Good morning, Year 5!

Well done with your grammar work yesterday. You will be able to apply these skills tomorrow in your big writing task.

Today’s English focus is: Spelling & Handwriting

Please practise these spellings in your yellow homework book as well as find the definitions (click image to enlarge):

This website helps to learn how to spelling these words and has some games you can practise.
If you can, ask your sibling or parent to test you on the above words!
If you want some more ideas of how to practise your spellings you could:
Use the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method to
learn your spellings.

When you are writing these words in your home learning book, try to use neat, joined handwriting. Most of us have been typing on the blog but it is important to make sure we practise our handwriting too!

Can you write a paragraph using more than two of these words? Let’s see who can include the most spelling words in their paragraph! Please type your paragraph into the comment section below.

Plan your sentence first in your Home Learning Book to ensure that it makes sense before publishing it on the blog! If you are looking for a challenge, you could visit the Shakespeare Project.

I look forward to seeing your amazing responses on Friday (on my usual working day). Miss Coleman & Miss Carruthers will kindly respond to the blogs for today.

Good luck with learning your spellings!

Mrs Avdiu 

You can find a printable version of this blog here:Wednesday Week 2 English

Please consider the environment and only print this if necessary.

51 comments on “English – Spelling (Wed 29.4.20)

  1. Ms Robertson says:

    Hello everyone!
    Good luck with this weeks spelling words – I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s paragraphs!

  2. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Ms Robertson and Class 5, I hope you are all well.

    Miss Carruthers and I will be responding to your Blog comments on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I’m really looking forward to seeing your work.

  3. Ms Robertson says:

    Hi Miss Coleman & Miss Carruthers!
    Hope you’re having a good week – have a lovely day!

  4. Our neighbours are a nuisance.They always have parties in the middle of the night an we cannot persuade them to stop. We told
    parliament, who have the privilege to make laws and, they made a law that the neighbours can no longer occupy their house.

  5. Miss Coleman says:

    Well done Theo-an interesting paragraph. I’m sure the neighbours will never dare to be noisy again!

    T-Remember to use a capital letter for proper nouns.

  6. Hi Miss Avdiu and Miss Robertson. This is what I have done for this weeks spelling words.


    1. Opportunity means a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

    2. Neighbour means a person living next to you.


    1. I always fail to persuade people to buy me lots of sweets.

    2. I have been to parliament for a trip with my class and with school council, and both times it was really fun.


    My neighbour next door who is called John started to shout at me and my family so we decided to go to the park next to parliament. At the park I tried to persuade my mum and dad to get me a chocolate ice cream but they obviously said no. I was really annoyed that they said no but I had to deal with it.

  7. Miss Coleman says:

    Great sentences Dylan and I’m impressed that you have used the words in a paragraph. I would like an ice cream now!

    T-Remember that proper nouns such as the names of places have capital letters-Parliament.

  8. Hello everyone, here is my paragraph for today’s English task.

    It was two o’clock in the morning and Jeremy couldn’t sleep. He could hear his parent’s snores as he lay in his bed thinking about the events that had occurred yesterday. A man from parliament had come in to give a lecture on politics and during P.E. (or ‘physical learning for the greater good’ as the teachers called it) Sam the school bully had been a total nuisance. Suddenly he heard a bang in the street and looked outside to see two men fighting. He took this as an opportunity to get out of bed carefully making sure that his parents were still asleep because if he was caught, he would lose all his movie privileges for a month. Once he was outside, Jeremy ran across his neighbour’s (Mr Filch who was occupying the house door) yard for fun before tiptoeing on to the street.

    By the way how do you get on to the Shakespeare Project because when ever I try to go on to it, a sign that says that I have to sign up comes up and if I click X it goes away but the tempest bit goes away too.

  9. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Zavan, a great paragraph-well done!
    T-Can you look at it again and see if you could use commas in your writing?

    For the Shakespeare Project you have to sign up to be able to access the resources. Please ask your parents to help you to do this. There is no cost but the Shakespeare Company need to track how many people are using the resources. Let me know if you have any further problems and I can look into this for you.

