After a busy and exciting week at Sayers Croft, Year 6 are settling back into school life and have been working hard in all their subjects.

In PSHE,  we revisited the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.  We know that these rights are for all children and cannot be taken away. We talked and wrote what we thought  adults and children could do to respect some of these rights for all children at school. Finally, we used what we had learned to create and agree on our  rights respecting shared class charter. This will help us to remember to respect our own rights and those of other children.

In History, we are learning about how and why children were evacuated from London and other cities during World War II. We  recalled what we had learned at Sayers Croft about the lives of evacuees who lived there during World War II. We are looking forward to meeting Kitty (Miss C’s mum who was an evacuee) when she comes to tell us about her experiences. In addition, we began learning about the Blitz and created our own silhouette artwork to represent London during this difficult time.

In Geography, we conducted part two of our facilities and traffic survey, this time on Marylebone High Street. The drivers were very friendly this year and we were thrilled to get lots of waving and hooting this year as well as lots of smiles and waves from pedestrians as well! Once back at school, we compared and contrasted  our results with the results of our fieldwork study in Ewhurst last week. We also revised our mapreading skills and have started to create our own maps of Ewhurst, complete with Ordinance Survey symbols and 6 figure grid references.

In Religious Education, we started our new Domestic Church topic of ‘Loving’ by studying 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 and reflecting on what this passage teaches us about love and how we can apply this to our own lives. We chose our favourite description of love from this scripture and added this to our display alongside photographs of our families.

In addition to all of this hard work, we have been practising Place Value in Maths and diary writing in English and also enjoying lessons in Yoga, Cricket, Singing and Music.

Well done for your first week back, Year 6. Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

26 comments on “A busy week back at school!

  1. We had so much fun on our first official day back at St. Vincents. I really enjoyed the traffic survey. A lorry even honked as we asked them to! For our display we made a watercolour painting of the blitz. In the beginning my painting looked terrible, but I was resilient and tried to fix it and now in my opinion it looks awesome!

  2. Alexandra Y4 🥰😍❤ says:

    It’s so nice to have you’ll back in school. I wish you the very best for the last year in primary school.

  3. valentina y6 says:

    we were so busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. it was a very good day as a back to school day and we finally had school like a normal nice school day

  5. Last week was a very exiting week. We are all having a great time in class and everyone is trying their best.

  6. I loved the traffic survey, we got more than 10 honks!!

  7. it was the most busiest week of my life.

  8. This was a very fun experience. I loved doing the traffic survey and making our own painting of World War 2!

  9. Sebastian y6 says:

    I loved doing this activity! It was very fun and exciting because we had so many cars honk for us. Well done class!

  10. It was so fun to create the Blitz and to do the traffic servey.

  11. Jaidee Year 6 says:

    I really enjoyed doing the World War 2 art and doing the traffic survey of Marylebone
    High Street .

  12. Loved doing it it was so much fun everyone was doing so good.

  13. last week was amazing ! It’s so exciting to be back at school .

  14. This week was another busy week but a fun one too.

  15. The first day back was so fun because we did the traffic survey and so many cars and taxis honked at us it was amazing.

  16. last week was so fun but we all knew that we had to come back to school
    but most of us are enjoying school .

  17. This week was so fun. We did a traffic survey on Marylebone high street, painted the blitz and did work for the R.E display.

  18. This week was loved by most of us. I mostly liked the traffic survey and the painting of the Blitz. The traffic survey was much more successful than in Ewhurst and we even managed to get 12 hoots.
    The Blitz is a long period of time where there were air raids nearly every night.

  19. Last week was so fun! We did a traffic survey and got a few cars to honk at us! We also did a watercolour painting of the Blits under our topic of World War 2. I love being back at school and cant wait to learn more.

  20. I loved this experience:)

  21. I loved the traffic survery!!!

  22. This week we made a watercolour painting about the bliltz .It was so much fun! It feels so nice to be back at St vincent’s and I can’t wait to learn more.

  23. I enjoyed going to the traffic survey we had so much fun and found the differences between marlybone and ewhurst about the amount of vehicles there are!

  24. i loved the traffic survey

  25. Phew! It was a hard transition from sayers croft to school!

  26. Almost everyone had different answers, because there where many vehicles and they all passed very fast, so most of us didn’t saw some of them.
    But it was very fun.

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