This term, we have been learning about Barbara Hepworth in our art lessons. We started by learning more about her life and defined some key words. We found out that she was a sculptor (an artist who… funnily enough, makes sculptures) and a sculpture is the art of making statues or other objects by carving, chiselling or moulding. We learned a little bit about her influence in terms of the modernism movement and studied a number of her works. We spoke about what we noticed, from the smooth shapes that she uses, to the fact that she used squares and circle shapes. She also used a range of different materials, including stone and wood.

In our sketchbooks, we looked more closely at one piece in particular and used our sketching techniques to consider the shapes that Barbara Hepworth used. Taking her work into consideration, we created our very own designs. We knew that we would be using clay to make our own sculpture. After some different drafts, we created our final designs. We knew that we had to:

  • add lines or shapes by carving
  • add texture by adding clay

Today was finally time for us to mould our clay! We had our sketchbooks with us to make sure that we were thinking about our own designs. We found it quite tricky to create our initial shapes! Some of us used rolling pins to help smooth out our surface, and we all tried to carve different shapes into our work.

We had a great time with this activity and can’t wait for our creations to dry! What do you like about your sculpture?

One comment on “Art: Barbara Hepworth and Sculptures

  1. Genesis y2 says:

    I was really fun when we made our sculptures. l loved it so much even though mine broke at the end but is was really fun

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