Homework will be set on Google Classroom for the half term. There will be a range of tasks (details below) for your child to complete. The Yellow Homework book is for children to use to complete any homework in if they wish.
All the necessary log in details for Google Classroom will be stuck into your child’s yellow Homework Book.

All Homework books will be sent home every Monday and must be returned to school every Friday. All reading books and reading diaries are to be kept in the school bag at all times – please return them to the school bag after you and your child have read together.

Our aims in setting homework are to:

  • Involve parents in their children’s learning, providing them with a better understanding of their child’s learning in school, and enabling them to become partners in their child’s progress and achievement.
  • Allow children to practise and consolidate work done in class.
  • Provide tasks which are an enrichment and extension of what is going on in school, enabling children to develop their creativity and imagination.
  • Develop children’s self-discipline, time-management and organisational skills in preparation for later life.
  • Create a channel for home-school dialogue, enabling parents to comment on their children’s learning.
  • Promote children’s independent learning skills, by gradually teaching them to work individually and take responsibility for their own learning.
  • Develop skills in using the library, internet and other learning resources.

Please let us know how you and your child get on and speak to the class teacher if you would like further information. We look forward to working with you as partners in your child’s learning this year.

Please click for

General Homework Tips for Parents and Carers
Tips for supporting your child with Reading
Tips for supporting your child with Maths