  10. Hello Everyone !!!! ?

    I hope you are all well and safe!!
    I also hope you all are having a fantastic day so far!!!

    For Today’s English Task I have come up with three sentences one sentence using two word and I have found the definition of another two words.

    I hope you enjoy ??



    1) My (neighbor) was making a really load noise today in his house.

    2) This running race was a life time (opportunity), I had to (persuade) Lily to take the chance she had.

    3) In the mornings I have a very (occupied) schedule because I have so much work to do!!

    Sorry it was so hard to make u a sentence using occupy so I just made up one using occupied I hope that is okay!!

    Now for the two words that I foud the definition to:


    Occur : Happened or were it took place.

    Parliament: Highest Legilature, ( The House of Lords and The House of Commons).

    I hope you enjoyed my sentences and definitions ?

    I hope you all have a great week and a great day

    ~ Elena. ?

  11. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Elena, I’m glad you’re having a good day! So am I. I’m at the Hub and its lovely to see some St. Vincent’s pupils.
    Well done for trying to write the sentences. Occupy is tricky.
    There are different definitions:

    definition 1: to take and control.
    Germany occupied Poland during World War II.

    definition 2: to take up; fill.
    These large chairs are occupying too much space in this room.
    How do you occupy your free hours?

    definition 3: to live in.
    My grandparents have occupied their house for forty years.

    definition 4: to serve in or hold.

    T-Can you think of another sentence using the word occupy?

  12. Ms Robertson says:

    Hi Elena!
    In the mornings I occupy myself by reading the news and blogging on the school website.
    Have a lovely day!

  13. Hi,
    I have used all the spelling words in my paragraph and they continue my story.

    Falling through my window, I landed on my bed just in time for my mother to open the door on me lying there. “How long have u been here?” she asked with her mind reading look. I must play this very carefully. I will take any opportunity I get. I was in the middle of persuading mum not to ground me when the big, physical nuisance of a brother moved into my room. I did have quite a big room, but I still felt like they were occupying a good part of my room. “What a privilege it is to have you in here dear brother” I said in the most sarcastic voice. “I know. A great honour it must be to have the hunkiest guy in school in your room.” He replied like usual. It then occurred to me that we should have read Pride and Prejudice before this incident. He could have swallowed his Pride and we can both lower the prejudice of each other. As we were both arguing I realised mum had not said any thing just stood and stared at the window. I looked to see what she was staring at but all I saw was are neighbour. The one that worked as the English parliament’s representer. Ambassador I think it is called.

  14. Miss Coleman says:

    What a great paragraph Honeko! I want to read the rest of the story!

    T-Try reading your work again and check that you have used capital letters correctly. Are there any changes you could make?

  15. Hi everyone! I hope you are all well.

    Dear Mrs. Avdiu and Ms. Robertson
    I posted a version of this yesterday, but it was not published. So my Dad suggested I rework it for today!

    During quarantine, I have started to write messages on a whiteboard to two children across the road who are my neighbours. They occupy the top floor of an apartment across the road. Two days ago a large piece of paper filled their window with a message written on it. It said “HELLO, what is your name?!” Since this time we are sending messages to each other daily. The girl is the same age as I am: she is 10. Her little brother is eight. Today we plan to meet again at 3pm.

  16. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Ayako,
    That’s lovely. I have made friends with more of my neighbours during this time as well.

  17. Neighbour nuisance
    occupy occur
    opportunity parliament
    persuade physical
    prejudice privilege

    Nuisance= A person or thing who is causing inconvenience or is being annoying.

    neighbour=A person who lives next too your house.

    As fast as he could, Ricky was running away from a big patch of wolves who looked like they hadn’t eaten in a week and were desperate. He saw an opportunity to hide from them in a small hole in a tree. Suddenly, a strange thing occurred and he saw his neighbour, Matt, running towards him. Ricky thought ‘Why is he here in the forest? How did he see me? Isn’t he scared? Does he always come here to the forest? Isn’t he supposed to be at work in the houses of parliament?’ Matt then tried to persuade me to come out with him and not to be scared of the wolves because they were gone.

