This week, we’ll be celebrating World Book Day! The theme of this year’s WBD is ‘Read Your Way’. This promotes the joy of reading, ensuring that you all feel passionate about the types of stories/reading that you enjoy.

Can you imagine a world without books? Without stories? Without fascinating knowledge information to learn?

Have a look at this Book Recommendation Bingo! Can you find a book that fits into each category?

  • A book by an author I like
  • A book recommended to me
  • A book that’s like another one I’ve read before
  • A type of book I’ve never tried before
  • A book about one of my hobbies or interests
  • A book that will help me learn to do something

If so, name them in the comments and you can try to choose one based on other recommendations.

There is nothing better than finding a book which is impossible to put down: the sort of book you can’t wait to get home to read, to carry on from where you left off most recently. Books ignite our imaginations and feed our curiosity. Reading is one of the greatest pleasures you can find.

Let’s share on this blog our favourite books and explain why. Remember to include the name of the author as well as the title. Maybe we can use this blog to help us decide which book we want to read next…

2 comments on “Year 5 Reading Blog!

  1. Moses y5 says:

    I recommend diary of wimpy kid and lots of people in our class love Dork Diaries

  2. I am reading the Percy Jackson series and I’m on book 2 (Percy Jackson & the Sea of Monsters) – I highly recommend these books.

    Another one I recommend is the Ultimate Football Heroes.

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