Good morning Year 5,

As you may be aware, the phased return to schools has begun and this week some classes (not Year 5) will return to school. This means Miss Gorick will be in school teaching Year 6 so I will be setting and responding to blogs for the Y6 children who have chosen to stay at home. I will continue to set and respond to blogs for you all too but it means my replies may take a little longer than usual as I will be replying to both classes as well as working to create blogs for both classes for the foreseeable future. Thank you for understanding.

Today is INSET day which means all the teachers (including me) will be in school preparing for this phased return to school. I will not be able to approve or respond to comments until later today. Sorry!

I hope you are all okay. I miss you all so much!

Thank you to each and every one of you for your lovely feedback on the blogs. It has been such a pleasure to keep in touch with you.

Today, I wanted to remind you to check the comments on the PSHE blog I posted last time.  I would encourage you all to reply to your friends as it is really important we continue to keep in touch with each other. You can find the PSHE blog here.

Happy belated birthday to Claudia, Gabriella and Elena who had their birthdays in May!

Please let us know in this blog how you have been and what you have been up to. It’s a chance to share ideas too.

You can also let us know what you think of the blogs since your last feedback? I hope you are liking them! I have been trying my best to make them fun and enjoyable for you all. 

How are you feeling? Remember, I may not have all the answers, but talking things through can help you feel calmer.
It really helps me to reflect on how I’m feeling and I encourage you to think about the things we can do to make us feel safer and less worried. I have also noticed I feel much better when I have a good night’s sleep! Please read this guide to sleep.

Please share any tips in the comments!

Don’t forget: this will pass

I’m here for you

and we will get through this together.

Do you have any tips for keeping happy and healthy at home?
Write down your ideas on the blog! It will be great to share these with everyone.

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson xx

15 comments on “PSHE- Wellbeing (Mon 1.6.20)

  1. Hello Everyone !!?

    Thank you so much Mrs Avdiu for saying Happy Birthday ? to me I really enjoyed my birthday it was amazing ?!

    I do have some tips for staying happy and one of them is not always being on the iPad or computer ? only use the iPad or the computer when you have to do school work but when you’ve already done your school work on there you can read or maybe play with your siblings or you can even play some boardgames with your parents it’s really fun I’ve tried it before! ?

    Sometimes when we are on iPad , phone or a computer we can get a little bit cranky because we’re always on there and it’s just like those iPads and computers and stuff like that are making us more annoyed because maybe the internet is slow or maybe your iPad or computer is not working.

    My reason is … you do not always have to be on the iPad you can play or read! ???????????

    I hope you are all safe and well !!

    ~Elena ??

  2. Mrs Avdiu says:

    That sounds like a great tip! I always feel much much better when I stay off gadgets or screens. Thank you for this wonderful advice 🙂

  3. Hello everyone I hope you are all ok and hade a good time this is how I pass the time at home:

    I always talk to a relative in a different country to keep company in this case my Granma but its really good to be able to talk to someone. Also u could do some family games or go out with your family to go on picnics. My most favourite thing to do is to enjoy your time with your family even though it may be hard this wont last forever. If you can you could also play with your friends through a device it can be quite fun like there really there.

  4. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you so much Claudia for this lovely advice. It is true we sometimes take for granted how lucky we are to have our families and although it may be hard at times, it is important to appreciate what we have.

  5. Hi everyone these are my top 5 tips to get a good night sleep.

    1.) Try and get as much exercise as possible during the day, this will decrease your energy level so you feel tired when you go to bed.

    2.) Make your bed comfy so you are not tossing and turning to try and get comfortable during the night.

    3.) Think of happy things that stop you from being scared and to settle your mind.

    4.) Tell someone if your worried about something before you go to sleep and they will cheer you up.

    5.) Read a book so your mind is calm and focused for you to go to sleep.

    I used to struggle going to sleep because I suffered from anxiety but I have overcome it and now I can go to sleep without having to worry about anything.

  6. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Iggy. Thank you so much for these great tips! I really love tip number three 🙂
    I know you have had sleep problems before so I am really super pleased to know that you have overcome it. That is fabulous news and thank you for sharing 🙂

  7. Hi everyone.
    During this time I have been staying at home but we have gone out a couple of times. We like to go out into the countryside and enjoy not having all of the cars and pollution in the air.

  8. Mrs Avdiu says:

    That sounds like a great idea! I need to do that soon I think. I cannot remember the last time I have been in the countryside. It really does help…

  9. Mathilde :) says:

    Hello everyone

    My tips to stay happy and healthy ☺️??
    You should always have a healthy sleeping routine because then in the morning you won’t be all grumpy. To stay healthy you also should have a healthy diet and lastly always remember to keep fit ??

    I hope everyone has a great day ?☺️?

  10. Mrs Avdiu says:

    These are great tips! I think you are right – whenever I do not eat healthy I definitely feel grumpy! I think drinking water should be added to that list too 🙂

  11. Hello everyone,
    How are you? Here is my PHSE work:

    During lockdown I have been going cycling with my dad in Hyde Park. I really enjoy cycling as it is exercise but at the same time it is really fun and I love to go as fast as I can when no one is around me! Recently, the weather has been very hot so I am trying out get as much outdoors time as I can.

    Throughout lockdown I have really been missing school. I don’t like doing the blog for school work because all three of us are at St Vincent’s so the blog doesn’t work well as it takes a really really long time to do for all 3 of us because we have to keep going onto the iPad. I also miss seeing my teachers everyday and being able to ask lots of questions (do you miss my questions Mrs Avdiu? ?? ) and I miss lessons Iike we used to have.

    Going out in the morning for exercise really helps me. Sleeping is very good for you and you should also remember to rest and try to spend time with family. As Mrs Avdiu said, talking through things with family members or even your trusted friends can really help you to reflect on how your feeling.

    Hope to see you all soon,

  12. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Regan, thank you so much for sharing. I am pleased to see that you have been enjoying time outdoors – I even saw you in the park and it was lovely to say hello 🙂
    I am sorry the blogs are tricky for the three of you – do remember that these are posted at 7am if printing them out helps. I always create a printer-friendly version and then you could submit your work via photo rather than type it online for which you need a computer. If there is anything else we can do to help, please let me know! I really do miss all your questions 🙁

  13. During the day I have been going on runs and cycling because if I spend the day doing fun and physically challenging exercises it decreases my energy levels and means I have a more relaxed night sleep. These are activities that I really enjoy because I always feel better after spending time with my family outdoors.

    During lockdown I have really missed school but what I miss the most is definitely all of the extra-curricular games and activities. My favourite subject is English and I have really been missing English lessons as well as science because I love conducting fun experiments with the class. Although lockdown can sometimes be very hard and sometimes depressing, I find that the best way to deal with that is to speak with friends and family on the phone or on facetime.

    I love taking early morning walks and having delicious picnics with my family – this makes me feel better. During lockdown I have a lot more time than I used to have so I like to spend it with my family or with my friends (online). I also feel better once I have rested and read a book. I also like watching my favourite films again and enjoy baking.

    I hope you all have a wonderful evening!

  14. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Erin, I am so impressed with this very mature and sensible outlook to life. It sounds like you have been doing some wonderful activities to support your well-being and I am glad you are okay 🙂

  15. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi year 5! Thank you for sharing what you’ve been up to and for sharing great ideas. I have enjoyed reading your comments and I am so glad you are all safe and well. I was in school today so I apologise for the late reply. I look forward to speaking to you all on the blogs tomorrow! 🙂

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