Good morning Year 6!

It’s Mrs Avdiu here and I will be setting up your blogs for the foreseeable future.

As you know, your lovely teacher Miss Gorick will be in school this week teaching the Year 6’s that will be going to school. This means she will not be able to set blogs and respond to them too. This is where I come in!

As Year 5 are not yet returning to school, I will be working from home setting the blogs for Year 5 and Year 6.

I am delighted to have this contact with you again – you were a fabulous class when I had you in Year One and Year Five and I look forward to communicating with you on here! Miss Gorick will also have a peep at these blogs when she can but I will be the one to respond to you on my working days (Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays) and Miss Coleman/Miss Carruthers will take over by responding to you on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Today is an INSET day which means all teachers (including myself) are at school preparing for the phased return to schools. This means my responses will be later than usual so please bear with me! 

How have you all been? What have you been up to? I would love to know!

Today, I wanted to remind you to check the comments on the PSHE blog Miss Gorick posted last time.  I would encourage you all to reply to your friends as it is really important we continue to keep in touch with each other. You can find the PSHE blog here.

Happy birthday to:

Eliza, Jada and Elly who had their birthdays in May!

I hope you had a wonderful day! Please let us know how you celebrated your special day!

So, this blog is a chance to have a chat with each other! Please let us know in this blog how you have been and what you have been up to. It’s a chance to share ideas too.

You can also let us know what you think of the blogs since your last feedback? I hope you are liking them because they look fab! I know Miss Gorick has been trying her best to make them fun and enjoyable for you all.

How are you feeling? Remember, I may not have all the answers, but talking things through can help you feel calmer.
It really helps me to reflect on how I’m feeling and I encourage you to think about the things we can do to make us feel safer and less worried. Please share any tips in the comments!

Don’t forget: this will pass
We are here for you
and we will get through this together.

Do you have any tips for keeping happy and healthy at home?
Write down your ideas on the blog! It will be great to share these with everyone.

Mrs Avdiu  xx

21 comments on “PSHE – Wellbeing (Mon 1.6.20 Y6)

  1. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    Good Morning Miss Avdiu,
    I hope everyone has had a great half term, I know I have had. I was going to the park everyday because it was so sunny and we had a picnic everyday! We also played badminton and volleyball. Thank you so much for the wonderful card.

    My tips are:
    * To keep on exercising
    * Finish your work early so you can go to the park for longer.
    * Remember to have fun!

  2. Mrs Avdiu says:

    That sounds lovely! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the sun. I like your last tip the most 🙂

  3. Good morning!

    Lately, I have been keeping myself busy by baking and sewing. So far, I have sewn 5 cushions and a pouch!
    I have also enjoyed reading, and have written a funny story for the ‘A Write Laugh’ short story competition.
    Another thing that has been keeping me occupied is arts and crafts. I have online art lessons every week, and enjoy crafting other things as well. I especially love using my chalk pastels!

    I hope everyone is well! ?

  4. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Wow! That sounds awesome! You must send in a photo of your sewing if you haven’t already. I would love to see it 🙂 sewing is definitely very relaxing and I think I should give it a go

  5. I have been having many socially-distanced picnics. I haven’t been doing anything really interesting but spending time in bed, watching films and calling my freinds.

  6. Mrs Avdiu says:

    That sounds wonderful! I’m glad to know you are keeping safe too 🙂

  7. Thank you!!!

  8. Aryan :D says:

    Hello Mrs Avdiu,

    I think we can keep healthy and happy at home by cycling around your neighbourhood, meeting your friends outside (keeping a two meter distance), cooking very tasty meals, doing what you enjoy the most, and have a nice long sleep!

  9. Mrs Avdiu says:

    These sound like great tips, Aryan! I think I need to get a bike…

  10. Morning! ! ! ! !
    Lately I have been doing some painting, reading, drawing arts and crafts, cooking and onine gymnastics.

  11. Mrs Avdiu says:

    This sounds super fun! Send in a photo if you can 🙂

  12. ? Antonia ? says:

    Hello everyone,
    I hope everyone is doing alright.
    At home I have been playing/trying to train Cheeto, calling my friends (even ones that don’t go to our school anymore,) and recently I have been going on short journeys with my family. A few days ago we went to a nature reserve in Bedfordshire and had a picnic, not many people were there so it was safe. It was good to finally get out of the house.

  13. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Antonia. You must tell me, who is Cheeto? 🙂 Is this your new pet? It sounds like you have been doing a lot to boost your mood. I am pleased 🙂

  14. Good morning miss Avdiu I hope you are well?.

    I have been doing runs and cycle rides in the morning with my family and say hello to my grandparents from outside their house. I have had picnics with my family and do a zoom quiz with my family every Sunday. I also call my friends on Zoom and WhatsApp.

  15. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I love a good quiz! This sounds great and I am really pleased to see you are in touch with your friends too 🙂

  16. Hello Mrs Avdiu,

    I have been do some drawings and making Metal Sonic and Sonic out of Lego, but because I didn’t the right colours I decided to make my own characters out of the colours that I do have, and have decided to call them Silver-streak and Metal Silver-streak.
    I think we can keep healthy and happy by doing exercises and to talk to your friends over the phone or meeting each other outside whilst following the guidelines the government gave us.

  17. Mrs Avdiu says:

    This sounds amazing! Send in a photo if you can 🙂
    I am pleased to see you have been keeping in touch with your friends too, this is very important for our wellbeing 🙂

  18. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi year 6! Thank you for sharing what you’ve been up to and for sharing great ideas. I have enjoyed reading your comments and I am so glad you are all safe and well. I was in school today so I apologise for the late reply. I look forward to speaking to you all on the blogs tomorrow! ?

  19. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Year 6 🙂 it’s so lovely to read about what you have been up to! I’ve just had a lovely evening walk around my local park and I saw 10 very cute ducklings! I’m really enjoying this sunshine 🙂 take care xx

  20. Hello Everyone,
    First of all a very happy birthday to Eliza, Jada and Elly???
    I hope you all had a wonderful day!!!
    Then I hope everyone had a nice holday and all of you got to enjoy the English sunshine.I ad a lot of fun at the park and at home playing with my siblings.
    Hope you all enjoyed yourself as much as I did????

  21. Mrs Avdiu says:

    That sounds wonderful! 🙂

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