Good Morning, Reception.

Last week, week we were celebrating the Good News of Easter: Jesus is alive. He is risen from the dead.

After Jesus came back to life at Easter, he spent time with his friends, the disciples, but then it was time for him to go to Heaven to be with God.

Ask an adult to read you the story of the Ascension from the Bible or you can watch it here:

How do you think the disciples were feeling when Jesus came back to life?

How do you think the disciples were feeling when Jesus went to heaven?

Can you draw and label a picture to show how the disciples were feeling?

Love from Miss Siswick.


21 comments on “Reception Religious Education: Monday

  1. We think the disciples were sad when Jesus went to heaven and really happy when he came back. Hope you like our drawing.

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    I love your picture, Philippa. Thank you.
    How do you think the disciples felt at the Ascension, when Jesus went up to heaven after coming back to life?

  3. Good morning Miss!
    I think the disciples were sad because they could’t see jésus anymore, and then happy because they know he is going to come back.

  4. I think the disciples were very surprised and happy when Jesus came back to life.
    When Jesus went back to Heaven his disciples were a bit afraid but Jesus and the angels were very reassuring telling them he will come back again.


  5. Good morning Miss Siswick,
    Here is my drawing. I think the disciples are a bit sad because they will miss Jesus because He is their friend. But they are happy as well because they will join Him in Heaven and they will talk about Him everyday.

  6. 1) Jesus’ disciples were feeling very happy when Jesus came back
    2) They were looking in the sky to see where he was going. Amber said they could be feeling sad as he was going again. They could be thinking how is he going up?
    We are going to upload the picture when Amber has completed.

  7. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done; Maya, Sybille, James and Amber.
    You have all thought carefully about how the disciples might have felt.
    I love the pictures too.

  8. Good Morning Miss Siswick
    I think the disciples were very happy & surprised when Jesus came back to life. When he went back to heaven I think they felt very sad and amazed but also very proud that he had chosen them to spread his word.

  9. The disciples were feeling sad when Jesus leave them but they were happy to know that he will come back.

  10. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done; Luca and Ruby-Mae.

  11. Happy to see Jesus then sad when he went, but excited because he is going to create a new world in Heaven. They felt busy because they had a lot of work to do making new disciples.

  12. I think the disciples were HaPpY because Jesus was not dead anymore.
    I sent my drawing

  13. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Rocco and Madeleine,

  14. I think they felt happy both times.

  15. Marcus felt the disciples felt relieved when Jesus came back to life and sad when he went to Heaven. (He says he knows “relieved” from a superhero phonics thing, though I did help him with the spelling!)
    We sent a photo of his work.

  16. Constanza says:

    Good afternoon Miss Siswick, Constanza enjoyed watching the video. She thinks the disciples were happy when Jesus came back to life. She thinks the disciples were feeling happy too when Jesus went to heaven.

  17. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done; Mikey, Marcus and Constanza.

  18. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Reception. I have really enjoyed seeing all of the pictures and hearing your ideas about how the disciples might have felt. You have used lots of different words for the feelings and told me why you think they might have felt that way.

  19. Hi Miss Siswick, Juliana thinks that the disciples were happy when Jesus come back and sad when Jesus went to heaven.

  20. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Juliana.

  21. The disciples were happy because Jesus was alive, afraid because He was going away, but also happy because He was going to heaven with God

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