Today, as part 2 of our ‘Black and Blue’ anti-drugs project, Year 6 were invited, along with Year 6 classes from other local schools, to meet Paul Canoville- Chelsea’s first black player.

Paul Canoville told us  all about his life experiences and we also had the chance to ask him questions about his football career  and how he overcame his drug addiction.

We had a great day out and learned so much. Our Chelsea fans even got Paul Canoville’s autograph on  their Chelsea shirts!

Thank you so much to the parents who volunteered to come with us- We really appreciate it.

What did you learn from meeting Paul Canoville today, Year 6? 


28 comments on “Black and Blue Project Part 2: Year 6 meet Paul Canoville

  1. Meeting Paul Canoville was AWESOME! We might have heard story from Pete in class, but hearing and asking questions to the real Paul Canoville in person was incredible! I learned that no matter how hard it is to achieve you dreams if you push forward and try your best you will always achieve something amazing but of course in any dream or wish you have there will be challenges – for Paul it was his injury while playing, crack and racism. But Paul was able to achieve his dream and become a professional player for Chelsea. Paul is very funny, kind and his back story is so interesting so my time today at Kensington Library was a dream. It was so nice to sing, hear and ask questions – It was so nice! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!!!!

  2. Alexandra Y4 🥰😍❤ says:

    This sounds amazing! 👌

  3. Valentina Y6 says:

    I learnt that drugs are bad for your body.

  4. ☆Noah☆ says:

    I really enjoyed learning about Paul Canoville and why not to take bad things.

  5. it was really fun
    the lesson we learnt WAS DO NOT TAKE DRUGS EVER!

  6. I learned that Paul Canoville suffered cancer because of crack, a type of cigarette, and he told us that it changed him and his life completely.

  7. That was such a fantastic trip! I learned that drugs are bad for you as you get addicted to it and you can develop cancer. I’ve learned so much from that trip.

  8. This was a very important meeting because it taught us all about drugs and football and how important it is not to take drugs

  9. Tomi Year 6 says:

    Meeting Paul Cannovile was very important because he taught us how important it is not to take drugs that can harm our body.

  10. I found it very informative and very helpful. It was a pleasure to meet Paul Canoville and he told us about his experience with drugs and how people you know can give you drugs. It was an excellent trip. 😁

  11. Sebastian y6 says:

    It was great! I loved having the opportunity to meet a real retired football player! I learnt that no matter your race you can go anywhere you want in life as long as you never give up.

  12. Juliet year6 says:

    I learnt that Paul survived 3 cancers in his life. I also loved the imitation of his mum singing.

  13. What I learnt was that we must never leave anything inside our heart.Thank you for a lovely trip .I got inspired from him soo much.

  14. Paul was so inspiring he taught us a lot about his life and drugs .
    He was so funny ! He made everything more lively and made the experience feel like we were already there !!!

  15. Olivia G. says:

    I really loved meeting Paul Canoville. Having met him in person, which was really exciting, we also learnt so much about his life when he was involved in football and about drugs!

  16. I learned about how he handled his situation with crack.

  17. Julia Yr6 says:

    I learnt that Paul had cancer 3 times and every time he was back on his feet he would take more of the drug so he felt better.

  18. James Yr6 says:

    This was an amazing experience to meet ex-football player Paul Canonvile. I learned about his life and how dangerous drugs were to him and the effects.

  19. Isabella Y6 says:

    I loved this trip! I learnt about how badly drugs affected Paul’s life.

  20. Heloise Y6 says:

    I really loved visiting Kensington Library to meet a retired Chelsea player. He was hilarious and made us laugh so much. I learned that you must never keep your worries inside your heart because it can cause big problems.

  21. I really enjoyed visiting Kensington Library and meeting Paul Canoville. I have learnt that consuming drugs is dangerous and life changing. It’s also unhealthy for us.

  22. That was quite cool to meet a person that has been on the pitch of Stamford Bridge! CHELSEA!

  23. Paul Canoville taught me so much. He taught me not to take something that looks suspicious.

  24. Heloise Y6 says:

    I really enjoyed visiting Kensington Library to meet a retired Chelsea player. He made us laugh a lot as he was hilarious. I learned that you must never keep your worries inside of your heart.

  25. I loved meeting Paul Canoville. It was lots of fun😃! I learned that you should be careful who you trust otherwise you might end up getting addicted to crack like Paul.

  26. Aluna ( ' )> - Coo! says:

    This activity was very entertaining and fascinating to learn about. I had learnt how bad racism was at that time.

  27. Louise Y6 says:

    I loved meeting Paul Canoville ⚽👕. I learnt that you shouldn’t take drugs 🚬 and you shouldn’t keep things to yourself.

  28. I loved this experience to meet a retired Chelsea player. I also learnt that drugs can be very bad for you and possibly freeze you and make you unable to move. It also destroy your immunity.

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