Daily SPaG Question

Good morning Class 4, here is another SPaG activity for you to do…

What is a determiner?

A determiner is a word which is used before a noun to show which particular example of the noun you are talking about.
A determiner is either general, specific or a quantifier.

•General determiners: a, an, any, another, other, what
•Specific determiners: the, my, your, his, her, its, our, their, whose, this, that, these, those, which.
•Quantifying determiners
(how may nouns there are): all, any, enough, less, a lot of, lots of, more, most, none of, some, both, each, every, a few, fewer, neither, either, several.

Can you add an appropriate determiner to these sentences?

  1. Yesterday, Miss Lee went for ____ run in the glorious sunshine.

2.  Before using the internet, it is important to ask _____ parents for permission.

3. This morning, I ate _______ pancakes for breakfast.

4. The children from Class 4 were excited to do _______ SPaG task today!

5. In the evening, she read ______ favourite book.

6. Please don’t eat ____ cake!

7. The boy ate all of _____ dinner.

8. It is good to do _____ exercise every day.



Write your own sentences using some of the determiners above. 

35 comments on “SPaG Questions – 26/03/20

    1. Yesterday, Miss Lee went for a run in the glorious sunshine.
    2. Before using the internet,it is important to ask your parents for permission.
    3. This morning, I ate some pancakes for breakfast.
    4. The children were excited to do their SPaG task today.
    5. In the evening, she read her favourite book.
    6. Please don’t eat that cake!
    7. The boy ate all of his dinner.
    8. It is good to do my exercise every day.

  2. Well done Holly! You have chosen an appropriate determiner for all eight sentences!

  3. Adding determiners to the sentences:
    1. Yesterday, Miss Lee went for a run in the glorious sunshine.
    2. Before using the internet, it is important to ask your parents for permission.
    3. This morning, I ate lots of pancakes for breakfast.
    4. The children from Class 4 were excited to do their SPaG task today!
    5. In the evening, she read her favourite book.
    6. Please don’t eat my cake!
    7. The boy ate all of his dinner.
    8. It is good to do some exercise every day.

    1. Another thing I would like to do when I grow up is write a book.
    2. My favourite colour is the best of all colours, PINK!
    3. When I grow up I don’t know if I will be a doctor, a vet, a teacher, or an actor as I am interested in all of these professions.

  4. Well done Lucy, you have chosen an appropriate determiner for all eight sentences!
    Great work for doing the challenge too! I like your last sentence, you will great at all of those! Just check your 2nd challenge sentence, can you rearrange some of the world’s to make sure it is cohesive?

    I love doing my exercise. I do it every day. First I get up in the morning. I eat my breakfast, then I go for a walk. When I’ve done all that, I put on the TV and start jumping on my trampoline. It is important we do more exercise than less.

  6. Well done for doing the challenge and for using a variety of determiners!

  7. 1.a
    6.lots of

    A pigeon pooped on my head.
    I ate some chips.
    The waves crashed on to the shore.

  8. Well done Rafael! It is great to see you do the challenge too! Oh no, I hope the sentence about the pigeon isn’t really true!

  9. Hello class,
    1. Yesterday Miss Lee went for a run in the glorious sunshine.
    2. Before using internet, it is important to ask your parents for permission.
    3.This morning I ate lots of pancakes for breakfast.
    4. The children from class 4 were excited to do a spag test today!
    5. In the evening ,she read her favourite book.
    6. Please don’t eat that cake!
    7. The boy ate all of his dinner.
    8. It is good to do a lot of exercise everyday.

    I eat a lot of pancakes.
    Every day I do homework.
    All of my friends play, none of them goes to school.

  10. Great work Martin, and well done for doing the challenge too! Check your last challenge sentence. Can you edit it to make sure it is cohesive?

  11. Answers:
    1. a
    2. your
    3. lots of
    4. another/their
    5. her
    6. the
    7. his
    8. some
    1. There were only several people at the party.
    2. Yesterday, I baked chocolate chip cookies with my mum.
    3. It is difficult to get through those bushes.

  12. Great work Clare! Well done for doing the challenge too! Mmm.. chocolate chip cookies sound delicious!

    2. My favourite colour it PINK, the best of all colours!

  14. 1.a

  15. Well done for having a go William, check some of your answers as I’m not sure if the determiners you have chosen make sense in the sentences. If it helps, write out the sentences rather than just the numbers 🙂

  16. Some examples of determiners are:
    The, a, his, her, it and some

  17. Great Vincent! Can you put these determiners into some exciting sentences?

  18. 1)I like to bake
    2)I ate some porridge ? for breakfast ?
    3)He was very annoying (like my sisters????)

  19. Answers
    3.lots of

    today i went to a shop. for breakfast i ate a banana. a dog ate my snack. the water bottle i drank from was dirty. the boys brother ate all of his dinner. christiano ronaldo eats lots of vegetables.

  20. Great, well done, especially for doing the challenge too! 🙂
    Now check your challenge sentences and correct punctuation (capital letters and full stops).

  21. 1) a
    2) our
    3) several
    4) a
    5) her
    6) my
    7) his
    8) some

  22. Well done Paolo!

  23. He shared his toy.
    Our parents gave us sushi today.
    I had some friends at my house yesterday.
    The book I am reading is really good.

  24. Great sentences! Maybe you could write about the book you are reading on the year 4 reading blog ?

    2. My favourite colour is PINK, the best of all colours!

  26. Super! Well done for responding to marking Lucy ⭐

  27. Answers to Questions:
    1. Yesterday, Miss Lee went for a run in the glorious sunshine.
    2. Before using the internet, it is important to ask your parents for permission.
    3. This morning, I ate some pancakes for breakfast.
    4. The children from Class 4 were excited to do the SPaG task today.
    5. In the evening, she read her favourite book.
    6. Please don’t eat the cake.
    7. The boy ate all of his dinner.
    8. It is good to do some exercise every day.
    1. Can you give me a pencil, please?
    2. Is that an elephant?
    3. Any pencil-case will do.
    4. Please don’t move to another house.
    5. You don’t need other pieces of paper.
    6. What do you want to do next?

  28. Great challenge sentences! Well done!

  29. 1. A run
    2. Your
    3. Ate

  30. Well done Albert!
    Just check your answer to question 3, is this a determiner?

  31. 1) a
    2) your
    3) some
    4) their
    5) her
    6) the
    7) his
    8) my

    1. Yesterday, Miss Lee went for a run in the glorious sunshine.
    2 .Before using the internet, it it important to ask your parents for permission.
    3. This morning I ate some pancakes for breakfast.
    4. The children from Class 4 were excited do their SPaG task today.
    5. In the evening, she read her favourite book.
    6. Please don’t eat that cake!
    7. The boy ate all of his dinner.
    8. It is good to do a lot of exercise everyday.
    My family and I are not going away for Easter.
    Do you want some of my cookies?
    An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
    Tell her what I have said.
    Choose any book from the Library.
    Do you want 1 or both?

  33. ☄?Mayowa☄? says:

    3.some/lots of
    8. your/some.
    Done?How did I do?

    Challenge :
    “I caught a fish!” Ant showted.?
    Wow look at those Dolphins .?
    There were severel rabbits?
    None of the crocs were happy?
    “A dragon . “”Where”?
    “Did you see the Tigers!?&cheetes?

  34. Sorry , ate lots of pancakes

  35. Here are my answers;
    1) a
    2) your
    3) some
    4) their
    5) her
    6) the
    7) his
    8) some

    After Sophie finished her homework, she had a snack.
    On the table were lots of delicious food that Mummy had cooked.
    A few weeks ago, we went to the shop to buy some shoes.

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