What an exciting morning we’ve had today!

It was especially special as we celebrated our friend’s birthday!

After breakfast, we put on our harnesses and helmets and headed up high.

We climbed up the gladiator wall. We had to work together to help make sure that they were safe on the wall. It looked okay from the ground, but once we started climbing, we quickly realised that it was a lot higher than we thought!

We then had a great time on the high ropes. Some of the challenges were more wobbly than others!

After lunch, we had a special pudding of birthday cake which everyone absolutely loved! Thank you to the birthday boy’s parents for giving it to us!

We’re off now for a busy afternoon in the woods and the stream!

14 comments on “A sky high morning!

  1. Dean Rekkas says:

    Looks like everyone’s having a wonderful time, what an adventure, what great memories for the kids.

  2. Julian Year 7 :) says:

    My record was under 10 seconds! It may even have been 2 or 3! I see some of you went for the easy option with the high ropes: don’t bother moving, you’ll get there eventually! Also, nice cake, V! Who made it? Hope you had fun!

  3. Miss Coleman says:

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy the celebrations. I’m so pleased you are all having such a brilliant time.

  4. Happy birthday V. Looks like you had another fun day at Sayers Croft.

  5. Marie-Caroline Le Baron says:

    Happy birthday ! It looks like another amazing day, you are all very brave !

  6. Hello year 6
    I hope you are having a great time at Sayers Croft
    I am very excited to go at Sayers Croft too.

  7. Haemmerlé family says:

    Amazing !
    Thank you teachers for organising this amazing trip !
    Hope you all have fun !

  8. Happy birthday, love all of us! XXXX You look like you are having a great time xxxx

  9. Hope you’re having a great time Layla and I miss you.

  10. Simona Rekkas says:

    Happy birthday V! I love all this climbing, I bet you’ll all be very hungry afterwards!Enjoy everyone.

  11. Happy Birthday to the birthday child! The climbing looks soo much fun! I hope year 6 has lots of fun!

  12. Sophie’s family says:

    What an exciting adventure! Unforgettable for everyone. We like the name “A Sky High Morning “

  13. Tessa Gorman says:

    Happy Birthday V, what a special day for you. Y6, I’m exhausted just looking at all your pictures!!!
    So much fun. Thank you to all the hardworking adults for making it so memorable.

  14. Alexander YR3 says:

    Year 6, I hope you are having a fun time and also I miss Catherine and hope she is okay.

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