At St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School we are dedicated to providing a varied Extended Schools programme for all children from Reception Class to Year 6.

The Spring Term Clubs will start in the week beginning Monday 13th January. Details have been sent home by email and the timetable is here.

Termly Extended Schools Newsletters promote the timetable of  extra-curricular activities for the term for your information.  We constantly monitor the number and range of clubs available to the different age groups. Some of the clubs are seasonal and will therefore only run in certain terms. The number of activities available increases as the children progress up the school. This is due to the fact that we have found that after a long day at school, many of the youngest children are often too tired to engage in extra activities. However we hope you find that there is something for everyone.

We also provide a Breakfast Club and an After School Activity Club to support parents with childcare before and after school.

There are a number of individual music tuition opportunities available at St. Vincent’s. If you would like to the contact details for any of our wonderful instrumental teachers please see the school office staff.

We also have a fantastic Chamber Choir and Orchestra, as well as Pupil Representative Groups.