This term, we will be developing our knowledge and understanding of human and physical geography as we study biomes and climate in North and South America.

What is a biome? To understand this further, we’ll be looking at the rainforests of South America and the deserts of North America, analysing the physical features, comparing climates and how they impact population and land-use. We will also be learning about the North American tundra. We will link this learning to our knowledge of climate change and begin to consider the impacts that humans have had on our world.

The rainforests will offer us the opportunity to learn all about their vegetation and wildlife, as well as how people have adapted to living there.  The Grand Canyon is a fascinating landscape and we look forward to learning about its formation and the erosion of the Colorado River, as well as the impact of tourism.

This is an exciting topic and a wonderful opportunity to take a look at another part of the world that is very different to our own.

I’d like you to think of three questions you’d like answered about North and South America and post your questions in the blog. Once you have posted your own questions, have a go at finding out the answer to somebody else’s question and share your answer here on the blog.

One comment on “The Biomes of North and South America

  1. Moses y5 says:

    It was so fun to learn about and I would love to learn more about the Amazon rainforest

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