This morning our Pupil Chaplains helped to launch our World Week with a Prayer Pilgrimage. Each class came to the hall and participated in different activities led by the Pupil Chaplains to help them to understand why people around the world are refugees and to pray together for them.

“It went really well. Lots of children enjoyed it and discovered a new understanding of different people’s lives across the world. It was interesting for me to lead the prayer session and I thought it was very special.” EM, Head Pupil Chaplain

As well as our personal prayers and quiet reflection we said a special prayer together, as we sat around the cross.

Jesus friend and brother

You know what it is like

To be hungry and thirsty

You know what it feels like

To be a stranger who is made to feel unwelcome

You know the suffering of all

Who have lost everything

We pray that by showing our care

For refugees

We may show love for our neighbour

And be closer to you
