Good Morning Year 6!

Last week, marked the beginning of the summer term and like I said before, normally we would be in full swing preparing for our SATs and then starting the production.

Now, fingers crossed that we will still be able to do a production; Mrs Healy, Mr Rees and I will do all we can!

Have you ever been to the theatre? If so, what did you see?!

So, in relation to this. I would like you to think about the following ‘Big Questions’:


1.    What makes a good show/play?

2.    Is a play more immersive than a film? (you may need to look up ‘immersive’ in a dictionary!

3.    Is ‘Art and Drama’ essential to your life?


When I was younger, we put on shows with my Church. We were lucky to have 2 members of our congregation who used to be stage managers so they directed the plays.

I was very very shy as a child but they helped to increase my confidence so much and I loved the singing!

We used to rehearse every Sunday afternoon (from September to February) and then perform 3 times in February Half Term! They are some of the happiest memories of my childhood! We performed Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat, Oliver, Annie, The Wizard of Oz and Godspell.

I love the songs in Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat-my favourite is ‘Go, Go, Go Joseph!’

I think Godspell was my favourite one because I was older then and a little more confident. I had to sing ‘‘Day by Day’ as a solo and play the guitar-I remember that my hands were shaking!

In Oliver, my Dad played Bill Sykes and I found him very scary! In Annie, my brother was Mr Warbucks and he had to grease his hair back which we found very funny!

Have you heard of any of these shows?


We look forward to reading your answers 🙂


Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy xx


If you would like a printer version of the blog post, click here!

p.s. Have a look at Anahi’s brilliant costume design-I think her use of collage is brilliant! Well done ?


Also have a look at Gabriel’s character model- he used Lego very creatively! Well done 🙂

38 comments on “Topic-Big Questions!!

  1. Jeanne Yr 6 says:

    Good morning everyone,

    Here are my answers:
    1. I think humour makes a good play as well as mystery. I really would like to see a play that makes me laugh.
    2. I think a play more immersive than a film because in a play you feel more as if you’re in the play.
    3. I believe art and drama are not essential to your life.

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    Thank you Jeanne ?I agree, a funny play is important to me too!

  3. ?? Laetitia ?? says:

    1. What makes a good play is when the actors are enjoying themselves, because otherwise they wont be displaying the character as well.

    2. I think that a play is more immersive than a film, because in the play you can really see the characters in person, and even sometimes (rarely sometimes) they interact with the audience.

    3. Art and drama are not necessarily essential to life, but sometimes you need to have a little bit of fun to keep you happy and healthy, and art and drama are good for that.

  4. Miss Gorick says:

    Thanks Laetitia ?I agree, a play can be very immersive !

  5. I like Anne a lot and found it very exciting and fun to watch. I’ve actually watched the stage show the theatre which was a new experience for me.

  6. Miss Gorick says:

    That sounds great!

  7. Good morning everyone!
    That sounds like a very fun play!
    Humour and good acting and songs make a good play to me.
    I think a play is more immersive than a film because you can see from more than one point of view(physically)
    I think art and drama is really fun as it helps boost everyone’s confidence and gives them a lot of fun!


  8. Miss Gorick says:

    Thanks Ariella ? I agree, art and drama can be a lot of fun!

  9. Good morning Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy!
    1) I think what makes a good play is the story behind it, if the story is not that exhilarating not that memorable or clear then the play hasn’t really fulfilled its mission in touching you inside.

    2) I think a play is more immersive than a film as a film doesn’t really interact with the audience, for example if you watch a Disney film and compare it when seeing it in a theatre, the actors are much more interactive and it includes you a little bit.

    3) I think it really depends if art and drama are essential in life because people interpret things differently all the time so for example if someone looks at a piece of art someone else may think of it differently.

  10. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Jada ? I agree, the story is very important!

  11. ???Alfie??? says:

    Good morning Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy
    Q1: To make a good show you need: characters (people in the play), the scene (setting/place the story is set), rehearsal (to show how much work was put in and to see the story come together well) and script (you need a good story to make the play good).

    Q2: Movie’s and Plays. They both have the same concept but also are very different. Movies have various things like special effects, stunt doubles, and different sets/filming locations. Plays are set on the same stage.
    I think movies are more immersive because they are more developed and more interesting whilst plays are mostly set in the same environment.

    Q3: Art and drama is essential to my life.
    I think this because it’s enjoyable but you don’t really need it so it makes the question really hard!
    But my overall opinion is that art and drama is essential.

  12. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Alfie, thanks for your comments ? it is a tough question but I’m glad that you thought carefully about your own opinion.

