The Wednesday Word aims to help all school families draw closer to God, to the Church and to each other by sharing the Gospel together.

As you know, we send home a hard copy of  The Wednesday Word every week for families to read together and to support children’s understanding of the Gospel. However, for the time being, The Wednesday Word will continue as an online resource and will be saved on this page every Wednesday for you to continue your reflection.


Wednesday Word 06.07.22 NEIGHBOURS

Wednesday Word 29.06.22 GOD’S KINGDOM

Wednesday Word 23.06.22 CHOICES

Wednesday Word 15.06.22 NOURISH

Wednesday Word Half Term Holiday Special

Wednesday Word 18.05.22 PEACE

Wednesday Word 11.05.22 LOVE

44 comments on “Wednesday Word Summer 2022

  1. Sophie Yr6 says:

    18 05 2022
    Gospel: Peace

    This week’s gospel is all about ‘peace’ . To have peace means to have a quiet and calm state of mind. I think I have peace when I am reading a book and not being disturbed by anyone. Everyone has been given peace by Jesus. They should treasure it and use it wisely.
    The gospel talked about Jesus saying to his disciples that he was leaving them to join his Father in Heaven and that they shouldn’t be worried. He also said that they should keep the peace that Jesus gave with them forever.

    John 14:23-29.

  2. In this Gospel, Jesus gave his peace to the disciples and explained he will be reunited with his Father in heaven. We can use peace in our everyday lives, just like how Jesus did with his disciples. For example, forgiving someone for what they have done is making peace with that person. However, it can also be used in church during mass. I think everyone is familiar with the phrase “Peace be with you”. We do this to offer peace to one another in their lives and hearts.

  3. This week’s Gospel is all about peace. Jesus gave his peace to the disciples and explained he will go to his Father in heaven. We use peace in our everyday lives just like the disciples did. We can do this by forgiving someone for what they have done to us.

  4. Sophia [Year 2] :D says:

    This week’s gospel was about Peace. Jesus told his disciples that he was returning to his father in heaven and that he would send the Holy Spirit to remind them of the things he has done.

  5. This gospel explains to us how Jesus gave his life for the world and the humans so that we can live in peace. He showed his love and trusted us to carry and preach the word about him in exchange of his act for us to always live calmly and with love.

  6. Grace-anne y5 says:

    This week’s Gospel is all about peace. Jesus gave peace to his disciples and said that he will be reunited with his farther in heaven. We can bring peace to the world by being kind , respecting the earth and to be fair. Peace means to be calm and to be silent , Jesus will be happy if we bring peace to the world and to stay calm.

  7. Gabriella says:

    This week’s gospel is all about peace as Jesus said ” peace of heart is more valuable than any treasure.Also as we are all God’s children we should have peace with one another and with other countries as that is what God wanted. Pope Francis said “All can work together to build a more peaceful world, starting from the hearts of individuals and relationships.Also Jesus said “Peace I leave to you, my own peace I give to you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.Which means that Jesus wants us to show peace to one another as he gave a gift to each one of us from God.

  8. If you like helping pleass help the earth.

  9. The people who help me are…Mummy because she helps me always when I am struggling. Also Jesus because he is always there for me. My Dad helps me by teaching me different things .

    I am determined to help our community by giving lots of money to charity.

  10. Sienna 🦋😇🥺 says:

    The people who help me are my mummy because when I get stuck my mummy all ways explain it and tell me how to do it.
    The people who also help me is my dad because he is all ways for my side and he gives me company .
    The people who also help me is my friends because they all ways help me get up when I fall.

  11. Theo and Elisa 🌈 says:

    Wednesday Word = “Holy Trinity”
    “The Holy Trinity is the Father (God), the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit of Love. God is a communion of love and we are its living reflection.” The Holy Spirit is often represented as a dove, flames of fire or the wind or breeze.

