Religious Education Task

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Reconciliation – Choices

On Monday we began our new Religious Education topic of ‘Reconciliation’. We thought carefully about what the words choice and consequence mean.

When making a choice, it is important to examine your conscience in order to make a good choice and minimise bad effects for ourselves and others.  The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a celebration of God’s love and mercy; it is about the forgiveness of sin and being reconciled with God and one another.

Today we are going to learn that choices have consequences.

Task 1
Read the story below and answer the questions. You can do this on the blog or in your home learning book.

a)What choices can you find in the story?
b)What two choices did Mum give Paul?
d)What do you think Paul said to his Mum?
e)What were the consequences of Paul’s choice of bringing Jane to the park?

Task 2

Listen to the song ‘Choices’ by John Burland.


What is the message in the song?

When Jesus was teaching the people, and trying to help them, Jesus told this story about two sons who made choices. Choices always have consequences. Read the story based on Matthew 21: 28-31.

Discuss the questions below with an adult. You don’t need to write the answers down!

First son
What was his first choice?
Can you think of reasons why the first son changed his mind?  How did he feel?

Second son
What did the second son choose?
Why do you think he changed his mind?
How do you think he felt?

How did the two son’s choices affect the father?

Task 3
Think about a time when you had to make choices of your own, how did you choose and what were the consequences?
You might like to draw a picture of this and write down your experience. Take a photo of your work and I will add it to the blog.


38 comments on “Religious Education Task – 20.5.20

  1. Good morning,
    The choice was to bring Jane or not.
    Paul said that he will bring Jane.
    Paul will have to play in the garden.

  2. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Emily, have a think about the next part of the task. What did you think about the story Jesus told?

  3. a) The choices in the story are:
    Paul could either take his sister and play with his friends or not take her and play at home with his Mum.
    b)Paul’s Mum gave him the choice of either taking his sister and play with his friends or not taking her and play with his Mum at home.
    c) I think that Paul said to his Mum that he’d rather play with his friends.
    d) The consequences of Paul bringing her sister were that his friends would make fun of him.

  4. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Samuel, great effort with your answers. I can see you have thought carefully about the choices and consequences in this story.

  5. Taks 1
    a) Paul had a choice ot take Jane with him, or not; Tom had a choice to be afraid of what others will say if he invites Jane to play, or not
    b)to stay at home and play with Jane, or play outside and take Jane with him
    d)”Do I have to?”
    e) Tom overcame his fear, and invited Jane into the game; they all enjoyed the game; none of the kids regretted that Paul had brought his sister with him

    Task 2
    the song tell us that God gives us many choices everyday and it is only up to us to make them as good as possible.

  6. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Helena, you’re right, the song expresses how we each have a choice and if we choose to follow God, he can guide us in the right direction.

  7. Clémence says:

    1A. Paul’s, Tom’s and Andrews choices regarding Jane.
    2B. Mums two choices she gave to Paul were bringing Jane to the park or not going to the park.
    3C. I think Paul said to his mum “I will bring Jane and go to the park.”
    4D. If Paul hadn’t brought Jane he would have stayed at home but if he did he could have gone to the park.

    2. Jesus gives us choices.

    3. Today, mum gave me the choice between a salmon sandwich and a salami sandwich for lunch. I choose the salmon sandwich and I will enjoy it !

    Miss, do you know this great book called You Choose ? You can choose a house, food, vehicles, furniture, a job, a hobby, where to go on holiday, pets, who you want to be your friend or family etc.

  8. Miss Jones says:

    Great reflections in Religious Education today Clemence, did you listen to the song? What did you think of it?
    I haven’t heard of that book Clemence, it sounds interesting!

  9. The choices in the story are:
    1. Paul could either take his to go out and play with him or his friends.
    2. Mum told Paul to play with his sister.
    3. I think Paul said he wants to play with his friends.
    4. The consequences of Paul bringing his sister were his friends were making fun of him.

    Task 2
    The message in this song is God gives us choices.

    Task 3
    I had to make a choice to go out with my brother or my friends and I choose my brother.

  10. Miss Jones says:

    Reflective work Chloe H, well done.

  11. Paul’s choice was to bring Jane to the park.
    Tom’s choice was to let Jane play football.
    Andrew didn’t want initially, however he was happy at the end.

  12. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Alex, have a listen to the song and think about what the message tells us.

  13. Penelope ? says:

    Hi Miss Jones
    I did my R.E work I will post a photo of it

  14. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks Penelope, I will upload it when I receive it.

