Good morning Year 6

Religious Education- Caring for those in need; a Christian responsibility.


Christians are called to care for others, especially for those most in need.  Jesus explains this very clearly in a parable he told.  A parable is a story which conveys an important meaning or more than one meaning.  In this story from Luke’s Gospel, a lawyer was trying to catch Jesus out with questions.  The final one was, ‘Who is my neighbour?’  Jesus answers this with a story, but the story also has another meaning.  It shows the care and compassion with which we should treat each other.  Notice the care and concern the Samaritan showed to the man who had been mugged.


A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half-dead.  Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.  So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.

But a Samaritan while travelling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity.  He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them.  Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.  The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, “Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.”

“Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?”  He said, “The one who showed him mercy.”  Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”

Based on Luke 10: 30-37


It is part of the responsibility of Christians to have compassion and care for those in need especially the sick.

Some Key Questions-please answer on the blog:

  1. Why do you think the Samaritan acted as he did?

  2. What do you think ‘mercy’ means?

  3. How can we link this parable to our lives today?



You are going to re-tell the story of the Good Samaritan. You can be as creative as you like!

Some suggested ideas:

  • Create a storyboard of this parable with drawings and captions.
  • Write a diary entry from the perspective of the injured man.
  • Create a stop frame animation by making models or drawing pictures and taking photos.
  • Create a film re telling the story (perhaps you could ask your siblings for help!)
  • Create a PowerPoint

Have fun, let us know how you get on and if you would like to upload your work, please do!


Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy xx


Have a look at Sergio’s PowerPoint here! The Good Samaritan PDF

Have a look at Elly’s re telling here! Good Samaritan-Elly

Have a look at Anahi’s PowerPoint here! The Good Samaritan


Have a look at Maryana’s artistic creation above!

Have a look at Chiara’s wonderful model above!

For a printable version of the blog, click here Wednesday-Religious Education


37 comments on “Religious Education-Wednesday 20th May

  1. Hello Miss! Here are my answers:

    I think the Samaritan acted as he did because he felt sorry for the man, even if he was Jew.

    Mercy means benevolence and forgiveness.

    We can link this to our everyday life’s by thinking of the man as a homeless person. They are similar because there are both left on the side of the road, many people everyday just walk past them and only a few give them some money.

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Charles 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughtful answers.

  3. Sergio ;) says:

    Good Morning

    1) I think the Samaritan acted this way because he wanted to show compassion and had a good heart.I also think he acted this way to treat others how he would like to be treated.

    2) I think mercy means showing forgiveness and compassion to others.

    3)Linking to this parable we have to show compassion to others no matter where they’re from. We also have to treat others how we would like to be treated.

  4. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Sergio 🙂 Thank you for sharing your answers. I think compassion is so important-you’re right!

  5. Good Morning Miss,
    Here are my answers:
    1) He acted this way because he thought that everyone had to be well looked after and he also wanted to show compassion for him .
    2) I think that mercy means compassion and to forgive.
    3) We must be like the Samaritan to help others and not just our friends.Also have compassion for others as well as being kind and respecting others culture , religion ,race etc

  6. Miss Gorick says:

    Good Morning Jaiver 🙂 Thank you for your answers. I like that you have mentioned the importance of showing compassion to all people, not just out friends.

  7. Good morning,

    I think he acted that way because he knew it was right and he wanted to show compassion.

    I think mercy means peace and to respect everyone no matter who they are.

    This parable can link to our lives today because we shouldn’t just help our friends or people we want to when they need it, we should help anyone who needs it.

  8. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Luke 🙂 Thank you for your answers and for being able to link the parable to our lives today.

  9. Aryan :D says:

    The Samaritan acted in this way because he wanted everyone to be equal and not live in a bad way. The Samaritan did this because he knew everyone is equal and do not deserve to be hurt like that.

    I think mercy means to have compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone who is in one’s power to punish or harm.

    We can link this to our everyday lives by being nice to everyone like homeless people, strangers, our friends and our relatives.

  10. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Aryan 🙂 Thank you for your thoughtful response. I think compassion is so important to remember-you’re right!

  11. Laetitia says:

    I think that the samaritan helped the man because he felt sorry for the man and also because he “treated him as he wanted to be treated”.

    Mercy means for you to forgive and be kind to someone without expecting a reward.

    We can link this to our everyday life by going by the Good Samaritan law. There is a proper Good Samaritan law, which offers protection to anyone who legally helps an injured or imperilled person.

  12. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Laetitia! Thank you for your answers- I can see that you have thought carefully

  13. Good morning all!
    Here are my answers:

    1) The Samaritan acted that way because he knew it was the right thing to do, his heart was heavy with solicitude he knew if he was in that position he would need that help too.

    2) I think mercy means to be ungrudging to be able to forgive others the way you would like to be forgiven.

