To support us with our ‘Minibeast’ topic in Nursery, we had a visit this morning from ZooLab!
Lucy from ZooLab brought in lots of different minibeasts and some extra creatures for us to meet too!

We met the following animals:

  • A giant African land snail named Sheldon from the Congo rainforest
  • A bumpy Madagascan hissing cockroach named Scooter
  • A huge millipede named Milly
  • A hairy tarantula named Fluffy
  • A long white snake named Nagini

We learnt lots of new facts about the minibeasts we met! For example the snails is born with its shell and it grows with it, the cockroach has two brains (one in its head and one in its tummy), the millipede has over 250 legs!!! The tarantula is a curly haired tarantula and the snake is an albino. What a great way to consolidate our minibeast learning.

What is your favourite minibeast?

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