Read through the experiment below:
The bubbles show that a gas is produced.
The change is irreversible.
Write a conclusion explaining what Jonathon’s results show.
You might want to consider the relationship between the amount of tablet and the time taken for the rocket to go up.
Try to explain what is happening and why.
The results tell me that when you put a bigger amount of a tablet in the rocket will launch quicker.
When Jonathon put a quarter of a tablet in the rocket launched after 14-16 seconds, though when he put a whole tablet in the rocket launched after 5-6 seconds.
How does the tablet and liquid mixture make the rocket launch?
Hi Miss Lee!
I think the more amount of tablet you use the more pressure it forms inside, the lid pops off faster.
This actually inspired me to do the same experimenrt at home.
Wow Julia! What happened with your experiment? If you took a photo, you could send it to Miss Lee and she’ll be able to share it on this page so all your friends can see it.
In conclusion, the whole tablet took less time to launch the rocket because it had more of the tablet in the bottle. The chemicals in the tablet form gasses and that makes the rocket go up. Also,since there was more of the tablet in the bottle, it had more power. But if there was half a tablet or even less, then there would be less power and more time.
A great conclusion Holly, well done!
You are right, when the tablet dissolves in the liquid, it fizzes and forms bubbles. The bubbles are gas, the gas builds up and fills the inside of the container until there is no space so the lid pops off! ?
PS Thank you for your comment yesterday!
The results tell me that when you put a small amount of vitamin C it will have a longer time in the air.
Jonathan put a quarter of the vitamin C and it went 14-16 seconds but when he put a whole vitamin C it only went 5-6 seconds.
Why do you think the rocket takes less time to launch when more vitamin C tablet is used?
From the results, you could tell that the more of the tablet there is the faster the rocket launches. I think this happens because the tablet might have holes in the inside containing air. This means that as the tablet dissolves in the water, the air is released and it forces the lid off. ?????
Great ideas Vincent! As the tablet dissolves it fizzes. The bubbles it creates are filled with gas, so when the gas fills the container and has no where else to go, the lid is forced off!
The results showed that the whole tablet was the fastest one because if you look the whole tablet took 5 to 6 seconds and the half tablet and the quarter tablet was much slower than the whole tablet.
In conclusion the whole tablet went up more quicker because the whole tablet has more gasses than the half tablet and quarter tablet ,why because the half tablet did have a lot of gasses but it then got snapped so half of the gasses were gone.The quarter tablet was the slowest because it had most of its gas taken out so it would obviously be slower
A great conclusion! Well done Albert! Yes, when only half or a quarter tablet was used, there would have been a smaller reaction which would have created less bubbles and so the container would have taken longer to fill with gases.
This tells me that when Jonathan put a bigger amount of a tablet in the water, the rocket launches much faster.
Like when Jonathan put a quarter of a tablet in the rocket it launched in 14, 15 and 16 seconds. But when he puts half a tablet it launches after 11, 12, 12 seconds and with a hole tablet in the rocket launches in 5, 5, 6 seconds.
Good work Tijne! Why do you think the rocket launched faster when a whole tablet was used?
The results tell me when you put a bigger amount of a tablet the Rocket will go higher and launch quicker.
When Jonathons put a quarter it took his Rocket to launch after 14-16 when he put a whole tablet in it went to 5-6 seconds.
Well done Karter! Why do you think this was?
How does the rocket go up??
The rocket can go up because the chemicals in the tablet mixes with the water which creates gas.Like the container is upside down, the gas will still push up to the bottom of the container with its force so,the lid will come of to let the gas free.Jonathan put a rocket over the container so the gas will push the rocket up.
By seeing Jonathens results I know that the less tablet there I is the more time it will take to launch because when he put one quarter of the tablet it took up to 14-16 But when he put half a tablet it took up to 11-12 and when he put a whole tablet it took up to 5-6.
Well done Stella, a detailed conclusion!
The bigger the tablet the more bubbles form, which makes the lid pop out faster. I predict that the rocket will go higher in the air when there is a whole tablet.
Good observations Pablo!
The bigger the tablet, the more gas produced, and therefore the stronger the force created to launch the rocket. So, the whole tablet took shorter time to launch the rocket, and I know this because the numbers 5 and 6 are the smallest in the table. Then next comes the half because there is only half of the whole taken away, but in the quarter, 3/4 is taken away from the whole so it produces less gas and therefore less force.
A great conclusion Lucy!
Good morning Miss Lee ?
From the results I think that the more tablet you put in the water the more the rocket will launch faster( which creates a form of bubbles to help it launch) because when Jonathan placed a quarter of the tablet it went up to 14-16 seconds. Also when he placed half of the tablet it didn’t take long but still for the full tablet, its the best option for me.( For the second was 11-12)
Hello Clare!
A good conclusion well done! Why do you think the full vitamin tablet made the rocket launch faster?
Like Pablo said,The bigger the tablet the more bubbles form, which makes the lid pop out faster. I predict that the more of the tablet it has in the water, the less seconds it will take to launch the rocket!!
miss you guys:-(
Well done Amarissa! I am missing you all too!
The chart shows that when more of the tablet is added it bursts quicker.I think this is happening because the gas wants to escape so it will blow off the lid.
Good ideas Rafael! Why do you think this reaction happens faster when a whole vitamin tablet is used?
Good afternoon Miss Lee and class
When there’s less tablets it took 14,16 and 15 seconds for first attempt 11,11&12 seconds for second attempt & 5,5&6 seconds for the third attempt when there’s more tablets .so when
there’s more tablet’s it launches quicker but if there’s less it launches slower .????when a quarter is used (11,11&12)the rocket launches slowest because it has the least amount of tablets used,( 11,11&12 )are when half is used
it does launch faster than Jonathan’s first attempt but slower
than his third attempt.⚗
Good afternoon Mayowa!
A good observation well done! Why do you think the rocket took a longer time to launch when less of the vitamin tablet was used?
Hi everyone
when you put vitamins in water it will do bubbles and gas. gas makes the rocket launch? . The more you put vitamins the more the rocket will launch faster. So when Johnathan puts a whole tablet of vitamins there will be more gas and the rocket will launch faster.
Hi Martin!
Some good ideas! Why do you think bubbles appear when the vitamin tablet is placed in the water?
The bigger is the tablet the more gas is produced and this pushes the rocket faster.
Hello Miss Lee,
I think with a quarter of a tablet it takes about 14-16 seconds for the lid to come off. With the whole tablet it takes about 5-6 seconds for the top to come off, so the more tablet, the less seconds it will take the rocket to launch.
Hello and thank you miss lee I absolutely adore science!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bigger the better! If you put a BIG pill there will be more gas inside. the vitamins contains sodium bicarbonate, which makes it fizz, bubble and dissolve… Sodium chloride( the scientific name for salt.)
quick tip
screw the lid on tightly!
It produces more bubbles, so more pressure in the container so the lid jumps off to launch the rocket quicker.