  18. Miss Coleman says:

    Great paragragh Marco. I would be scared of a pack (I think that’s what you meant instead of patch) of wolves too!

    T- Capital letter for proper nouns such as Houses of Parliament

  19. Sorry Mrs Avdiu,
    I have accidentally spelt ‘privilege’ wrong can you change it to privilege.


  20. Miss Carruthers says:

    I am so impressed with your proof reading! I’ve changed privilege for you.

  21. Miss Coleman says:

    Great sentences Dylan and I’m impressed that you have used the words in a paragraph. I would like an ice cream now!

    Remember that proper nouns such as the names of places have capital letters-Parliament.

  22. Hello Mrs Robertson hello everyone hope you all enjoy my spellings:


    Physical means exercises and sport made to keep the body or on the outside of a human.

    Occur means to happen or take place or to come into a persons mind also to exist or to be found somewhere.


    My neighbour is very nice to me because she lends me her dog Boo and lets me take it out for walks because they can’t.

    On my mums birthday her birthday present was arriving at 4 o’clock luckily my mum went to have a run and that gave me the opportunity to hide the present.


    I went to the parliament with my parents and I had the opportunity to see what was behind the curtain I did it was a man with a physical problem. It didn’t occur to me until later that I could have helped him but we had to go. On the way home we saw my neighbor who came back from shopping.

  23. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Claudia,
    Thank you for your definitions, sentences and paragraph. Happy birthday to your mum-I hope she liked her present!

    T-Please can you read your paragraph again and check you have used all the punctuation you need, especially capital letters and full stops? The first sentence is very long and I think it needs to be broken down into smaller sentences.

  24. Good Morning everyone!

    This is a paragraph I have written using as many words as I could from the spelling words.

    My neighbour saw a very big opportunity to fulfill his dream and become a Member of Parliament.
    It occurred to him that physical activity was a very much underrated subject in school, so he set on a mission to persuade his entire borough that physical education should occupy pupils for at least half a day everyday.
    Unfortunately many of his potential voters had prejudices about him and considered him a nuisance so his proposal did not go far but nonetheless he felt privileged to have been able to try and get P.E. its rightful place in the education system.

  25. Miss Coleman says:

    Well done Tommaso-great paragraph using the spelling words with accurate punctuation. I agree that physical education is very important but I’m not sure about at least half of the day!

  26. Hello everyone, I hope that you have had a nice day so far! Hopefully you are all well and safe!
    Here are my definitions:

    PREJUDICE = preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Example: Paul’s prejudice made him dislike Sophie simply because of the colour of her skin.

    NUISANCE = a person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance. Example: It is such a nuisance having all these guests plodding around our house.

    Here is my paragraph, I hope that you like it:

    Out of her round window, Maria could see her neighbour, Sam, pulling up his car on the big gravel driveway right next to hers. He was such a nuisance and just because he worked in Parliament it didn’t mean he was any better than anyone else.
    Before ringing the doorbell, Sam patted down his suit and waved his hand as if he were royalty. Maria pulled the most fake smile she could and ‘ welcomed’ him in. Her only opportunity to escape was to pretend she was seriously ill and wanted to rest, it was that or having to endure an hour of his boasting.

  27. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Lavinia,
    I’m having a lovely day at the Hub thank you. I hope you are well.
    This is a great paragraph -well done for conveying the characters so well. I can really picture the scene!

  28. neighbour:
    a person living next door to or very near to somebody/something.

    someone/something filling or taking up a space or time.

    a chance that makes it possible to do something.

    talk someone into doing something.

    preconceived opinion that is not
    based on actual experience.

    a person or thing causing annoyance.

    something to happen or take place.

    in the UK the highest legislature,
    consisting of the Sovereign, the House of Lords,
    and the House of Commons.

    relating to the body as opposed to the mind.

    a special right, advantage, or immunity.

    I am going to PERSUADE my Mom and Dad to bring me to
    PARLIAMENT so we can have an OPPORTUNITY to see what
    it is like to be an MP.

  29. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Gabriella,
    Thank you for the clear definitions. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Parliament earlier in the year.

