Wellbeing – How are you?! 🙂
Click here for a printable version of this task

Good morning everyone! I hope you have had a restful half term with your families. I am missing you all very much! I very much hope to see you at school soon!

Today we are going to spend some time catching up and sharing what we have all been doing over the half term holiday!

Calming Time

First, find a quiet space for some calming and reflective time. Have a go at the exercises below to help your mind to feel peaceful and ready for the day ahead.

Try these two calming activities to begin…

Breathing exercises
When we breathe calmly it helps our mind to feel at peace and our bodies to feel relaxed. Choose two breathing exercises HERE. Spend a few minutes on each.

Calming yoga
Finally complete the calm down yoga below.

I hope you are now feeling calm and relaxed!


Task 1
Post on the blog anything you enjoyed doing over half term. Maybe you went for a fun walk, bought a new reading book, or even cooked something new! I would love to hear about what you have been doing!

Task 2
Post on the blog your favourite blog tasks you have enjoyed so far and some ideas for future blog tasks! It is always so helpful listening to your feedback!

I will be back at St Vincent’s today, so I won’t be able to respond to your posts promptly but I will reply to your posts  throughout the day!


Birthday Shout Outs!
To the children who have had a birthday since our last Birthday Shout Out!

I hope you had a wonderful day filled with treats! 🙂


Finally, Click HERE to see what your friends have been posting in our keeping in touch blog!

I look forward to hearing from you all today Class 3! x x

Sending you all…

24 comments on “Wellbeing Task – 1.6.20

  1. Hello Miss Jones! Hello class three!
    How are you doing? I hope you are feeling well. My break was fantastic; I went for walks, and even planed some surfinias! And Happy Children’s Day everyone!

  2. Miss Jones says:

    Hi Helena,
    I am glad you are keeping well! I have been on lots of lovely walks too! 🙂

  3. Clémence ?? says:

    Task 1:
    In half term I have been going to the park and climbing in trees, at Regent’s Park. There is a big, tall tree. When I go to Regent’s Park, I climb that tree. It is sort of tricky to climb but I can still climb very high! We also had picnics at some parks and I played with my friends to with social distancing.
    Task 2:
    My favourite blog was computing. My suggestion for the future blogs is that we could do more animations on the computers and maybe make some animations based on stories or some jokes or a clip from a film.

    I hope to see you all soon!

  4. Miss Jones says:

    Hi Clemence! I am glad you have been enjoying tree climbing that’s impressive! It is lovely you have been able to see your friends too. Thanks for your feedback about the blogs, more Computing would be a good idea.

  5. Me and my sisters have become obsessed with Lego I have posted pictures of me and my sisters Harry Potter Collection.We have been going out to the park at 7am each morning for a run as my parents work in the day so we go out early so they can get to their meetings on the internet.We have watched all the Harry Potter movies and we will watch the last one tonight.I hope you are all well and having fun.

  6. Miss Jones says:

    Good afternoon Orla, thanks for your picture! Your Harry Potter collection looks amazing! That’s good that you have been getting out for daily walks, it has been lovely weather too hasn’t it!
    I am glad to hear you are keeping well.

  7. ????? ??? says:

    On Saturday my nephew came over to my house and we made some weird potions (if I said so myself) the ingredients were: 1 Lemon, alot of shaving cream, a lot of washing up liquid, pepper, salt, sugar, sparkling gold paint and the last ingredient is water.

  8. Miss Jones says:

    Making potions sounds like great fun Angie, I am glad you have been able to see your family!

  9. Matthias says:

    Hello Miss Jones and happy birthday to Samuel, Penelope and Emily.

    TASK 1
    Yesterday I went to play croquet and football with my mom.
    TASK 2
    My favourite blog task is Maths and I would like it if we had Electricity lessons.

  10. Miss Jones says:

    Good afternoon Matthias, that’s great you have been keeping busy playing sport. It has definitely been lovely weather for it!
    Thanks for your feedback about the blogs Matthias!

  11. Everyday I did 1220m with my brother John. I went to Brighton and swam so far that it was like 70cm over my head and every time a wave came I jumped into it.

  12. Miss Jones says:

    Hi Patrick, it sounds like you have been doing lots of exercise, well done! I am glad you’ve been having a lovely time with your family.

  13. Task 1
    1. I went to Richmond Park for a picnic.
    2. I baked cake and pizza with my mum.
    3. Me and my mum cycled near Buckingham Palace, Boris Jonson’s Office, Big Ben and London Eye.
    4. But my the favourite part was when we did stay at home having some fruit parties.

    Task 2
    My favourite blog tasks are:
    1. The healthy snack.
    2. The world War 1.
    3. The Maths No Problem book.
    4. Music blog.

  14. Miss Jones says:

    Good afternoon Chloe H, wow you sound like you have been busy! That’s great you have been on some lovely bike rides!
    Thanks for your feedback about the blogs, I am glad you have been enjoying the tasks! 🙂

  15. This half term I have been doing some exercise and I went outside with my parents for a walk. I also play games with my dad like Mario.
    I liked the history blogs they are interesting and fascinating to learn things that I didn’t know about and I can share my knowledge.

  16. Miss Jones says:

    Hi Chloe K! I am glad to hear you are keeping well. Great that you have been enjoying the History blogs, you’re definitely right, it’s fascinating learning about life in the past.

  17. Good morning,
    Task 1
    In the holidays I’v been riding my bike all around Regents park.
    Task 2
    I liked the P.E task and for the future blog we could have more of art tasks .

  18. Miss Jones says:

    Good afternoon Emily, I am glad you are keeping well. That’s great to hear you are dong lots of exercise outside. The weather has been lovely too! Thanks for your feedback about the blogs!

  19. Jiana Latif says:

    Task 1
    In the half term because the weather was warm. I went for long walks in the park. The sun is good for your health. Indoors I love painting and drawing. So I did a lot of that. I also ma!e a tent underneath my dining table. It makes me feel like I’m on holiday.

    Task 2
    My favourite blog task was stop frame animate. I would love for more of these activities.

  20. Miss Jones says:

    This sounds lovely Jiana, making a tent sounds so fun!
    Thanks for your feedback about the blogs Jiana 🙂

  21. Graceanne says:

    My favourite blog is when we designed a card for Mary day which I get to show my creative Poster. I did it with Gabriella it was fun and calming.

  22. Miss Jones says:

    Great Graceanne, that was a lovely creative task, glad you enjoyed it!

  23. Gabriella says:

    My favorite blog is when we designed a Mary card for mary’s day because I get to show my creative piece of work.I really enjoyed it , because it was fun doing it with my twin sister. we got to show our creative ideas.

    I liked the stop frame
    animation one because it was interesting and challenging but overall I enjoyed it.

  24. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks for your feedback Gabriella! The stop frame animator was a favourite for many others too! ?

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