  12. Sophie Yr6 says:

    09 06 2022

    This week’s Gospel is about the Holy Trinity. It is the unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. Jesus is God represented as human and the Holy Spirit is God represented as a dove or fire.
    In this week’s Gospel, Jesus spoke to his disciples. He talked about how He would go to Heaven to join his Father and how the Holy Spirit would bless them all. He says,”Everything the Father has is mine; what the Holy Spirit receives from me, he will tell it to you.” I think that this means that Jesus wants his disciples to know that they can trust the Holy Spirit to deliver them his blessing from Heaven to Earth.

    Sophie Yr6

  13. Miss Coleman says:

    Well done for completing your homework whilst you are waiting to travel back Sophie. We are looking forward to seeing you and James.

  14. This weeks gospel is all about the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is three persons:
    Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.
    This is why we say tri in Trinity because tri means three. No one knows how God looks like or what he is in his normal form. It’s a mystery that is part of many other mysteries of the Christian faith.
    That doesn’t mean we have never heard God, as he went down to earth to forgive our sins. When he did ,he was Jesus and when he sent us messages, a dove or fire. In this gospel, he told us that we still have many things to learn about our faith and other things that we will probably never know.

  15. This week’s Gospel is all about NOURISH. Jesus had been in the crowd, which means that Jesus was amongst many, many people. There was no food for everybody but Jesus multiplied loaves. In sharing the new loaves, Jesus shared his holy message, food for the Christian souls.

  16. Catherine says:

    The Wednesday’s word is nourish. Nourish means providing food to others and helping growth. Jesus wants to nourish us when we are in a Sacrament or we are in need of help or strength. We should take Jesus’ nourishment and be grateful for it.

  17. This Gospel story tells us about one of the miracles Jesus had performed in the past, which links to our current weekly Wednesday word “nourish”. The word nourish is linked to our Gospel story because of how Jesus provided the people enough bread and fish to survive on, which is basically the definition of what nourishing is. But food is not only what Jesus provides us. He provides us with the love and care we deserve, the faith we need to strive on and the support and comfort we need to be safe in his guidance.

  18. Sophia Maria year4 says:

    This week’s gospel is about Jesus feeding 5000 people.This is one of the many miracles that he preformed in his life on Earth.This week’s word is nourish which means growth which is a very good link to the gospel. Plants nourish with water and sunshine while we nourish with food and water but we also do this with God’s love. I think the thing we most nourish from is God ‘s love which is why this week’s gospel is so important.

  19. This weeks gospel is all about nourish. Nourish is when you provide food for others.
    In this reading, Jesus shows us one of the many miracles he made. This miracle wasn’t simple, but a miracle with a meaning behind it and an act of love and kindness. Jesus explains to us ,by doing this act, he always helps us in times of loneliness and sorrow. He is always by each and everyone’s side every moment of a second, a minute,an hour, a day. This is his own way to tell us about himself. He also shows us, by sharing the bread and fish between 5000 people that everyone gets to be treated exactly the same, no matter who or what they are.

  20. Sophie Yr6 says:

    Gospel: 15 06 2022

    This week’s Gospel tells us about the Bible story that links to the word ‘nourish’. In this story, Jesus provided five thousand people with enough food from only five loaves of bread and 2 fish. To nourish means to give someone food which, in this Biblical passage, is incredibly important as Jesus satisfied the hunger of five thousand people.

    However, apart from nourishing the crowd, Jesus does many other wonderful things. He cares for everyone and gives them all the love and support needed. By doing this, He encourages everyone to do good and help people as they were helped. Jesus supports us all through our lives and teaches us to do many good things, like spreading peace and caring for one another.

    To nourish also means to strengthen your soul. To nourish your soul means to love yourself unconditionally and wholeheartedly. Even when it isn’t always the easiest thing to give yourself what you need, your soul needs to be nourished all the time so that you can concentrate on other things.


  21. Jesus nourishes everyone around him even people who are nasty to him. On this very day Jesus has performed another one of his miracles by feeding all 5,000 people. With only a few pieces off fish and loaves.

