September 2020 Newsletter

At St.Vincent’s we use Ten Ten resources to supplement our Religious Education provision. This year we will be sharing their monthly newsletters which we hope you will enjoy sharing with your family.


Going back to school after the summer holidays can feel like a very busy and often stressful time for many families. It’s a time of new beginnings: new classrooms, new teachers, new lessons, new schools, new uniform…the list goes on. But this year, school will feel even more different with a ‘new normal’ after the extended period of school closures. With new start times and new year group bubbles, there will be a lot of ‘new’ things for children and parents to get used to.

In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus says:



We heard how Jesus will help us every step of the way and help us to carry our ‘cross’. We don’t have to carry an actual cross but it’s like the bag you will see in the video below –  we carry it on the path and when it gets too heavy, Jesus helps us.

We learned that Jesus longs for us to follow Him, because He knows we will be happiest when we follow the path He lays out for us.

Consider the questions below, which you might like to discuss with your child:

Will you follow Jesus this year?

Will you let Him help you and guide you?


Every September at St Vincent’s we take time to refocus on Jesus. We invite you and your families to consider Jesus’ invitation to follow Him through everything known and unknown that the year will bring. This seems more pertinent than ever this year, and so for this newsletter, we share with you an imaginative meditation.

Click to play the recorded meditation below, and then why not discuss it with your child?

Please do comment on this news post with your thoughts from the meditation or the Gospel story. 





Dear Jesus,

We don’t know all that this year holds, but you do.

Help us with our schoolwork and our friendships.

Help us remember that you are with us in the good times and the bad.




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