    3) We can link the parable to our daily lives because although it may not be like the scenario of the Samaritan, we can help people be closer to God or cheer them up when they are down.

  14. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Jada!
    Thank you for sharing your thoughtful answers. I really like that you have thought of the importance of bringing people closer to God 🙂

  15. I have made my movie. I used screen recordings of Procreate to create the story. Then I put in a behind the scenes time lapse. Finally, I added my titles and logo.

    Here is the link for it:

  16. Miss Gorick says:

    Wow Charles-that’s amazing! What a creative way to re tell the story. Everyone, make sure you check out Charles’ video!

  17. Where did my link go?

  18. Miss Gorick says:

    You should find it above Charles 🙂

  19. ??Eliza?? says:

    Hello Miss! Here are my answers:

    I think the Samaritan acted the way that he did because he felt sorry for the person.

    I think mercy means forgiveness.

    We can link this to our life because the beaten and robbed person is like a homeless person. They are similar because there are both are many people everyday just walk past them and only a few give them some money.

  20. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Eliza 🙂 Thank you for your comments! Well done for thinking carefully and sharing your thoughts.

  21. 1) I think that he wanted to show kindness and show that Jews and Samaritans don’t need to be enemy’s.

    2) Mercy means to show forgiveness.

    3) we can link this to every day life by helping homeless, being charitable and volunteering to help charity too.

  22. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Nina! It’s lovely to read your comments. Thank you for sharing your thoughtful ideas 🙂

  23. ? Antonia ? says:

    Good morning Everyone!

    1) The Good Samaritan felt it was wrong to leave him but right to do something about it and help him, as we are all God’s children.

    2) I think Mercy means ‘power to cancel a punishment’.

    3) Maybe it is telling us to always help those in need, always look to forgive where it is possible and always be merciful where you have the power to punish anyone who has wronged you.

  24. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Antonia! I really like that you have thought about the power that mercy can hold. Well done 🙂

  25. Hello,
    I think the samaritan acted as he did because he felt mercy and new that what God truly wanted is for everyone to help and care for others who need it.It doesn’t matter if everybody is different we are all equal in God’s eyes so eh decided to help.

    I think mercy means to have compassion for someone without getting or expecting a reward.You just do it because you know its the right thing to do and will help someone.

    We can link this parable to our lives today because many people for example walk past homeless without doing anything like if that person wasn’t there and others smile and give money.Also in the playground sometimes people fall and get hurt,some people walk passed that person and others help.This story really links to our daily lives so we should remember to be like the good samaritan and look oiut for people who need your help.

  26. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Jade! Thank you for sharing your thoughtful comments 🙂 I think it is so important to remember that we are all equal in God’s eyes.

  27. Here are my answers:
    1) The Samaritan helped the poor man because he cared for him and wanted to help him as he knew it wasn’t right to leave that man on the side of the road. He knew it wasn’t right to ignore him when he noticed him.
    2) Mercy means to show forgiveness and compassion to someone.

    3) I can link this parable to my life by saying hello, smiling, giving food or water or money to brighten up someone’s day. You can also fundraise money for them or donate to charity.

  28. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Anahi 🙂 You’re right just smiling and saying hello to someone can really brighten their day!

  29. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    Why do you think the Samaritan acted as he did?
    He acted like he did because he probably thought it was wrong to leave him because if he got robbed people would have helped him.
    What do you think ‘mercy’ means?
    I think that mercy means that we help people and we don’t give people a hard time.
    How can we link this parable to our lives today?
    We can link this to our lives today by knowing that people need help but some are too selfish to give something to others. Then another person comes by and gives that person in need something that will help them.

  30. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Elly 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughtful ideas with us!

  31. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Sergio! I have just received your super presentation-thank you so much for sending this in! You clearly re told the story and I enjoyed reading it 🙂 I have attached it above.

  32. gabriel:p says:

    1) I think that the Samaritan acted as he did because he might have known how the injured Jewish felt, and didn’t want it to happen to others.
    2) I think ‘mercy’ means forgiveness.
    3) We can link this parable to our lives today because many people help those in need, and care about how they feel.

  33. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Gabriel 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughtful answers and reflecting the parable to our lives today.

  34. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Elly! Thank you for sending in your re-telling of the story. I really enjoyed reading it and I have uploaded it above. Well done!

  35. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Maryana! Thank you for sending in your work-I am really impressed by your creativity. Well done!

  36. Miss Gorick says:

    Chiara! Thank you for sending in your model-I love it! It really demonstrates your creativity and perseverance and I really like that you have included an angel and a rainbow. Well done!!

  37. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Anahi! Thank you so much for sending in your brilliant PowerPoint. You clearly re told the story and included a variety of images to support your re telling 🙂 I’m also glad to hear that you enjoyed the sunshine-wasn’t it lovely!
    I’ve uploaded your PowerPoint above. Thank you again!

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