In our computing lessons this term, we have been using Google Sites to create our own websites.

Before we could make them, we had to think about who would be using them. We decided to make informative websites for younger children. The website had to be user friendly so that they could find the information and have pictures to make it attractive.

We had to learn all about copyright to make sure that we used free images or gave credit to where the images came from. We learnt how to add information to a website and how to link it so that the user could move easily between the pages.

We worked very hard on our websites and would love for you to be able to enjoy them as well. You may need to log into your school google account to access them, or it will work if you use a school Chromebook (as you are already logged in). 

We hope you enjoy them! Please click on our links below to see our websites. We’d love to hear what you think about them in the comment below.

One comment on “Computing – making our own websites!

  1. It looks like you had a lot of fun! I am really sad that I wasn’t there to do it with you guys. Well done for finishing you websites!!!

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