Religious Education Task

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On Monday, we briefly looked into how the Church celebrates Pentecost and we thought about what gifts the Holy Spirit can bring to us. Lots of you had some thoughtful ideas about this.

Today we are going to focus on the Church and how it celebrates Pentecost.

The Church celebrates Pentecost

The Church itself is part of the Pentecost story.  Each year, Christians remember and celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, the new energy, the new power that he gives to the friends of Jesus. The priest wears red vestments to symbolise fire and energy.

Read the information below about how the Church is part of Pentecost.

You might like to reflect on your ideas from Monday’s big question about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are listed in the reading. Were any of your ideas similar to the ones above?

Task 1
Answer the questions below on the blog or in your homework book. Use the reading above to help you.

1. In the reading, what were the Jewish people celebrating at Pentecost?

2. What was the promise Jesus made?

3. Why is Pentecost known as ‘the birthday of the Church’?

4. Why does the priest wear red vestments at Pentecost?

5. Why would parishes celebrate richness and diversity especially on Pentecost Day?

Task 2

Listen to the song ‘Holy Spirit’ by John Burland


Be careful when listening to videos on YouTube, always ask an adult to help you.

Once you have listened to the song, answer the questions below:

a) What messages do the words convey?
b) Describe how you can live these out today.


Investigate your own song or hymn about the Holy Spirit. Add your own verse or even write your own hymn!

20 comments on “Religious Education Task – 6.5.20

  1. Task 1
    1. The Jewish feast of Pentecost (Shavuot) was primarily a thanksgiving for the firstfruits of the wheat harvest, but it was later associated with a remembrance of the Law given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai.
    2. I send the promise of my Father.
    3. Jesus was seen as a threat to the Holy Roman Empire and he was crucified for it. Why is Pentecost sometimes known as the “birthday of the Church”? Because it is when the Holy Spirit appeared over the Apostles and Mary for the first time.
    4. Red is used on Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion and on Good Friday, on Pentecost Sunday, on celebrations of the Lord’s Passion, on the feasts of the Apostles and Evangelists, and on celebrations of Martyr Saints. … The entry for May 20, 2018, Pentecost Sunday, indicates red vestments are to be worn.
    5. On the day of Pentecost, the feast of the first fruits, they knew Jesus had kept his promise. … So Pentecost is the beginning, the birthday of the Church. Some parishes make this a day to celebrate the richness and diversity of the parish family.

  2. Good morning,
    The message convey that God sends the holy spirit for the people who do not feel good or does not have strengths.

  3. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks Emily, did you enjoy the song?

  4. The message conveys that God is always there to give you strength and make you happy if you are having a bad time or if you are upset. It also tells you that God is always there although you cannot see him.

  5. Miss Jones says:

    Good reflection Orla, have you had a go at task 1 too?

  6. Pentecost
    Task 1
    1. The Jewish people celebrate the richness and the diversity of the parish family.
    2. Jesus promised that he would never leave them.
    3. Pentecost is sometimes called the birthday of the church because on Jesu’s resurrection the church was born.
    4. The priest wears red because it is a symbol of fire.
    5. Pentecost is the time when the church is born so its a good time to celebrate the different cultures of people.

    Task 2
    The message convey that god gives us is strength when we are upset or sad.
    you can live this now by being kind yo others and trusting God in everyway .

  7. Miss Jones says:

    Super effort Chloe K, we can learn a lot about the Holy Spirit through the song, well done.

  8. Matthias says:

    1. They were celebrating the arrival of the holy spirit.
    2. Jesus promised he would send his holy spirit to earth.
    3. Because Jesus promised the holy spirit would come and it did and his reign began.
    4. They wore red vestments because the holy spirit was red like flame and they wanted to represent it.
    5. Because the holy spirit gives people richness in wisdom, love, hope and diversity in gathering different nations together.

  9. Miss Jones says:

    Great answers Matthias, I can see you used the reading to help you 🙂

  10. Penelope says:

    Task 1
    1. At Pentecost the Jewish people celebrate the promise of Jesus.
    2. The promise of Jesus is that the Holy Spirit will always guide them.
    3. Pentecost is known as the birthday of Church because it’s the day the apostles gathered together with Mary . with the feast of the first fruits , they realised that Jesus had kept his promise and they celebrated like a birthday party.
    4. The priest wears red vestments at Pentecost to remind everyone of the precious gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    5. Some parishes celebrate the different cultures and languages of the Catholic family

    Task 2
    1. the messages of the song are that God will send the Holy spirit to give us strenghths and to give us peace and love and also to show us the way.
    2. i can be kind to others, help them and also tell them to be kind to others and to spread the word.

  11. Miss Jones says:

    Super effort Penelope, you have thought carefully about your answers.

  12. 1.Jewish people would have a special feast of first fruits at Pentecost.
    2.Jesus promised not to leave them.
    3.Even though other people came from different countries, the disciples were still able to communicate with them – everybody was uified in faith. colour symbolises fire and energy celebrate the gift of unity among the members of the parish. Even though they speak different languges they are able to communicate.

  13. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Helena, I can see you have a good understanding of these questions.

  14. Chloe H says:

    1. At Pentecost people were celebrating the feast of the first fruits.
    2. Jesus promised that he would never leave his disciples and send another friend (Holy Spirit) to guide and help them to understand all that he had taught them.
    3. Pentecost is known as the birthday of the church because people from different parts of the world who never met Jesus, heard about what he was trying to teach us all for the first time.
    4. The priest wear red vestments at Pentecost because of the tongs fire.
    5. Parishes celebrate richness and diversity on that day because its the best time for people from different countries and neighbourhoods to sing and celebrate the coming of Holy Spirit.

  15. Miss Jones says:

    Good work Chloe H, well done for checking your work I can see your answers are very clear.

  16. Gabriella says:

    1.They were celebrating the first fulfilment of the gift of the spirit.
    2. Jesus promised the holy spirit he also promised to never leave .
    3. Pentecost is known as the birthday of the church because the people found that they could speak in all different languages to spread good news.
    4.The priest wears red vestments to remind of the gifts of the spirit.
    5.Parishes celebrate richness and diversity on pentecost day because it reminds us that people could speak in different languages when they were given the holy spirit.

  17. Miss Jones says:

    Great work Gabriella, I can see you have taken your time studying the reading.

  18. graceanne!! says:

    1. They were celebrating the fulfilment of the gift of the Holy Spirit .
    2. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit. He also promised to never leave .
    3. Pentecost is know as the birthday of the church because the people found that they could speak in all different languages to spread the Good News . Pentecost is the beginning of the church.
    4. The priest wears a red vestment to remind people of the gifts of the Spirit .
    5. Parishes celebrates riches and diversity on Pentecost day because it reminds us that people could speak in different languages when they were given the Holy Spirit.

  19. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Graceanne, what message did you take from the song about the Holy Spirit?

  20. Jiana Latif says:

    Task 1
    1. They celebrate the richness and diversity, gift of the Holy Spirit.
    2. Jesus promised to never leave us
    3. Its called birthday of the church because that’s when the Holy Spirit first came over to Mary
    4. The Priest wears red on Pentecost because so then it reminds us of the Holy Spirit
    5. They are reminded that people speak in different languages.

    Task 2
    The message of God in the song is the Holy Spirit will give us strength everyday.

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