Good Morning, Reception.

You are all doing so well with your reading.

I would love it if today everyone could write their sentences down in their books instead of typing them. Try to do the writing by yourself, without any help from an adult . You can send me a photo so that I can read your wonderful writing.   

Can you read these questions out loud?
Can you answer the questions in a sentence? For example: Yes. A dog can sit. No. A cat cannot jog.
Can you write your sentences independently?

Challenge: Can you write your own questions for me to answer?

I am looking forward to reading your independent sentences.
Love from Miss Siswick.

39 comments on “Reception Daily Phonics: Thursday

  1. MsPereira says:

    What a fun activity! I look forward to hearing from you.

  2. 1. No it is yellow.
    2. No it is not as big as a jet.
    2. No it cannot.

    Do you have a dinosaur?

  3. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Rocco.
    No. I do not have a dinosaur.

  4. What is favourite colour?
    Mine are pink and purple.

  5. Miss Siswick says:

    Can you write your answers, Amber?

  6. 1. No, lemons are yellow
    2. No, a robin is small
    3. A web cannot buzz

    Question for Miss Siswick – what is your favourite food?

  7. Miss Siswick says:

    Can you write your answers, Ryan?

  8. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Ryan.

  9. Good morning Miss,
    I sent a picture of my answers and questions.

  10. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Cesar.
    I do not think that a flower can be black.
    No the sky is not green.

  11. What is your favourite colour?

  12. Miss Siswick says:

    Can you write this question, Amber?

  13. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Amber.
    My favourite colour is green.

  14. Hi teachers! Marcus sent a photo of his answers and questions. Including a tricky question about God for Miss Siswick!

  15. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Marcus.
    I am getting on well, thank you. How are you?
    I do not know what God looks like! What do you think he looks like?

  16. Is a lemon red? ?
    No a lemon is not red.
    Is a Robin as big as a jet?
    No it is not.
    Can a web buzz?
    No it can’t.

  17. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Theo.

  18. Miss Siswick says:

    Can you write your answers, Theo?

  19. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Theo.

  20. I will send a photo of my writing Miss Siswick

  21. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Ruby-Mae. You sounded out lots of words.
    Practice saying and writing the middle sound in these words:
    web and big .

  22. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Harlow.
    Yes. A bird can be red.
    No. The sky is not purple.
    Yes. A van can be sparkly.

  23. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Sybille.
    No. A cat is not red.
    No. A robin is brown and red.

  24. Miss Siswick says:

    Hello, everyone. If you have not yet sent in your writing, it would really help me if your child’s name was visible on the photo. Also, if you upload it straight to the media file (instructions are on the website) it gets to me more quickly as it doesn’t have to go via the office.
    Thank you all so much.

  25. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Luca.
    I do not know what the airport police are doing now. Maybe they are still busy at the airport, making sure that no-one tries to come in.
    Some trains can go at 100 miles per hour.
    Yes. I love spaghetti.

  26. I have sent photos of my work.

  27. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, James.
    Some apples are yellow.
    Some dogs bark along to music!
    No. A rainbow cannot drive a car.

  28. Chiara can read the sentences easily but still have challenges to write the answers on her own.
    -No because a lemon is yellow
    -No because a bird is smaller then a plane
    -No because if the web buzz the spider will fall down( 🙂 )

  29. Miss Siswick says:

    Great reading, Chiara. Have a try to write one of the sentences in your book.

  30. Miss Siswick, I think God is invisible, so you cannot see what he looks like!

  31. Miss Siswick says:

    I agree with you, Marcus.

  32. I sent my writing Miss Siswick!

  33. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Maya.
    You asked me that yesterday, didn’t you? I still do not have a baby!

  34. These questions are going down a treat! Thank you!

  35. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Juliana.
    I do not know why worms do not have wings. Maybe because they do not need to fly?

  36. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Mikey.
    Some trees are red in the Autumn.

  37. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Tim. Can you challenge yourself to write some questions of your own?

  38. Answers:
    No, it is yellow.
    No, a robin is small.
    No, a web can not buzz.
    Can a spider build a spider web?
    Is an apple rainbow?

  39. Miss Siswick says:

    Great writing, Nico.
    Yes. A spider can build a web.
    No. An apple is not rainbow coloured.

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