Lots of you have been working so hard at home, making some brilliant projects to celebrate everything you have learnt at school and adding more from your research at home. 

As you start to bring in your homework pieces, I’ll be adding photos of your homework to the photo gallery to celebrate your hard work and to help inspire others!

Keep checking the gallery to see new pieces each week! 


A reminder of your homework tasks:

Science Task: Different animals live in different habitats around the world. Choose a habitat and find out all the animals that choose to live there. You could make a poster, booklet or even a 3D model from a decorated shoebox. Include facts about the habitat and the different animals that live there. Can you hide some camouflaged animals in your habitat?

Religious Education Task: In RE, we have been looking at how God was there at the very beginning, and has created everything in our world. Create something to celebrate your favourite things that God has created. You might collect real items, draw them or make them. Include writing to say what they are and why you think they are special. You may like to include a special prayer saying thank you to God for making such wonderful things.

Project Task: London is a wonderful city with lots of amazing places to visit and learn about. Pick some famous places in London and find out some facts about them. You might like to create your own London guide with pictures and writing, or an audio/video guide to share with your friends, or even a board game taking them around London.

Project Task: Thomas Fariner was a baker. What do you know about baking? Find some recipes of your favourite foods and create a recipe book or you could make some delicious food for your family and friends. You could try different pizza, bread or scones recipes. Use your maths knowledge to read the scales, and then your fractions to help you cut up your food so everyone can try some! If you’re making food, you can send us some pictures of them.