This year’s theme for Art Week is the natural world and we started by exploring the work of Andy Goldsworthy, a famous British environmentalist, sculptor and photographer. We learnt how he uses objects from the natural world to create temporary sculptures and how he  creates patterns and shapes with the objects. We decided to create leaves using a variety of media and techniques and then, inspired by Goldsworthy, to arrange them in concentric circles for our shared art piece. We looked at the various shapes of British leaves and then each chose our favourite to recreate.

First, we sketched them and coloured them in a variety of leaf colours using pencils, water colour colours and pastels. Next, we collaged to create more leaves. Finally, we printed leaves.  Although we have made and used our own printing blocks before, this time we had the added challenge of adding details and building up colours in our prints by cutting out more details and then adding a second print colour on top of the first.

Year 6 have so enjoyed our Art Week activities this term.can’t wait to unveil our final art piece, ready for the auction!

9 comments on “Art Week in Year 6

  1. It was great fun to make all the different types of leaves 🍁 and i have learnt how to draw a leaf detailed and well. I will remember that skill all my life.

  2. Isabella says:

    I had a lot of fun and my favourite part was when we put the leaves in a circle .

  3. Mila Yr6 says:

    This was such a fun week ! I loved making the leaves and my favourite type of leaf to make was the printing one because I think it came out very good .

  4. I had so much fun making the leaves !!! My favourite one was the collage one. I even got to help arrange all the leaves into that beautiful spiral!!

  5. Catherine Yr6 says:

    I loved making the leaves; my favourite leaf making technique was printing.

  6. I loved making leaves, especially because I love art. I never knew there were so many ways to colour leaves and my favourite was the printing.When we finished putting the leaves together I loved the final look!

  7. I had a lot of fun during art week and I learned that leaves can come in all shapes and sizes my favourite leaf that i did was probably the collage and i loved the artist we were inspired by and the final look was amazing.

  8. It was so much fun creating special and unique leaves for this year’s auction to be put in glass frame and sold live.

  9. It was so much fun creating special and unique leaves for this year’s auction to be put in glass frame and sold live .I truly loved this project!

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