  13. What do I see in theatre?

    I haven’t gone to the theatre much, but I’ve been there enough to understand ‘Theatre.’ Theatre has been here since Ancient Greek, and it’s always the same thing. In a theatre, there is a play, written by a playwright, with actors, a stage and a story, that simple. I really don’t know how else to say this. Some plays may also be a ‘musical’ which is a play with songs. Plays also have different genres, and that’s pretty much it.

    What makes a good play?

    There are a lot of key parts to a ‘good’ play. Most of it it, if not all, is very simple. To make a good play, you need characters (people in the play), settings (places where the events happen), relationships between characters (e.g friends, enemies), and props (objects used in the play). You also need a good script. The script is the heart of the play. Rehearsals are also very key to make your play good. Without rehearsals, you won’t be able to see if everyone is working to their best, know their lines, or if the script works (as in if the lines need changing).

    Is a play more immersive than a film?

    Theatre and movie, cinema and stage, plays and film. Though they have the same concept , at the same time they are very different. Films/movies have special effects, stunt doubles/stunts, visual effects. Also, sets. Movies have different sets/filming locations, however theatres use the same stage. All these different things effect how immersive the show is.

    You may find a film more immersive, because it is easier for them, to expand their imagination and viewing of things, however in plays, they have to keep it more plain, and realistic though, it is possible to make it more ‘special’.

    Is ‘Art & Drama’ essential to my life?

    Art and drama is essential to my life, but how? (This question is really hard!) Drama is an art, and art can show drama! If you’re an actor (which I plan to be), art and drama is very essential, it is the highlight of your skill, your shining beacon, and you use it to entertain people.

    That’s all I can think of (Wow! I’ve said that a lot!) I don’t understand that last question so well.

    Bye and happy birthday.

  14. Miss Gorick says:

    Wow, what an in-depth answer Ethan! You have thought carefully and structured your answers well ?

  15. Good morning everyone,
    My answers:

    1) I think that when the actors and actresses are having fun makes a good play as their emotions look more natural unlike an actor or actress being forced to smile.

    2) I think a play is more immersive than a film because you can actually see it live and it isn’t seen through a TV or a computer. Sometimes the actors ask the audience questions like they do in pantomimes.

    3) I think art and drama isn’t essential in your life but is good to distract you from things you don’t want to think of.

  16. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Sergio ? I agree, when an actor and actress is enjoying themselves, it must be easier for them to smile!

  17. Good morning
    Here are my answers:
    1. I think that the key to a good play and show is humour and good acting. This is because humour entertains the crowd and keeps them engaged in the play.
    2. I think that a play is more immersive because in a film you are looking at it through a screen but in a play the audience and the actors interact with each other.
    3. I think that it is because it brings fun,excitement and confidence when you are feeling down but some people don’t see it that way and don’t enjoy it.

  18. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Javier ? I agree that humour is very important!

  19. ???Eliza??? says:

    Good morning!

    1. I think that suspense and mystery makes a good play because it makes it more interesting. Also if the actors enjoy themselves then it would show more of the character but if they didn’t then the actor won’t display the character as well as the should.
    2. I think that a play is more immersive than a film because you see them in real life and the characters interact with you.
    3. I think that art and drama is essential because it is a nice activity and it might help to boost your confidence in public and on a stage.

  20. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Eliza ? I love mystery and suspense too!

  21. 1. What makes a good play is having good acting skills and humour. It is also great if the the actors and actresses include the audience in part of the play, because this means that the audience get engaged with the play.
    2. a play is more immersive than a movie because the actors are really in front of you and can move around you instead of being stuck in a screen.
    3. Art and drama is essential to my life because it is great way to express how you feel. I think that art and drama is a good because if you do not have these talents and you had a lead role in a play then you would need this skill. But if you don’t have these skills then you will not do as good as if a good actor was acting.

  22. Hello everyone! Hope you’re staying safe!

    I think dramatic language is one thing that makes a good play because if you were to see a play and the actors just talking in a boring way it would make the play boring and everybody that there is mood very gloomy.

    I think a play is more immersive then a film because a film is on a screen but a play is with actual people right in front of you acting.

    It depends if Art and Drama is essential in your life because it can be a job or it can be just for fun. It is a really hard question to answer???

  23. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Aryan ? dramatic language and expression is important, you’re right!

  24. ? Antonia ? says:

    Hello everyone!
    1. An interesting play will keep people’s attention, a play must be exciting as people love to be thrilled, in the same way people love to be entertained. As it breaks boredom and helps people forget their worries which makes people feel good. A play must be written and preformed well. A badly written or performed play will easily loose the respect of the audience.

    2. With plays or films some people don’t have 100% realism, some plays or films require some imagination from the audience. The immersive value of a play is from how it is written and performed.

