Good Morning, Reception.

As you all know, our new topic is ‘Traditional Tales’.

At school, we always create special topic area in our reading corner for our new topic. Together, we sort through all of the toys and books and find any that we have for our topic. Then we make a sign for the area and we make labels for different objects such as ‘toys’ and ‘books.’

Today’s task: Can you create a ‘Traditional Tales’ topic area in your home?  Can you sort through all of your toys and books and find any that go with our topic? It could include; fairy tale books, dvds, animals from the stories and dolls to represent the characters. Can you make a sign and labels for your topic area?

I am looking forward to hearing all about your ‘Traditional Tales’ topic areas.

Love from Miss Siswick.


17 comments on “Reception Topic: Traditional Tales

  1. Ms O'Connell says:

    Hello Reception cant wait to see your topic areas..My favourite topic?

  2. Ms Pereira says:

    What a fun activity! I can’t wait to see you Traditional Tale’s topic area.

  3. Amber made a scene from Rapunzel using some things they have crafted during iso.
    Amber also set up her own library complete with book section, toy area, fun area and a quiet reading spot.
    The “welcome to the library” sign she wrote sits out the front.

  4. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Amber. I can’t wait to see the photo.

  5. Miss Siswick says:

    I love your topic area, Maya. I especially like the labels and your costume. Well done.

  6. Madeleine ? says:

    We have chosen the Story of Babar the little elephant by Jean de Brunhoff.
    It is a bit sad but also funny as Babar likes to be elegant and wear clothes.
    ? ?
    Sending my photo

  7. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Madeleine. Can you make a sign and some labels for your topic corner?

  8. Marcus liked the challenge of creating a topic area. He made labels for his books and toys and a traditional tales sign.
    He then read some fairy-tale books with his dad, sitting in his topic area. We sent a photo. xxx

  9. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Marcus. Your topic area is so well organised because of the labels and the sign. I am glad that you and your dad enjoyed the activity.

  10. Chiara chose a mix between fairy tales and her favorite characters like peppa pig/3 littles pigs-polochon from Ariel/barbie mermaid and her fairy tales book.

  11. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Chiara. Can you make a sign and some labels for your topic corner?

  12. Ms O'Connell says:

    Sounds like you all had great fun with this task. Well done.

  13. I have decided to choose the Three Little Pigs ?. I have made three houses with different colours. Yellow for the house made of straw, braun for the house made of sticks and white and red for the house made of bricks ?. The little pigs are hiding in the house made of bricks.

    I will send the picture. I like this story very much because the bad wolf ? is blowing the houses except the house made of bricks.

  14. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Cesar. I can see so many details in your topic corner. I love the labels. I recognise that wolf costume!

  15. Miss Siswick says:

    Fantastic Traditional tales corners, everyone. You have gone to so much trouble with your costumes, toys, books, labels and signs.
    I hope you enjoy playing and reading in them as much as I have enjoyed seeing them and hearing about them

  16. We chose some books together, than Nico displayed the tales-puzzles of Little Red Riding Hood & the Three Little Pigs. He chose the plant because we plantes beans and he thought of “Jack and the Beanstalk” and the figure of a little boy playing the flute because “there was another tale with the boy playing the flute”. I suggested “The pied piper of Hamelin”. He wanted to add a “Star Wars” book and I had a bit of hard time in trying to explain what was a traditional tale.

  17. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Nico. Can you make a sign and some labels for your topic corner?

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