  15. Religious Education Task

    1. Taking Jane or not.
    2. Playing football or playing at home with Jane.
    3. I think Paul argued with his mum first and then agreed to take Jane with him to play football.
    4. If he would bring Jade he could play with his friends but if he didn’t he would have to play with Jane at home also he wouldn’t get any fresh air and wouldn’t get to do something that he likes doing.
    5. The message the song is telling us is that we have choices in our everyday life and could be nice or mean and it counts that you are following Gods word by being nice to others.

  16. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Chloe K, you are right, we can try hard to follow God’s word in order to make the right choices.

  17. Clémence says:

    The message on the song is that God gives us choices in different ways but we have to take the decision ourselves. We can be the best we can. We need to think about the consequences of our decisions for the others and us.

  18. Miss Jones says:

    Well done for answering my question Clemence. You have reflected on the message well.

  19. Task 2
    First Son
    The first son’s choice was not to go to work in the vineyard.
    He changed his mind because he wouldn’t have to do it later and he felt happy that he listened to his father.
    Second Son
    He choose not to go to work in the vineyard even if he said ”yes” to his father.
    He changed his mind because the first son did the work at the vineyard. I think he felt disappointed at himself that he didn’t do it.
    The father felt happy because the first son did the work and he felt disappointed at the second son because he didn’t do the work.

  20. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Chloe H for completing both tasks. It was an interesting story Jesus told, what do you think the message tells us?

  21. Graceanne says:

    Task 1

    1. To bring Jane or not

    2. To bring Jane

    3. I had to choose.

    4. To play with Jane in the garden.

    Task 2

    1. To go in the vineyard

    2. The first son changed his mind because he felt guilty!

    Second son

    1. He said yes but he didn’t go.

    2. He changed his mind because he felt lazy

    3. He felt tied and Lazy.

  22. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Graceanne. What do you think Jesus’ story tells us?

  23. gabriella says:

    1. Pauls choices were to stay at home and play with her or bring her.
    2. the same answer as the first one.
    3. Paul brought Jane because he can let Jane play at the park.

  24. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Gabriella, have a listen to the song about choices and think about what the message tells us.

  25. Matthias says:

    Task 1
    a. The choice was to bring Jane or to leave her.
    b. Mum said Paul could come if Paul brought Jane, but if not, Paul would have to play with Jane at home.
    d. He would have said “I did bring Jane to the Football match”.
    e. The consequence would be playing with his sister in the house.

    Task 2
    It is about God giving us chances.

    Task 3
    I was about to watch a film when suddenly my mum said brush your teeth and I said no” and then my mum said ” you are not watching the film”.

  26. Miss Jones says:

    You have reflected well Matthias, well done.

  27. graceanne says:

    Jesus tells us to read the bible more and be kind. Jesus loves us he forgives us so love him back !
    hello year 3

  28. Miss Jones says:

    A lovely message Graceanne!

  29. Gabriella says:

    God gives us choices everyday and in every single way.

  30. Miss Jones says:

    Well done for answering my question Gabriella, you’re right the song gives us that exact message!

  31. 1. The choice was to take her or to stay at the house with her.
    2. The choice was for Tom to play with Jane at the house or at the park.
    3. Tom would of said ” Do I have to?”.
    4. He would have to stay at home.

  32. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Ophelia!

  33. Karolina says:

    Q1: I take Jane or not.
    Question 2: Bringing Jane, but if not, Paul would have to play with her at home.
    Question 3 I think Paul asked if he could go and play in the park and then at home.
    Question 4 The consequence would be to play with her, and if he did not go out to play with her the next day, he could have a severe headache
    Exercise 2.
    Q1: There is a message in the song that God’s love will never end and it is in each of us so we should love each other.

  34. Miss Jones says:

    Good reflections Karolina, you have thought carefully about the message in the song 🙂

  35. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Emi for sending through your work. You have worked hard to complete all the tasks. Well done for linking in your own experiences about choices.

  36. Jiana Latif says:

    Task 1
    Q1/The choice was to take his sister Jane or he can’t go.
    Q2/To take Jane outside or play with her at home.
    Q3/Paul probably said that he was glad he took Jane because she wasn’t a bad player.
    Q4/He would have had to stay at home.

    Task 2
    The message in the song is that God has given us choices.

    Task 3
    I chose I wanted to go to the park in the rain.
    The consequence was that everything was wet so I couldn’t enjoy playing.

  37. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Jiana, you have reflected well!

  38. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks for sending in your work Penelope, I can see you have reflected well. I like your example of your own choice!

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