This morning Year 2 performed their fantastic assembly all about The Great Fire of London.

They took us back to 1666 to Thomas Farriner’s bakery to the start of the fire and explained the ways King Charles II ordered people to pull down houses to stop the spread of the fire. They introduced us to Samuel Pepys and his diary which is a very important primary source that tells us the events of the fire. There was lots of wonderful singing that everyone in the audience enjoyed!

Well done Year 2!

Please contact the school office if you need the password.

4 comments on “Year 2 Assembly

  1. What a fantastic assembly Year 2. I’m so glad I popped in to see you. I was so impressed by how you remembered and delivered such long lines so clearly and your singing was amazing. I can see how much you have all grown up since going into Year 2. Well done again to you all. I miss you.

  2. Weslley Year 2 says:

    I loved the assembly. Mr. Sheehan thank you for preparing us for this.

  3. I am so sad I couldn’t watch it. But I am sure it was amazing.

  4. Alexandra Y4 says:

    Thank goodness I could watch it on the website. I must say Year 2 you were amazing! You were so confident in saying your lines and the songs were so good. Well done to all of you. I can still remember my assembly when I was in year 2.

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