We’re having a very fun filled day with a busy afternoon after our busy morning!

In order to get out of the sun, we spent some time in the woods. Lucy taught us how to use a compass before letting us go through the woods by ourselves. There were signs that we had to follow and then use the compass to work out which direction to go next. Thankfully, no one got lost and we all made it through the woods following the signs.

We then had a special treat from Sayers Croft. As we’re the only school here, they brought us some ice lollies to cool us down!

After we finished them, we headed down to the stream. We had to walk in single file through the stream, climbing under and over fallen tree trunks. There was a lot of screaming when the stream got a bit deep and went into our wellies! During the walk, some of us even saw frogs swimming in the stream. At the end, we had to go through the magic tree and lots of us dunked ourselves in the very dirty water.

After a very needed shower, we went for a delicious dinner of BBQ chicken and rice. Then was the very exciting trip to the tuck shop.

We’re just going now to write our diary entries before some time to play in the field before bed.

7 comments on “A busy afternoon at Sayers Croft

  1. Simona Rekkas says:

    These photos are very funny, you can see that you are having fun. Fantastic place full of fun activities, also how lucky to have wonderful sunshine and heat.

  2. How dirty did you get?

  3. Sophia Maria’s family says:

    What an adventure! Have a lot of fun today!

  4. Miss Coleman says:

    Fab photos. It seems that Miss Siswick and Miss Carruthers are having the most fun-good to see you getting wet and messy!

  5. I agree, I had the biggest giggle but loved seeing them give the example. Hang those clothes up and try to enjoy the evening with loads of fun. Night night to everyone and my sweetpee, Layla. Xx

  6. How dirty did you get on the mud trail?

  7. Julia/ juju says:

    Wow you must have had a lot of fun out there

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