Our trip to the British museum got us thinking about the life and death of the last queen of Egypt (Cleopatra).  Find out some interesting facts about Cleopatra’s life.  Also, can you guess where her tomb may be hidden? Why do you think this?

33 comments on “What happened to Cleopatra?

  1. I think Cleopatra’s tomb was hidden under the pyramid of Giseh.

  2. Cleopatra was Julius Ceasar’s friend.

  3. Miss Rowland, I like the amazing stuff on here………..

  4. Cleopatra could speak more than 7 languages!!!! I think that her tomb is buried under the Sphynx.

  5. I like learning about Cleopatra because she was a queen of Egypt.

  6. Do Egyptians still mummify people?

  7. Miss Rowland says:

    No, Egyptians no longer mummify people that have died.

  8. Cleopatra was of Greek origin.

  9. The people that built the pyramids used mud bricks to make the pyramids…

  10. Today I am going to the British Museum. I want to see how you make a mummy.

  11. Nicholas l says:

    Cleopatra was the last Pharaoh in Egypt.

  12. When Tutankhamun ruled Egypt when he was 8 or 9 years old.

  13. Did Cleopatra rule Egypt just like Tutankhamun?

  14. Miss Rowland says:

    Yes Claudia. However, Tutankhamum ruled Egypt before Cleopatra. Cleopatra was the last queen of Egypt.

  15. I think that I know how people were mummified Miss Rowland.

  16. I like the interesting stuff on here as well Maisie.

  17. Maybe the tombs were hidden at the north side of Egypt?

  18. Miss Rowland, I am enjoying this topic about Ancient Egypt because I am learning interesting facts and really enjoyed our trip to the British Museum. I have learned lots about Cleopatra and Tutankhamun and how they lived in Ancient Egypt.

  19. I think that Cleopatra is buried in Alexandria because she ruled there. Mabye she was buried somewhere near.

  20. Today I went to the Petrie Museum. I saw the Egyptian writing and I saw the mummy. He was wearing a gold earring.

  21. That’s amazing! I didn’t see that when the whole class went.

  22. Cleopatra was not Egyptian, she was Greek and she became a pharaoh when she was 18 years old.

  23. Miss Rowland says:

    She was the last queen of Egypt, but yes, I believe you are right she was of Greek descent. Great facts!

  24. I think it could be under or near a temple

  25. I have an Egyptian recipe how to make flat bread. Would you like to know how to make one?

  26. Miss Rowland says:

    That would be lovely!

  27. Why do Egyptians no longer mummify dead people?

  28. Miss Rowland says:

    Egyptians no longer mummify the dead because after the Ancient Egyptian era the national religion of Egypt changed.

  29. Dear Mrs Rowland I will try and give you the recipe on Friday?

  30. Cleopatra VII ruled ancient Egypt (first with her two younger brothers and then with her son) for almost three decades.

  31. It took twenty years and 100,000 oppressed slaves to build the temple of Egypt

  32. Egypt is a country bordering Palestine, Israel and Sudan sharing maritime borders with Cyprus, Greece, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

  33. She was officially a Greek Egyptian. She was born in Greece and died in Anciënt Egypt. I think her tomb is somewhere near Alexandria.

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