keep people safe in the sun, upload a photo of it and I will make a gallery of your work on this blog.

Please be aware that your work may not show up straight away, please be patient. Sometimes it takes a while to come through to me and I will wait until I have a few sent in so that I can upload them together.

I look forward to seeing your designs!
Remember, if you do go out in the sun, stay safe! Follow the 5 S’s!

From Miss Lee 🙂 


If you would like to make your own Origami Sun-Safety Quizzer, click here: Origami Quizzer


32 comments on “P.S.H.E. Monday 8th June 2020

  1. Hello Miss Lee, I have done the task and I will send you a photo of my sun cream bottle.

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Sophie! Great, I can’t wait to see it!

  3. Nina ???^_^^_+X_X+_+=.==/ says:

    Hello? Miss Lee? ,
    I have sent in my work ✍??

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Nina! ??
    Super! I can’t wait to see it!

  5. I have completed my design and will send it in

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Albert! I can’t wait to see your design!

  7. Mayowa(=^-^=) says:

    Hello Miss Lee I have done the task.(=^-^=)

  8. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Mayowa, can you send in a photo of your work? I would really like to see it!

  9. I have finished ?

  10. Miss Lee says:

    Great! Please send me a photo so that I can see your design!

  11. Tijne Y4 says:

    Hi ? Miss Lee,
    I have done ✅ my poster in my yellow book ? and we are trying to send it to you.
    Thanks ? Tijne

  12. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Tijne!
    Great thank you! I will upload it once I receive it!

  13. I’v done it in my book I will send a picture of it

  14. Miss Lee says:

    Great! I can’t wait to see your design!

  15. I have done it Miss.

  16. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Pablo! Please send in a photo of your design!

  17. I will send a picture to you.

  18. Miss Lee says:

    Great I can’t wait to see it!

  19. ⁰⩌⁰amarissa says:

    I will send a pic in of my sunscreen⁰⩌⁰

  20. Miss Lee says:

    Thank you! I am looking forward to seeing it!

  21. Miss Lee says:

    Hi Amarissa, I got your photo, it’s a lovely photo but from your message I’m guessing you wanted to add your suncream bottle design on paint 3D?
    Do you want me to upload the photo you sent me or wait until you’ve added in your design?

  22. I drew my sunscreen bottle on my home learning book.

  23. Miss Lee says:

    Great! Can you send in a photo? I would love to see your design!

  24. Amarissa says:

    Yes,I will check if the computer is working.?‍♀️

  25. Miss Lee says:

    Ok, let me know if you send it and I will upload it! for you! 🙂

  26. Paolo ??? says:

    Thank you Miss Lee / done it

  27. Miss Lee says:

    Great design well done!

  28. Hi Miss Lee and everyone! You all have really great drawing skills I have to admit ?! Miss Lee, I will send a picture of my bottle design ?.

  29. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Clare!
    I agree everyone has made some really great designs! I look forward to seeing yours too!

  30. Amarissa???????????????????????????? says:

    I am not sure ? how to save the pic to the photo album.

  31. Email it to the office and they will send it to me 🙂

  32. I will send a pic in of my sunscreen ? also can you send me a link of the mindfulness blog????

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