  22. Miss I don’t want to read it in assembly.

    Jesus was given a lot of disrespect but for that he still nourished the people who were rude to him. On that day Jesus fed 5000 people with only a few pieces of bread and fish, this was another one of his miracles.

  23. Jesus never gives us up and is always nice even if we do something wrong. Following him is sometimes difficult to do. Choice is something we choose over something else.To make the right decision think what Jesus does or pray.

  24. Sophie Yr6 says:

    Gospel: 22 6 22

    This week’s gospel is all about choices. ‘God says that we must trust the Lord with our heart and not lean on our own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your path.’ Proverbs 3:5-6. In this Biblical passage, God is saying that we must make our own choices and decisions. If they are good choices, the Lord will guide you. If they are bad choices, the Lord will punish you.

    This Gospel talks about when Jesus comes across two men who are asked to follow Him. However, when one replies saying he will follow Jesus after he says goodbye to his family, Jesus replies saying, “Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
    What he means by this is that choosing to follow Him greatly influences our life; it demands commitment but is rewarded with peace and eternal life. Some choices are easy to make and some are hard.

    Sophie Yr6

  25. Jesus wants us to make good choices and to help others in life. We need to be responsible with the choices we make like trusting others or doing good deeds. With good choices we can spread the gospel and change the world. This is what Jesus wants us to do.

  26. Today’s word is choices. Jesus always wants us to make the right choices. However, sometimes it’s hard to make the right choice all the time. For example, in today’s gospel, a man came up to Jesus and said he would follow him. Then the man said that he must go and say good bye to the people in his home. At this, Jesus said “Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

  27. Finley Y4 says:

    Todays Gospel is about choices. It isn’t always easy to make the right choice. The thing that helps is called your conscience. You have a good conscience and a bad conscience. Jesus is the voice in the good conscience. He always wants us to make the right choice in difficult decision. The word of the Lord.

  28. Reuben Y5 says:

    Today’s word is choices. Jesus wants us to do the right choices so we can go up in heaven to live with him. Choosing to follow Jesus influences us and our life. It gives us peace and eternal life.

  29. Stella Y6 says:

    Wednesday Word: 23.6.22

    This week’s scripture is all about CHOICES!
    I feel that sometimes choices can be easy. For example, wether you should help someone or not. The correct choice would be to help them, of course. Sometimes, however, they can be harder. Like if you should forgive someone or not. It can be really hard to truly forgive someone, even though you know this is what God would like you to do.

    This Holy Gospel talks about Jesus who comes across two men. He asks them to follow Him. However, when one of them says that he will follow Jesus after he says goodbye to his family, Jesus replies, “Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
    By this, I think He means that you should follow God. This will always be the right choice. When you are responsible in your choices and you choose them following the guidance of God, you will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven.

    Thank you,

  30. This Wednesday’s Word is about choices. The choices that you make can effect your actions towards others as well as your consequences leading up to that. God has given us multiple choices in our lifetime, and he trusts that we have the responsibility to make the good one. If we chose the right choices everyday, great things will come back to us, just like how God wants us all to do. Every choice you make has either a reward or a punishment, so it is always best to make the best one to get the best award. Just like in this Gospel, the people had a choice to either follow Jesus or reject Jesus, and the ones who chose to follow Jesus would be guaranteed to follow the better and brighter path of their life.

  31. Sophie Yr6 says:

    Gospel: 29 6 22

    This week’s Gospel is about God’s kingdom, which is the fulfilment on Earth of God’s will. Today’s Bible story talked about when Jesus told his disciples to spread his Father’s peace around. If the villages they entered welcomed them, the disciples were to heal the sick. I think that what Jesus means is that we should reward the people who do good but also treasure and respect them throughout our lives.

