Good morning Year 5!

I hope you are having a lovely June so far. Please read my post: June is the month of Jesus.

Isaiah was a Hebrew prophet who was believed to have lived about 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ.

Isaiah emphasised the freedom God gives us to make choices and that these should be used responsibly.  


There is advice on what we can do for other people rather than adopt selfish attitudes.  Isaiah tells us God is given pleasure by seeing what we do for others.  This behaviour is what God hopes will inspire others and permeate throughout the whole world – love, kindness, generosity, consideration, as these are signs that we have learnt from God’s love for us and wish to share it with others.

Some questions to think about…

How does Isaiah’s advice link with the Ten Commandments?

Can we keep the rules that God gives us and why?

Please read: Jesus the Teacher _ Matthew

Matthew’s Gospel collects Jesus’ teaching together in what is called the Sermon on the Mount.   Matthew’s Jewish readers would remember how Moses brought God’s law (rules) to the people.  Matthew wants his readers to recognise Jesus as the new Moses, calling people to a new way of living.  (Jesus went up the mountain and sat town and taught the people.)

Mountains are mentioned frequently in the Bible because they dotted the landscape where the stories in the Bible take place. As a result, mountains and hills are mentioned more than 500 times in Scripture. Mountains have a logical religious symbolism for Jewish and Christian cultures since they are “closer to God” who dwells in the heavens (as in the sky). As a result, God often reveals himself on a mountaintop in the text.

The word Beatitude means to be blessed, prosperous or abundant. The Beatitudes differ from the Ten Commandments because instead of giving a list of ‘thou shalt not’s, he instead gives a list of things we are to become.

Jesus teaches that being truly blessed is not through obtaining wealth or power (as most Romans would have seen as being blessed). It is not even through strict obedience to the law (as the Scribes and Pharisees would have understood. It is through becoming meek, hungering after righteousness, being merciful and a peacemaker. The state of being blessed is about who we really are and not just what we do. As we work towards becoming blessed we have to bless the lives of others. 

You  may have noticed, I have posted about two of the Beatitudes on the school website already:

Blessed are the Gentle

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Some questions to think about and discuss with an adult at home if you can…

How does what Jesus says link to Isaiah’s advice?
How does Jesus want us to live?
How will we be rewarded for living in this way?

Which Beatitude do you like best and why?

Today’s task:

You have a choice.  You can choose one of the following tasks:

a) Write your own modern version of the Beatitudes which show how they could be used to shape the attitudes and lives of Christians today. You can write this in the comment section or in your Home Learning book (decorated).


b) Imagine you were present at the Sermon on the Mount. Express how you felt – you can express this in writing or through art or by writing a song or poem. Explain how seeing Jesus and listening to these words changed your life.


Once you have completed your task, please try to answer the following question…

Why are mountains important in the Bible and what do they symbolise? Explain this in your own words and try to make links to scripture in your answer. Have you ever been on top of a hill or small mountain or cliff? How did you feel?

Good luck!

Mrs Avdiu xx

If you send any work using the Homework Uploader, please send it for the attention of Miss Carruthers as she will be the one responding to blogs on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Thank you!

Printer-friendly version: RE blog Beatitudes


Zavan’s beautiful work on the modern day Beatitudes.

8 comments on “The Beatitudes (Wed 10.6.20)

  1. Hello everyone I hope you are all ok and are having a good day this is my RE for today:

    *Blessed are those who express there feeling with confidence God will bring them peace.
    *Blessed are those who are peaceful and try to stop others fighting God will call them his sons and daughters.
    *Blessed are people who get into trouble for doing the right thing Gods kingdom belongs to them.
    * Blessed are those who are kind and forgiving to others they will be given the same.
    * Blessed are those who try to please God in what they do and think they will be with God.
    * Blessed are those who want families, God will satisfy them.
    * Blessed are those who don’t show off but think of others first they shall be given the earth.


    I have been on a mountain with my family and friends and it was very fun. I think mountains are very religious because that’s usually were people go to pray and were God shows himself. They are like the gate to heaven where if u are ready you belong to Gods house.

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    I love your modern day Beatitudes Claudia. I think they are so relevant to all of us and good rules to live by. 🙂

  3. Hello Everyone !!
    I hope you are all well and safe !!
    I miss you all so much and I hope to see you all soon!!

    *Blessed are those who are sad or upset God and Jesus shall make them feel comforted.
    *Blessed are those who are going through hard times may God be by there side until the very end.
    *Blessed are those who are living on the streets with no food or water maybe the holy spirit be with them.
    * Blessed are those who follow Jesus and Gods ways may they always be with them.
    * Blessed are those children who have no parents maybe they have a great life ahead of them.


    I have never been on a hill or mountain but if I would have I think it would feel amazing since Jesus has also been on one and it would be spectacular to look down from the mountain or hill it would be magical! I also think mountains are important in the Bible because they mean that even though you are high does not mean that God or Jesus will not be watching over you.

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for thinking of some modern day Beatitudes. I really like your one about God being by people’s side right until the very end 🙂

  5. Hi everyone.
    Mountains are important in the Bible because Jesus usually stands on them. I think that maybe He does this because it makes Him feel closer to Heaven and God, and he’s higher up. I think this symbolises that Heaven is up like in the clouds and sky. I have been on top of Mount Snowden and it made me feel relaxed and happy, and a bit closer to Heaven.

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    I wonder if that is why Jesus often did his big ‘speeches’ on mountain tops, to be closer to God. I definitely feel very peaceful when I’m at the top of a mountain, and like God is very close to me.

  7. Good morning Miss Carruthers, this is why I think mountains are important in the Bible.

    Mountains are important in the Bible because they are like a bridge or gateway from heaven to earth. When you get to the top after hiking up a mountain, you can see for miles around and there’s nobody up there except you and whoever comes with you. Being on a mountain top makes you feel very calm and relaxed, like you’re alone with God and nothing could disturb you. Jesus is usually depicted on a mountain because he and the other people would also be closer to God.

    I have sent my own modern version of the Beatitudes via the homework uploader.

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    That’s so true Zavan; when you’re up a mountain there seems to be no rush so you can spend as much time as you want up there.
    Your Beatitudes are excellent, and have some important things that we could all do with remembering. Well done 🙂

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