Our first full week in year 2 has come to a close and we can safely say that we are well and truly up and running. We’ve organised our classroom, our groups are sorted, we’ve completed our first week of homework and we’ve taken to our daily routine like ducks to water.  Our parents and guardians even had the chance to meet Mr. Sheehan. (Thanks to all who attended the “Meet the Parents” session.)

This week we held a vote and picked our class representatives for the Green Team and the School Council. Congratulations to those who were chosen. We’re really excited to see what the year ahead holds for them.

PE this week was so much fun, not only did we get the chance to do gymnastics but we also had the opportunity to practice our cricket skills. It’s clear to see that Year 2 really enjoyed the PE lessons and we look forward to more next week.

In class we jumped head first into our lessons and covered many an exciting topic. For English we read a new story called “Katie in London” and learned all about her adventures around the city astride one of the Lions from Trafalgar square and as part of this lesson we put our prediction skills to good use. This week we also took an in-depth look at nouns and adjective. (Shout out to Naomi Noun and Adam Adjective.)

In maths we spent the week learning all about place value, specifically tens and ones and put our new found learning to good use in helping Mr Sheehan with counting out sets of pencils and blocks.

Our history class was super interesting this week. Here we were introduced to the story of the “Great Fire of London” and learned all about what happened that unfortunate night. We had a great discussion around why the fire spread so far and wide.

This only just scratches the surface of what we do here in school at St. Vincent’s so stay tuned for next week’s update.

Secret Challenge: For those who are reading this post. I challenge you to comment below. Please share a short list of 3 nouns and 3 adjectives. Anybody who does this will be rewarded on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

10 comments on “Another Week in Year 2

  1. Year 2 looks so much! I hope you had an amazing second week!

  2. Friends

  3. Alexandra Y4 🥰😍❤ says:

    You all look so happy Y2! I hope you all are learning a lot of new things in class. I enjoyed learning about the Great Fire in London when I was in year 2. Hope you all have a great year!

  4. Nouns:


  5. Nouns: school , teacher, library

    Adjectives: cool ,nice,kind

  6. Nouns:
    – Classroom 📚
    – London 🇬🇧
    – Teacher 👨‍🏫

    – entertaining 📚
    – busy 🇬🇧
    – kind 👨‍🏫

  7. Isabella Romana Hauschildt says:


    It sounds like Sienna and Kiyan are going to have a great time in School Council and Zeyn and Nela are having a great time in Green Team. I hope they enjoy it!

  8. Nouns: School, London and Bicycle.
    Adjectives: Busy, cool and Happy.

  9. I love PE. It is so fun.

  10. 3 Adjectives: hot, tired, sweaty

    3 Nouns: fire, water, oxygen

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