Making Conclusions

Have a look at these pictures of London, which image shows day and which shows night?

• How do you know? What is different?
• Is the temperature the same at night and in the day?
• Is the sun out during the night or day? How about the moon?
• What else do you know about night and day?
• What would you like to find out about night and day?

17 comments on “Science – Day or night (Making conclusions)

  1. We talked about night and day. The sun rising and setting. How the sun gives us warmth and light. James would like to go to the moon one day. He also wanted to go to the sun so he will need to become a scientist and to design a special suit.

  2. Amber Jackson says:

    1) The top is the day and the bottom is the night. One is light and one is dark and it has lights on.
    2) No its the cold in the night and its warm in the day
    3)The sun is out in the day. The moon is out at night
    4) At night time we cant see in the dark, so we need light to see.
    At night time the sun goes on the other side of the world and the moon comes here.
    5) How does the sun shine?

  3. 1.The up image shows day and the down image shows night.
    Because the up image has blue sky,lots of clouds and the down image has lots of lights.
    2.No , the temperature in the day is higher than at night.
    3.The sun is out during the day and the moon is out during the night.
    4.You go to bed at night and you get up and go to school in the day.
    5.Why is the moon out at night.

  4. The top photo is day because it is brighter. It gets colder in the night. The moon comes out at night. Some animals come out at night. I would like to learn more about the wild animals that come out at night.

  5. Ms O'Connell says:

    Hi reception.. great answers..Glad the sun is shining now!

  6. The top picture is day and the bottom one is night, because its lighter than the bottom one.
    It is colder at night.
    The sun comes out at day.
    The moon comes out at night.
    There are stars at night but none in the day.
    We sleep at night and have dinner.
    We have breakfast and lunch in the day time.
    We go to school in the day.
    Why does the sun go away and the moon come out?

  7. The top image is daytime and the bottom image is nighttime.
    During daytime, we can see the different colours and shapes. During nighttime, it is much more difficult and it is why there are so many lights.
    It is warmer during the daytime and colder ? during nighttime.
    We can see better the moon ?during the night because it is glowing. But I have seen the moon as well during daytime in the sky. During daytime, the moon is not glowing.
    I made an experience with a globe ? and a torch ? which was playing the role of the sun ☀️. I understood that the Earth ? rotates on its axis and around the sun ☀️. This rotation causes day and night.
    I would like to understand why some animals are active during the night. I saw some of them at the Zoo, like the bats ?.

  8. The first picture is the day because it’s blue and the second picture is the night because it’s dark.
    The temperature at night is cold and during the day it’s cold and hot.
    The sun is out during the day and the moon during the night.
    When it’s the night everyone goes to bed and snores and during the day they wake up and stretch and go to work and school.
    I want to find out who makes the day and who makes the night?

  9. Madeleine says:

    The top picture is day and below night
    I can tell because the one on top is bright and with sunlight and the picture below is darker and the lights come from lights you switch on and off.

    It is colder at night because there no sun ? to warm up.
    At night there is the moon but it isn’t hot like the sun.
    (Why is the moon ? cold ?)

    Also we can see the stars ? at night But not during the day even though they stay in the sky.

  10. Florence says:

    This one is light and this one is dark so that means that’s the day and that’s nighttime.

    Nighttime is a bit colder because there’s no sun. The moon isn’t warm it’s only cold. And sometimes I’ve seen it at daytime but sometimes I didn’t. It comes out at nighttime.

    At nighttime we have dinner but not out. And we stay at home sometimes and we need to have dinner at home.

    For the daytime we play at home and we eat it’s called lunchtime.

    I want to know about is it hot or cold in the daytime.

  11. Ruby-Mae says:

    The first picture is day the second is night. I know because the first is light and the second one is dark. The temperature is cold at night and warm on the day. The moon is out at night time. at night we sleep but sometimes people going out. I wake up in the morning and during the day I’m going to school.

  12. The first one is day, because it is bright, and the second one is dark with lots of city lights turned on.
    Temperatures are different, it is colder during the night than during the day!
    The sun appears during the day, the moon during the night.
    During the day, I am working at school, during I am sleeping at home.

  13. Miss Savage says:

    Lots of brilliant ideas and good questions here, thank you Reception. Nocturnal animals (animals that come out at night) are very interesting, I particularly like owls. We know which owls are nocturnal because they usually have dark coloured eyes. Read more about what owls eye colour means here:

  14. The first photo is day (it’s light) and the second is night (it’s dark and all lit up). We love the River Thames lit up at night, especially our favourite Albert Bridge!
    It’s colder at night than in the day.
    The sun is out during the day and the moon at night.
    We go to bed at night and dream and can see the stars.
    One time we were at the seaside we saw the moon out when the sun was going down, I want to understand that!

  15. I’m scared of owls and my daddy is saying they are one of the hardest animals to see.

  16. Ms O'Connell says:

    Loved reading your interesting thoughts Reception-well done.

  17. The first photo is daytime and the second one night time. I can tell because the sky is light blue in the first photo and dark blue the second one. Also the lights of the houses are turned on.

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