Religious Education Task

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Before half term, we began our new Religious Education topic of ‘Reconciliation’. We explored the words choice and consequence and their meaning and read some stories to see some examples.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a celebration of God’s love and mercy; it is about the forgiveness of sin and being reconciled with God and one another.

Today we are going to learn about the meaning of sin and the examination of life (conscience).

To begin, watch the video below to explore what we mean by the word conscience.
 ‘Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket – Always Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide’



Christians try to live as Jesus lived.  Choosing wisely is important.  There are some things that will help in making a good choice:

•          to pray and ask for help.

•          to get advice from someone you trust and know who makes good choices.

•          to think about the possible consequences of the choices. 

•          will it have a good effect on yourself and on others?

Many Christians pray every day for the help they need to make good choices.  Every day, usually before going to sleep, many Christians ‘examine their life’ (‘conscience’).  This means that they think about what has happened during the day and how they have tried to be the kind of person that God who loves them, wants them to be.

They think about what they have done during the day – the good choices they have made for which they say thank you, and the bad choices for which they are sorry.  The wrong choices which are done on purpose are sins – that is something that spoils or breaks friendship with God and with other people. 

Sin is anything that breaks God’s law of love.  It is always something that has been done on purpose, not accidentally, or it is something we should do and purposely do not do it.  This is the process of examining your life, conscience.


Task 1
Discuss the questions below with a family member. You may like to write down your answers (in your homework book or on the blog)

Q          How would you describe a sin?

Q          How would you know your action was good or wrong?

Q          How would you set about putting it right?

Q          Think of ways in which you can make amends for your wrong choices.


Task 2

Read the prayer below, which asks for help and guidance:

Holy Spirit, you are with us when we choose.                                                                                              
For our good choices and the joy of making them, we thank you.                                                                        
For the joy they bring us and others, we thank you.

For our wrong choices, we are sorry.                                                                                                                
For the hurt we have done to others, we are sorry.                                                                                           
Help us to take time to think about the consequences of our choices.                                                                                  

We ask you to help and guide us.  Amen.

Make a poster encouraging Christians to choose wisely. You may like to use some of the examples in orange above and include some sentences from the prayer about help and guidance. You can be as creative as you like by adding pictures/words.


Create a drawing or some art work to express the meaning of the word ‘conscience’. What picture comes to your mind when you reflect on this?

34 comments on “Religious Education Task – 3.6.20

  1. How would you describe a sin?
    A sin is something wich can hurt people feelings on purpose and that person who’s made a sin know’s the consiquens very well.

    How would you know your action was good or wrong?
    You know your action was good or wrong by observing and your heart can tell you if it is good or wrong.

    Think of ways in which you can make amends for your wrong choices.
    So if I hurt someone first I apologise and then trie to help them and trie to never reapeat that again.

  2. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Helena, you have reflected well on these tricky questions! Good responses 🙂

  3. gabriella says:

    a sin is a bad thing like swearing,stealing,robbing,lying,fighting.
    you will know your action is good or wrong because you can think what your doing and reflect.
    saying sorry
    by saying sorry and helping them.

  4. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Gabriella, you have thought carefully about the meaning of each word.

  5. Karolina says:

    TASK 1.
    -A sin is something bad that you did wrong.
    -I know the action is good or bad because you can feel it.
    -You could think about how you are acting to others.
    -When I do something bad to someone,l would say”SORRY”.

  6. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Karolina, you have thought through your answers carefully.

  7. Task 1
    You can describe a sin as if you have broke God’s law of love.
    You would know your action is good or wrong because you would feel pain inside of your heart if you did a wrong choice and if you did a good choice you would feel the happiness inside of you.
    I would fix it by saying ”Sorry” to my mum, dad or my brother and then give them a big hug and kiss and I hope I didn’t fill your heart with sadness and pain. I promise I will never do it again.

  8. Miss Jones says:

    Thoughtful answers Chloe H, well done. I can see you have reflected well on these choices and how you could put them right.

  9. Matthias says:

    Hello Miss Jones.
    1. A sin is when you disobey what you are asked to do
    2. If your action was bad you would feel sad but if your action was good you would feel happy.
    3. You could think before you act.
    4. You could try not to do the wrong action and ask for forgiveness.

  10. Miss Jones says:

    Good reflections Matthias, you have some good ideas about making the right choices.

  11. Sebastian says:

    Sin is something bad that you do. Something you do on purpose, which you know is wrong. it breaks God’s law of love.
    You know of your choice was good or bad by how people react to it. If you are mean to a friend, family member or a stranger, if they get upset and you hurt their feelings or hurt them, you know it is wrong.

    But of you do something good or are kind, you can tell it is good because they will be happy and it would make them feel good.

