Our final topic of the year will be ‘The Seaside’.

During Summer 1 our focus will be ‘Under the Sea’. This topic will provide children with the opportunity to explore sea life, creatures and oceans around the world. We will also find out about scuba divers and the most deadly sea creatures in the ocean!

After the half term our learning focus will be ‘The beach’. We will explore features of the beach, beach safety and we will find out about the history of the seaside. This learning will prepare us for our exciting beach trip to Broadstairs on the 21st June with Year 2.

It would be really helpful if your child could bring in any topic related items for our class topic table – fact books, story books, sea creatures, scuba diving equipment. We will explore these throughout the topic.

Please join us for our creativity afternoon on Tuesday 24th April at 1.45pm.