
Our intent is for all children to develop their enjoyment and enthusiasm for Maths in order to recognise the relevance and importance of Maths in the real world. Through problem solving activities, children will develop their fluency and reasoning as well as resilience to prepare them for their futures.

For more information, please click here for our Mathematics Policy.


Click here to see our Whole School Maths Scheme of Work 2024-25

KS1 and KS2 use Power Maths to support their lessons. Each lesson starts with a ‘Power Up’ which is an open ended question allowing lots of discussion. A question is then posed for the children to explore the concept of the lesson. Together, as a class, the teacher models the mathematical concept. Children then have the chance to practise these concepts in partners before they move onto working independently in their workbooks. The workbooks also incorporate a challenge question and a chance for reflection on the maths they have been learning in that lesson. We have created our own scheme of work, following Power Maths, to ensure that we teach all the objectives during the year, and give time to revisit and practise any concepts throughout the year. All year groups use manipulatives to support the understanding of maths concepts, following the CPA approach – Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract. EYFS follow their scheme of work through more practical activities with opportunities to regularly revisit concepts to embed them.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure Progression of Knowledge and Skills for each pupil as they move from Early Years to Upper Key Stage Two. Year after year, the children will be building their skillset and revising and revisiting prior learning to ensure progression.

Please click below to find the progression map for each topic across the Key Stages.

Power Maths have created a Calculation Policy, that shows how we teach different concepts in each year group. We have a consistent use of CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach across all our lessons to help children develop mastery across all the 4 operations in an efficient and reliable way.

Cultural Capital

Each year, every class takes part in our annual Enterprise Week. The class becomes a business and they work together to design and make a product to sell to other children in the school in order to make a profit. Each class can spend their profit on things for their classroom, like reading books or wet play games.


Children from Year 5 are invited to take part in a Maths Challenge, hosted by Queen’s as well as some who visit the Royal Institution to take part in the Masterclass series.



Mathematical Reading

To inspire us to become better Mathematicians, we study high quality texts in our English lessons. This helps us to see how Maths can be used in the real world!


Please click here to see our most recent Maths news posts, celebrating all the Maths learning that is taking place in the school.