    3. A question that arises is ‘Does art imitate life?’ as Aristotle said or ‘Does life imitate art?’ as argued by Oscar Wilde in the 19th Cenntury. From the time of Ancient Greece the importance of art had blurred and so much became of everyday life.

  25. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Antonia ? I really like that you have focused on those famous questions…that has made me think!

  26. Good afternoon Miss,
    I have been to the theatre two times in the UK, I watched Peter Pan and Winter’s Tale (from Shakespeare)
    Q1) What makes a good play is that the actors are happy about what roles they play, so they get into the characters, mood and role.
    Q2)I think a play is more immersive because, although movies have special effects, different filming places and so on, a play’s actors have more connection with the audience, and it makes them feel in the story.
    Q3)I think arts and drama is essential to my life because, although I don’t like to do drama, I like learning about it, and doing it’s arts.

  27. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Gabriel ? thank you for your responses. You’re right, learning about drama can be fun!

  28. Qu1: What makes a good show?
    What makes a good show is to engage with the audience by using humour, a good narrative, to touch different emotions, suspense, special effects, set design, costumes, lighting, music, good acting and me in the show?
    Qu2: Is a play more immersive than a film?
    I think plays are more immersive than films because there’s no barrier between the stage and the audience, the actors are right in front of you and you can get easily drawn into their acting.
    Qu3: Is ‘Art and Drama’ essential to your life?
    Art and drama are essential to my life as it can lead to knowledge. I can learn about people’s beliefs, people’s stories and I can learn new vocabulary in drama. By using art and drama I can visualise a world beyond reality.

  29. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Anahi ? what a thoughtful and well developed response. I really like that you have said that art leads to knowledge, how interesting.

  30. Hello everyone!
    My answers:
    Q1) I think to make the best show you need to include everyone in it.
    They must know there actions/lines/places to earn their respect. Make sure everyone is happy and comfort them if they aren’t.
    Q2) I think a play is more immersive than a film because all the actors are actually there and the play with all the actors moving makes you feel like your in the show.
    Q3) I think art and drama are important in our lives because they give you a lot of confidence and make it easier for you to speak publicly

  31. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Elly ? thanks for commenting. Drama can definitely help to increase your confidence, I agree!

  32. ?‍?Timothy?‍??? says:

    Good afternoon everyone!
    I have been to the theatre once in the UK,it was A winters tale by Shakespeare.
    Q1)I think that a good movie needs good screen play. It also needs good plot an structure so that it makes sense. The characters should also each have a significant part in the main story unless they’re an extra.
    Q2)People make films more immersive by using surround sound and 5D.
    Q3)I think that drama is good as it can help build confidence,

  33. Hello everyone,

    Well done Anahi and Gabriel ,both of you made lovely models.

    I have been many times to the theatre to watch many different types of theatre performances for example theatre plays and ballet plays.I really enjoy films because their so entertaining but i enjoy theatre even more because it is like a film but you can actually see the actors performing in real life.Sometimes they even include the audience.For me in a good theatre play as well as in a good film there should be mystery and comedy included because i really like one of those interesting engaging detective stories.

    I think a play is more immersive than a film because your actually there watching it as the actors are performing not on a screen.Sometimes (in most modern theatre plays i’v seen) the actors involve you in the story as you Boo the baddy and Yeah the goody.A theater play even seems as if you are in the play because when the actor talks to himself like he would in a film,since your in that room it is as if he’s talking to you.

    I think it depends if art and drama is essential to your life because people who are actors and are good actors will think it is essential and just like a footballer would be devastated if he/her broke his/her leg and could never play football again, if an actor lost her/his voice they would also be devastated if they could never act again.So it depends who you are and what you like doing.As a child drama might not be essential but it is always good to have some fun!

    I also just wanted to add that theatre brings people closer to each other for they have to work together as a team to make the pay amazing so it’s probably a good experience.

  34. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Jade ? thank you for your detailed response. I agree, a cast must work as a team to put on a good show!

  35. ? Maryana ? says:

    1) What makes a good show/play?

    To me I think that you need it to be interesting and like Jeanne said humour as well.

    2) Is a play more immersive than a film? (you may need to look up ‘immersive’ in a dictionary!
    I think a play is not as immersive and you are looking at a screen and you are really zoned into the film whereas if it’s a play you may turn away and not concentrate as much as it’s people live performing.

    3) Is ‘Art and Drama’ essential to your life?

    I think it is as everyone needs a sense of imagination and a way to express emotions

  36. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Maryana ? thanks for your comment. Finding a way to express your emotions is very important!

  37. Mrs Healy says:

    Well done year 6 love reading all your answers.

  38. Here are Gaspard’s answers:
    1. A good play is with good actors and interesting story.
    2. Yes and no, as they are different special effects.
    3. No but it is useful as a distraction and activity.

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