Good Morning, Reception.

Well done for sharing your great ideas about the picture from our new story on Tuesday.

Today, I am going to share the beginning of the story.

If you have this book or are thinking of buying it, please don’t share it with your child until we have finished the whole book. Thank you!

Look at the front cover of the book. What is the title of the story? What do you think the story might be about?

Now read the next page with a grown up.

Why do you think everyone called Thomas ‘Little Red’?

Now, read the next few pages of the story.

Does this part remind you of a traditional tale that you know? What is the same? What is different?

Now, read the next page of the story.

What do you think Little Red does next? Does he listen to his mother and stay on the path or does he stray from the path?

You will have to wait until next week for the next part of the story.

While you are waiting, can you draw and label a picture to create your own next page?

I can’t wait to hear and see all of your great ideas.

Love from Miss Siswick.


It would really help me if you could upload photos  straight to the media file (instructions are here: sharing photos and files) as they get to me more quickly and easily as they don’t have to go via the office and my e-mail. Please can either your child’s name or face (but not both) be visible on any photos. Many thanks.

24 comments on “Reception Topic: Traditional Tales

  1. Philippa says:

    It reminded us of little red ridding hood, because he has a red jacket and visits his grandma. It is different because he is a boy and little red ridding hood doesn’t live in a hotel. We think he will meet the wolf Next and He will stray from the path.
    We sent you a picture.

  2. Florence says:

    ‘He we to invgat the all’

    (He went to investigate the owl)

  3. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Philippa and Florence. I love your pictures. Both of you predict that Little Red will stray from the path. I wonder what the rest of Reception think will happen?

  4. The wolf takes the grandma and put her in the shed and little red didn’t know it was the wolf, but she was saved with her grandma.
    I think everyone called him little red because, he’s got red clothes.

    It’s different because in the other story little red is a girl.

    I think Little red will stay on the path because he doesn’t want to be eaten.

  5. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Maya. You are the first one today who thinks that Little Red will stay on the path. I wonder who else will agree with you.

  6. Ms O'Connell says:

    Morning this story ..have fun working out what Little Red does next!

  7. Good morning, we think Thomas is called Little Red because he wears red clothes and loved red items. We think the story might be about a little boy who gets lost in the forest. This story reminds James about the Little riding hood. Little riding hood is a girl and Little Red is a boy.
    Little red does not listen to his mum and goes to the forest.


  8. Good morning!
    The title of the story called Little Red.

    The story is about little young boy called Little Red.

    Everyone called Thomas Little Red because he has red clothes and he has even a red room, so he must like red colour so much.

    Theo thought that this part doesn’t remind him about other traditional tales.

    Theo said:He is not going to stay on a path because big bad wolf will show him different way and Thomas thought that way was shorter.

    we will send photo of his work soon.

  9. Theo change his mind and this traditional tale remind him about Little red ridding hood!

  10. Ms Pereira says:

    Great answer Reception. Well done!

  11. Ruby-Mae says:

    Good morning Miss, Ruby-Mae think that the story is about a boy walking into the woods with some blueberry and been eating by a bird. It is look the same to Little Red Riding Hood. The same thinks is that both have a red coat and different is that is a boy and he has short hair and Little Red Riding Hood has long hair. I think the boy went to his grandma but he didn’t listen to his mum.

  12. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done; James, Theo and Ruby-Mae.
    So far 5 people predict that Little Red will stray from the path and only 1 person thinks that he will do as his mother says and stay on the path.

  13. Rocco read the title ‘Little Red’.
    We think the story will be about a boy carrying a basket.
    He is called Little Red because everything in his bedroom is red.
    It reminded us of Little Red Riding Hood.
    We think he will stay on the path because he is a good boy??
    We will send over a pic later.

  14. Hi, Marcus thinks the title is “Little Red”.
    He thinks “the story is about a boy going into the woods and a wolf that wants to eat him”.
    “Thomas is called Little Red because he likes red things”.
    The story reminds him of Little Red Riding Hood.
    Things that are the same in this story: “goes to visit Grandma; red clothes; a wolf”
    Things that are different: “Boy in this story, not a girl; Little Red’s parents own an inn; Little Red took ginger beer to Grandma”
    He thinks “Little Red strays off the path to take a shortcut and is followed by the wolf”.
    We are excited to see what actually happens next!

  15. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Rocco and Marcus.

    I am loving hearing all of your great predictions today.
    Now, 6 children think that he will stay on the path and 2 children think he will stray from the path.

    We will have to wait and see!

  16. Little Red: Amber thinks the book is about Little Red Riding Hood but with a little boy.
    Thomas wears a red coat and has lots of red things in his bedroom. This is why he is called Little Red.
    The differences: He is a boy, His mummy and daddy have an Inn and he takes ginger beer with the treats.
    Amber says he will stay on the path and go to his Grandma’s house.

  17. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Amber. You are the third person who thinks that Little Red will stay on the path. I wonder whether he will?

  18. Ryan is looking forwarded to hearing the rest of the story. He thinks that he is called Little Red because he has a lot of red things and likes to dress in red.

    The story reminds him of Little Red Riding Hood as She also dresses in red and visits her grandma but it is different because Little Red is a boy.

    Ryan thinks that he will stray from the path and not listen to his mum

  19. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Ryan. Most children in reception so far agree with you. I think it might be because that will make the story more exciting!

  20. The title of the story is Little Red. On the picture I can spot a little boy with a red coat, in a dark forest, and a wolf ? . The wolf has fierce eyes ? and is looking at the boy. The story is about a boy and a wolf in the forest ?.
    Thomas (the boy not the tank engine) is called Little Red because he likes red a lot. In his room, almost everything is red, except the candle, the chair, the pillow and the chamber pot.
    This story seems to be like the Little Red Riding Hood. There is a Grandma ?, a basket ? with presents for her, somebody dressed in red and a wolf. But in the Little Red Riding Hood, it is a girl who is bringing the basket ? to the Grandma ?. There is no ginger beer but a cake and a pot of butter or cream.
    I think the Little Red will not listen to his mum because he loves adventures. He likes dangerous stories.

  21. Nicolas says:

    Nico thought it was the story of Little Red Riding Hood. He thinks they call him Little Red because he has everything red: his bed, his carpet, his hat, his boots and his toys. So far the story reminds him the one of Little Red Riding Hood because also the girl dresses with red clothes and brings foods to her grandma. But she doesn’t bring ginger beer. Nico thinks Little Red won’t stay in the path.He’s looking forward to see how the story continues.

  22. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Cesar and Nicolas.
    9 children in Reception class agree that Little Red will stray from the path.
    3 children think that he will stay on the path.
    You will all have to wait until Tuesday to find out the answer!

  23. Little Red
    1/ Look at the front cover of the book. What is the title of the story? What do you think the story might be about ?
    Little Red.
    It is the story of a little boy called little Red who had a cake for his grandma.
    2/ Why do you think everyone called Thomas little Red?
    Because he weared red trousers and his face was red.
    3/ Does this part remind you of a traditional tale that you know ? What is the same ? What is different?
    It reminds me Little Red Hiding Hood. She is dressed in red like Thomas and she has a grandma. But her grandma is hidden in a cupboard and the wolf is in her bed with her hat on its head. They are all scared with the wolf.
    4/What do you think Little Red does next? Does he listen to his mother and stay on the path or does he stray from the path?
    He does not listen to his mother and disobeys.

  24. This is a great story. I think Thomas is called Little Red because everything in his house is red. The story is a bit like Little Red Riding Hood except it’s with a boy. I can’t wait for the next bit of the storty.

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