  30. Hi everyone, here are my answers for the grammar today.

    1)Neighbour: means when a person lives next door to you or when they live quite close to you.

    2)Occupy: means when something is already taken.


    1)Most of my *neighbours* in my place are actually very kind and some of them are doctors or nurses.

    2)Sometimes my friend is a bit shy to do something so I try to *persuade* them to not be shy and that they can do it.

    My neighbour ,who works in parliament, likes to get physical as I always see him doing his run in the morning. When he gets the opportunity, he always tries to take privilege to persuade the owner of the park for him to occupy the entire space so he can do his run. The owner always disagrees and thinks he is a nuisance and my neighbours think it is prejudice for him to think so. It occurs to me that they should just agree and get on with it.

    I hope you enjoyed reading my answers for today.?
    Stay safe and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day.?

  31. Miss Coleman says:

    Dear Renee,
    Thank you for your definitions, sentences and paragraph.
    T-Please check the definitions of prejudice and privilege again.

  32. Hello everyone this is my paragraph I came up with.
    My neighbour, who used to be a member of the Parliament, now spends a lot of time at home and occupies himself with gardening. He takes any opportunity to keep his garden neat and beautiful. This involves lots of physical work like digging and getting rid of weeds. He finds foxes a nuisance as they tread on his flower beds. It’s a privilege to live next to such an exquisite and charming garden and be able to smell the lovely scent of the flowers in the bloom .
    ( this paragraph is not based on a true facts . I have made it up to include as many spelling words as possible).
    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  33. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Maia,
    That is an excellent made up paragraph using all of the spellings. I love the scent of flowers too!

  34. Good morning everyone, I hope that everyone is enjoying their day. Here are my definitions:

    *Neighbour: Someone who lives next door to your home.
    *Nuisance: Someone who can be quite annoying and inconvenient.


    *My neighbour goes to the same school as me but is in the year above me.
    *My brother can be a bit of a nuisance when we clean out the guinea pigs because he never helps.

    My paragraph:

    Me and my class were going on a trip to parliament and we were all very excited. There was lots of fun things planned and I knew that we were going to get to meet someone very important! I didn’t know who but was very excited to meet them. Extremely quietly, me and my class crept into the House of Commons we saw the Prime Minister sitting in his chair! It was a privilege to meet him. I even got the opportunity to tell him why I think that physical activity should be more important that it is seen. It then occurred to him that he didn’t like my idea and took me quite a while to persuade him to understand me. It was my neighbour who had asked me to say as he would never get the chance to. Once he agreed with me, we prejudiced a amazing idea that is now very popular!

  35. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Elsa,
    Great paragraph-well done! I’m looking forward to when we can go on school trips again.
    T-I think you may have mixed up prejudice and produce. Check the definitions again.

  36. Hi Miss Coleman!

    The sentence that I have done using occupy is this one !

    My neighbours occupy the two top floors in my flat.

  37. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Elena,
    Well done for responding to your target. That is an excellent sentence using the word ‘occupy’.

  38. Hello everyone! I hope you have had a great day so far. For today’s task I came up with a paragraph and I also wrote the meaning of each word….
    Have a look ?

    1. Neighbour =A person who lives close or next to your house. ? A neighbour can also be your friend, family people you don’t like or people you don’t even know. In the bible it says “ Treat your neighbours as you wish to be treated”. This means that you should treat everyone equally.

    2. Occupy = Being busy, doing something that you are now occupied with.

    3. Opportunity = A time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

    4. Persuade = Trying to make someone to something.

    5. Prejudiced = Prejudice is an affective feeling towards a person based on their perceived group membership. The word is often used to refer to a preconceived, usually unfavourable, evaluation of another person based on that person’s political affiliation, gender, beliefs, values, social class, age, disability or religion.

    6. Nuisance = a person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance.

    7. Occur = Something that will happen, it will take place somewhere.

    8. Parliament = In the Uk ?? the highest legislature, consisting of the Sovereign, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons.

    9. Physical = Relating to the body as opposed to the mind.

    10. Privilege = A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.


    PARAGRAPH!!! ?

