The Haka

New Zealand’s haka is a Maori cultural challenge that includes the lines “It is life! It is life! It is death! It is death!” and is laid down before every match the All Blacks play. The All Blacks are a New Zealand national rugby union team. The haka tingles spines of television viewers worldwide and it is certainly one of the most thrilling pieces of pomp and ceremony in sport.

How to do the Haka:

Click here to see how to do the perfect Haka as demonstrated by a ten-year-old.

Today’s task: listen to the audio below and create 4 strong bold moves to create your own HAKA dance?

First, listen to the Game Warm Up:

Then listen to the Haka:

and finally, listen to this audio ‘All Blacks’:

Please  describe the moves in the comments you’ve chosen or send a photo using the Homework Uploader. If you do send in a photo, you must please explain your dance moves in the comments and tell us why you chose them! How did the dance make you feel?

Have fun!

Mrs Avdiu xx

8 comments on “Physical Education – Dance (Fri 19.6.20)

  1. This was very fun.

  2. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I am so glad!

  3. Hello Mrs here are my 4 moves:
    1) Stamping foot 4 times whilst banging left chest- to grab everyones attention.
    2) Arms straight up and down 2 times whilst doing stamping of the foot- to signal my “Haka” is starting.
    3) Signal the letter X with your arms and then drop your hands banging on your thighs- this is to to increase attention of the crowd.
    4) Put you left arm in a right angled triangle and bang that arms elbow with the right hand, do the same with the other side after that put your arms down on your thighs- this signals the end of the dance.

  4. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I actually just tried this in my living room and I love it! Well done 🙂

  5. ?⭕Eliza⭕? says:

    Good afternoon!
    I had nearly the same moves as Elly!

    1) Stamping foot 4 times whilst banging left chest.

    2) Arms straight up and down 2 times whilst doing stamping of the foot.

    3) Put your arms vertical and then drop your hands banging on your thighs.

    4)Then put your arms on your biceps then back down on your thighs.

    Do you like it?

  6. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Wow very powerful! I like the stamping!

  7. My moves:
    1)You slightly spread your legs and bend them
    2)Then you put your hands in to fists and slap them against your thys
    3)You then you repeat the last 4x then rotate and repeat…
    4)once you’ve done a full turn you do the action on the spot and throw up you fists

  8. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Very good! I love the end one – so powerful

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