    God’s kingdom is always with us. When we welcome Jesus into our lives and try to live as he taught us, God’s kingdom grows within our hearts. Within our families, and everywhere we go, we can help to reveal God’s kingdom by sharing God’s healing love and peace – making life better for all. Just like Jesus’ first followers, we too should try to bring peace and healing to other people by the things we say and the way we behave. Even if others ignore us, then at least we have tried to do what Jesus asked.

    Sophie Yr6

  32. The Gospel this week is about God’s Kingdom. God’s Kingdom is always open for everyone, as He all loves us equally and unconditionally. In this Gospel, Jesus tells His friends to set out in pairs and set forth the good news of God’s Kingdom to the public, as Jesus wants us all to experience His Father’s blessing of healing and peace. It is important to open our hearts to God just like how He opens His Kingdom to us all, since if we do that, God’s Kingdom will grow and grow inside – nourishing us with the peace and healing we need.

  33. Gods kingdom is known as heaven. The place where everything is good and no evil is there. There is love, peace, joy and especially God and Jesus. We all want to go to Gods kingdom to see God, for this to happen we need to live a good life on earth and spread the gospel.

  34. My thought about Jesus’es kingdom is a place of wonder and magic. Were happy thoughts are always brought never gloomy ones.

    Joy is packed all around sparkles floating in the air. Jesus’es palace is a place of …..


  35. James Jackosn says:

    kindum mens to me being vere kind and restfull and showing love and being verehelpful and vere lovle and helpping one unuverand shoinng rspet to you, re and helpping your frends.

  36. Finley y4 says:

    In today’s gospel it wants us to spread God’s Kindom. You can do this by helping your parents, like doing chores or helping with a sibling. If we all spread peace, joy and love, God’s kingdom will be all around us.

  37. Isabella Manning says:

    This week’s gospal is all about God’s word.Jesus is telling his followers to go and spread the word of the lord as far and wide as possible.When he says the kingdom of God is very near to you,I think it means that God will always be with you.

    Isabella Y3

  38. I think the gospel is all about peace because Jesus brings peace.


  39. Orla Yr 5 says:

    I think this week’s Wednesday word is telling us that our neighbours are not only people that we know and love but anyone who needs any type of assistance or help, Jesus also talks about the Good Samaritan bible story about how even though the injured man was Jewish he still helped him even though he was a Samaritan and they would not usually have been friendly towards each other. This bible story teaches us that to be a good example to others we should help everyone, no matter what and like Jesus said ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’ This shows that we should love everyone as we are all the children of God.

  40. Sophie Yr6 says:

    06 07 2022
    Gospel: Neighbours

    In this week’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us that every person is our neighbour. He is showing us how to change the world through loving and serving our neighbour.
    In this passage, a man comes up to Jesus asking,’Who is my neighbour?’ He tells the man about the story of the Good Samaritan, which teaches us how to be a good neighbour. After this, Jesus tells the man to take pity on his neighbours and treat them well as he would want to be treated.
    From this, I think that Jesus wants us to look after everyone and take care of them no matter what.

    Luke 10: 25 – 37

  41. Amber y2 says:

    We should look out for our neighbours by maybe inviting them over for tea . Or help them get over their barriers in life that will definitely show you are a good neighbour.

  42. Neighbours are when you show respect and help to others and your a goo
    If someone is hurt you should be a good neighbour and help them.
    Everyone should help other people even if they do not live next door. All people, not just your family and friends.
    This means you believe in Jesus.

  43. Finley y4 says:

    Neighbours aren’t just people who live near us or look like us ,they are everyone.Ukraine is suffering a lot so you might want to help them by giving money to charities that work there. Every time you see someone in need, try to help them and look after them until they’re strong and healthy. Lots of people are struggling because they might be lonely or miss someone, to help these people you could invite them to join in.

  44. Finley y4 says:

    This week’s Gospel is all about listening. If we listen to Jesus and stop what we’re doing it is doing the right thing. Here is a prayer to tell God that we want to listen to him. Dear God, you are always there to listen to me, my friends and family. Please help me to listen and understand all your words and wisdom to help me to be a good listener to others. Amen.

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