    “ Molly, this is our opportunity to persuade our horrible neighbour listen to stupid music ?. He should occupy himself by doing physical education since he is ginormous. He keeps saying that the loud concert will occur this Monday, I hope not because that’s when I would be in the House of Parliament sorting things out between what is happening now with everything, you know? He says to us that we should think that it is a privilege to have loud music at night as it calms us down, crazy that man. I hate him, horrible man.” said Mr Parker to his wife.

  39. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Nika, Great definitions.

    Well done for writing a paragraph but Mr Parker sounds very angry!
    T-Read you paragraph again to check you haven’t missed out any words (look at the first sentence).

    P.S. My puppy is called Molly.

  40. Hi everyone, here is my work for this week’s spellings?
    1) Physical: Means that it’s relating to things that is recognized though the senses which is against the mind.

    2) Persuade: Causing someone to believe you even after support.

    3) Privilege: A special right, advantage or freedom allowed
    or available only to a certain person or group.


    1) My therapist said that i am going to go though (physical) therapy.

    2) When i got home i had to (persuade) my mum if I could have a extra hour on my computer.

    3) I have a special (privilege) to eat whatever i want.

    Hope you enjoyed reading me sentences ? stay safe and stay at home!!?

  41. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Angelei,
    I did enjoy reading your sentences, thank you.

    T-Remember to use a capital I (not i)

  42. Hi Everyone.??
    Neighbour: A neighbour is somebody who lives next door on the same street.
    Prejudice: Prejudice is when somebody judge’s someone before they even know them.

    My Daddy calls me a nuisance, lots of people agree but I don’t really care.
    The noisy neighbour next is rude but rich and the other day we stole his navy, blue socks.

    As she crawled around the dusty air vents of parliament
    she came across some politicans who had just occupy the room space. Those nuisances had a privilege job they each had an opportunity to see and hear her but they were being very prejudice about the new guy who was their neighbour.

  43. Miss Coleman says:

    Good definitions and sentences Sara. I don’t think you’re a nuisance!

    T- take care to use the -ed suffix when needed, particularly if you are writing in the past tense. Try reading your paragraph out loud to one of your parents and see if you can spot where -ed is needed.

  44. Good morning everyone, Miss Avdiu, Miss Robertson,

    *Physical: exercises and sport made to keep the body or on the outside of a human.
    *Neighbor: A person who lives next too your house
    This is my paragraph I cam up with:
    My neighbor occupy the first flat. They do physical exercise every day (one hour) My neighbor opportunity got the chance to change country before the quarantine!

  45. Miss Coleman says:

    Hi Violette,
    Miss Carruthers and I will be responding to the Class 5 comments on Thursdays and Fridays. Good definitions and I’m pleased you tried to write the paragraph.

    T- look at your final sentence again. You could use the word chance or the word opportunity-but not both.

  46. Hello everybody! This is my paragraph for today’s lesson!

    My neighbour Is such a nuisance! The only way I can persuade them not to play blasting music at midnight is to give them the privilege On taking them to where I work, parliament. However, normally when they have the opportunity, they occupy all my work space! Yesterday my college told me that one way to let out all my anger is by doing physical exercises.

    Stay safe!?

  47. Miss Coleman says:

    Hello Ava,
    Thanks for your paragraph-physical exercise is definitely a good way of relieving tension/ letting out anger.

    T-Capital letter for proper nouns such as Parliament (the name of a place)

  48. Hello Miss Coleman,
    Thank you!!
    My neighbor opportunity got to change country before the quarantine!! 😉 🙂

  49. Miss Coleman says:

    Good morning Violette,
    Thank you for responding to the feedback. This sentence is almost there, the word order just need to be amended ( and don’t forget the ou in the spelling of neighbour).

    My neighbour got the opportunity to change country before the quarantine!

  50. Ms Robertson says:

    Hi Miss Coleman & Miss Carruthers!
    Hope you’re having a good week – have a lovely day!

  51. Ms Robertson says:

    Hi Claudia!
    That must have been a lovely surprise for your mum. ?

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