    You could say you were sorry and try not ever do it again.
    You could ask god if it is the right thing to do or not. your conscience will give you good or bad feeling.

    sometimes just saying sorry doesn’t mean a lot. you have to change what you are doing and act kindly.

  12. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Sebastian, you have put a lot of thought into your answers for some of the challenging questions. I agree with your last answer, you really have to think about changing your actions to make a difference.

  13. Hello Miss,
    this is my work

    A sin is a bad act.
    You would know if your action is good or bad by reflecting on what the consequences might be.
    You would set about putting it right by apologising and not doing it again.
    You can make amends by doing good and helping people.
    Have a nice day.

  14. Miss Jones says:

    Thoughtful responses Orla, you have thought carefully about how you can make things right.

  15. Penelope says:

    task 1 :
    -A sin is something that you do that is wrong and you know it’s wrong
    -I would know that my action is wrong or good because i would feel bad or happy after it
    -I would think before acting and i would examine my conscience
    -you can say sorry to another person if you’ve done something wrong and you can also say sorry to God in your prayers

  16. 1. I would describe a sin as a good thing in your body.
    2. I would know if my action was bad if someone said someone said something hurtful back to me and I would know if my action was good if someone smiled back at me.
    3. If my action was wrong I would put it right by saying sorry.
    4. I would make amends by making a card and playing with them.

  17. graceanne says:

    task 1
    we describe a sin by doing wrong, naughty and bad . By checking it your action .
    you can put it right by knowing tat you have done. you can make amends by helping others and to be kind by showing your heart.

  18. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Penelope, you have reflected well on your answers 🙂

  19. Miss Jones says:

    Please let me know who’s the mystery poster is I have uploaded, there is no name!!!

  20. ????? ??? says:

    Task 1
    1. A sin doing something bad or breaking Gods law.
    2. You would know if you fell bad or good because you can fell if your good or not.
    3. I should think before I actually do it.
    4. By saying sorry and never do it again

  21. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Angie 🙂

  22. Hi Miss Jones
    It is me who made the poster ?.
    Sorry, I forgot to put my name ?

  23. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks Chloe H, excellent poster! Well done! I really liked the strong message it gives 🙂

  24. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Penelope for completing all R.E tasks, your poster is bright and meaningful, well done!

  25. Miss Jones says:

    Great poster Emi! Well done for completing both tasks today 🙂

  26. Clémence says:

    Task 1
    •How would you describe a sin?
    A sin is breaking the law of God, doing wrong things or showing wrong behaviour which could hurt people or God. It is doing something wrong, hurting feelings. You can do it on purpose, knowing it, but you can also doing it without realising it due to the circumstances. All of us have sinned. What is important is amending ourselves in order to not doing it again.

    •How would you know your action was good or wrong?
    You will feel it (conscience) especially if you have done it on purpose, or thinking about it afterwards. You may know it as well in noticing it from the reaction of others.

    •How would you set about putting it right?
    Ask for forgiveness from who was hurt because of your wrong decision. Do whatever you can to fix the issue. Remember what happened and learn what went wrong and why, in order to not do it again.

    •Think of ways in which you can make amends for your wrong choices.
    Confess it to God.
    Stop doing that bad thing.
    Find a way that will help you keep from doing it again. Ask for assistance if needed.
    Do whatever you can to offer reconciliation with anyone you have hurt.

    Task 2

    I sent my poster.

  27. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Clemence, you have put a lot of thought into your reflections today. I really like your bold poster, it displays important messages! 🙂

  28. Jiana Latif says:

    Task 1
    -A sin is a bad action .
    -If my actions have no good outcome . I would know its bad.
    – I would try not to repeat it and ask God to forgive me.
    -Say sorry to people you might have hurt.

    Task 2
    I’ve uploaded the art.

  29. Miss Jones says:

    Great work Jiana, I didn’t receive your poster. Please upload it again if you can 🙂

  30. Miss Jones says:

    Great R.E work Celestine, you have reflected well on all of the tasks. I really like your colourful poster with clear messages on making the right choices. I think it’s really interesting you link conscience with the Holy Spirit too. Well done.

  31. Miss Jones says:

    Well done for completing your poster Matthias, it gives a clear message. I like your sentence ‘God’s word is like a light to guide us.’

  32. Malgosia says:

    A sin is when you heart someones fillings and they are relly sad and don’t say sorry to the person that is sad.

    You know your action was good or wrong by observing and your heart can tell you if it’s good or bad behaviour.

    Think of ways in wich you can make amends for your wrong choises . So if I hurt someones first I apologise and then trie to help them to get happer and to smiel again.

  33. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Malgosia!

  34. Miss Jones says:

    Brilliant poster Jiana 🙂

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